import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid' const COMPILE_REQUEST_MATCHER = /^\/project\/[0-9a-f]{24}\/compile$/ const PDF_JS_CHUNK_SIZE = 128 * 1024 const PDF_FILES = new Map() const METRICS = { id: uuid(), epoch:, cachedBytes: 0, fetchedBytes: 0, requestedBytes: 0, } /** * * @param {number} size * @param {number} cachedBytes * @param {number} fetchedBytes */ function trackStats({ size, cachedBytes, fetchedBytes }) { METRICS.cachedBytes += cachedBytes METRICS.fetchedBytes += fetchedBytes METRICS.requestedBytes += size } /** * @param {boolean} sizeDiffers * @param {boolean} mismatch * @param {boolean} success */ function trackChunkVerify({ sizeDiffers, mismatch, success }) { if (sizeDiffers) { METRICS.chunkVerifySizeDiffers |= 0 METRICS.chunkVerifySizeDiffers += 1 } if (mismatch) { METRICS.chunkVerifyMismatch |= 0 METRICS.chunkVerifyMismatch += 1 } if (success) { METRICS.chunkVerifySuccess |= 0 METRICS.chunkVerifySuccess += 1 } } /** * @param {FetchEvent} event */ function onFetch(event) { const url = new URL(event.request.url) const path = url.pathname if (path.match(COMPILE_REQUEST_MATCHER)) { return processCompileRequest(event) } const ctx = PDF_FILES.get(path) if (ctx) { return processPdfRequest(event, ctx) } // other request, ignore } function processCompileRequest(event) { event.respondWith( fetch(event.request).then(response => { if (response.status !== 200) return response return response.json().then(body => { handleCompileResponse(response, body) // Send the service workers metrics to the frontend. body.serviceWorkerMetrics = METRICS return new Response(JSON.stringify(body), response) }) }) ) } /** * @param {Request} request * @param {Object} file * @return {Response} */ function handleProbeRequest(request, file) { // PDF.js starts the pdf download with a probe request that has no // range headers on it. // Upon seeing the response headers, it decides whether to upgrade the // transport to chunked requests or keep reading the response body. // For small PDFs (2*chunkSize = 2*128kB) it just sends one request. // We will fetch all the ranges in bulk and emit them. // For large PDFs it sends this probe request, aborts that request before // reading any data and then sends multiple range requests. // It would be wasteful to action this probe request with all the ranges // that are available in the PDF and serve the full PDF content to // PDF.js for the probe request. // We are emitting a dummy response to the probe request instead. // It triggers the chunked transfer and subsequent fewer ranges need to be // requested -- only those of visible pages in the pdf viewer. // const pdfJSWillUseChunkedTransfer = file.size > 2 * PDF_JS_CHUNK_SIZE const isRangeRequest = request.headers.has('Range') if (!isRangeRequest && pdfJSWillUseChunkedTransfer) { const headers = new Headers() headers.set('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes') headers.set('Content-Length', file.size) headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/pdf') return new Response('', { headers, status: 200, statusText: 'OK', }) } } /** * * @param {FetchEvent} event * @param {Object} file * @param {string} clsiServerId * @param {string} compileGroup * @param {Date} pdfCreatedAt */ function processPdfRequest( event, { file, clsiServerId, compileGroup, pdfCreatedAt } ) { const response = handleProbeRequest(event.request, file) if (response) { return event.respondWith(response) } const verifyChunks = event.request.url.includes('verify_chunks=true') const rangeHeader = event.request.headers.get('Range') || `bytes=0-${file.size - 1}` const [start, last] = rangeHeader .slice('bytes='.length) .split('-') .map(i => parseInt(i, 10)) const end = last + 1 const chunks = getMatchingChunks(file.ranges, start, end) const dynamicChunks = getInterleavingDynamicChunks(chunks, start, end) // URL prefix is /project/:id/user/:id/build/... or /project/:id/build/... // for authenticated and unauthenticated users respectively. const perUserPrefix = file.url.slice(0, file.url.indexOf('/build/')) const requests = chunks .map(chunk => { const path = `${perUserPrefix}/content/${file.contentId}/${chunk.hash}` const url = new URL(path, event.request.url) if (clsiServerId) { url.searchParams.set('clsiserverid', clsiServerId) } if (compileGroup) { url.searchParams.set('compileGroup', compileGroup) } return { chunk, url: url.toString() } }) .concat( => { const { start, end } = chunk return { chunk, url: event.request.url, init: { headers: { Range: `bytes=${start}-${end - 1}` } }, } }) ) const size = end - start let cachedBytes = 0 let fetchedBytes = 0 const reAssembledBlob = new Uint8Array(size) event.respondWith( Promise.all({ chunk, url, init }) => fetch(url, init) .then(response => { if (!(response.status === 206 || response.status === 200)) { throw new Error( `could not fetch ${url} ${JSON.stringify(init)}: ${ response.status }` ) } const blobFetchDate = getServerTime(response) const blobSize = getResponseSize(response) if (blobFetchDate && blobSize) { const chunkSize = Math.min(end, chunk.end) - Math.max(start, chunk.start) // Example: 2MB PDF, 1MB image, 128KB PDF.js chunk. // | pdf.js chunk | // | A BIG IMAGE BLOB | // | THE FULL PDF | if (blobFetchDate < pdfCreatedAt) { cachedBytes += chunkSize } else { // Blobs are fetched in bulk. fetchedBytes += blobSize } } return response.arrayBuffer() }) .then(arrayBuffer => { return { chunk, data: backFillObjectContext(chunk, arrayBuffer), } }) ) ) .then(responses => { responses.forEach(({ chunk, data }) => { // overlap: // | REQUESTED_RANGE | // | CHUNK | const offsetStart = Math.max(start - chunk.start, 0) // overlap: // | REQUESTED_RANGE | // | CHUNK | const offsetEnd = Math.max(chunk.end - end, 0) if (offsetStart > 0 || offsetEnd > 0) { // compute index positions for slice to handle case where offsetEnd=0 const chunkSize = chunk.end - chunk.start data = data.slice(offsetStart, chunkSize - offsetEnd) } const insertPosition = Math.max(chunk.start - start, 0) reAssembledBlob.set(data, insertPosition) }) let verifyProcess = Promise.resolve(reAssembledBlob) if (verifyChunks) { verifyProcess = fetch(event.request) .then(response => response.arrayBuffer()) .then(arrayBuffer => { const fullBlob = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer) const metrics = {} if (reAssembledBlob.byteLength !== fullBlob.byteLength) { metrics.sizeDiffers = true } else if ( !reAssembledBlob.every((v, idx) => v === fullBlob[idx]) ) { metrics.mismatch = true } else { metrics.success = true } trackChunkVerify(metrics) if (metrics.success === true) { return reAssembledBlob } else { return fullBlob } }) } return verifyProcess.then(blob => { trackStats({ size, cachedBytes, fetchedBytes }) return new Response(blob, { status: 206, headers: { 'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes', 'Content-Length': size, 'Content-Range': `bytes ${start}-${last}/${file.size}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/pdf', }, }) }) }) .catch(error => { console.error('Could not fetch partial pdf chunks', error) return fetch(event.request) }) ) } /** * * @param {Response} response */ function getServerTime(response) { const raw = response.headers.get('Date') if (!raw) return undefined return new Date(raw) } /** * * @param {Response} response */ function getResponseSize(response) { const raw = response.headers.get('Content-Length') if (!raw) return 0 return parseInt(raw, 10) } /** * @param {Response} response * @param {Object} body */ function handleCompileResponse(response, body) { if (!body || body.status !== 'success') return const pdfCreatedAt = getServerTime(response) for (const file of body.outputFiles) { if (file.path !== 'output.pdf') continue // not the pdf used for rendering if (file.ranges) { file.ranges.forEach(backFillEdgeBounds) const { clsiServerId, compileGroup } = body PDF_FILES.set(file.url, { pdfCreatedAt, file, clsiServerId, compileGroup, }) } break } } const ENCODER = new TextEncoder() function backFillEdgeBounds(chunk) { if (chunk.objectId) { chunk.objectId = ENCODER.encode(chunk.objectId) chunk.start -= chunk.objectId.byteLength } return chunk } /** * @param chunk * @param {ArrayBuffer} arrayBuffer * @return {Uint8Array} */ function backFillObjectContext(chunk, arrayBuffer) { if (!chunk.objectId) { // This is a dynamic chunk return new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer) } const { start, end, objectId } = chunk const header = Uint8Array.from(objectId) const fullBuffer = new Uint8Array(end - start) fullBuffer.set(header, 0) fullBuffer.set(new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer), objectId.length) return fullBuffer } /** * @param {Array} chunks * @param {number} start * @param {number} end * @returns {Array} */ function getMatchingChunks(chunks, start, end) { const matchingChunks = [] for (const chunk of chunks) { if (chunk.end <= start) { // no overlap: // | REQUESTED_RANGE | // | CHUNK | continue } if (chunk.start >= end) { // no overlap: // | REQUESTED_RANGE | // | CHUNK | break } matchingChunks.push(chunk) } return matchingChunks } /** * @param {Array} chunks * @param {number} start * @param {number} end * @returns {Array} */ function getInterleavingDynamicChunks(chunks, start, end) { const dynamicChunks = [] for (const chunk of chunks) { if (start < chunk.start) { dynamicChunks.push({ start, end: chunk.start }) } start = chunk.end } if (start < end) { dynamicChunks.push({ start, end }) } return dynamicChunks } // listen to all network requests self.addEventListener('fetch', onFetch) // complete setup ASAP self.addEventListener('install', event => { event.waitUntil(self.skipWaiting()) }) self.addEventListener('activate', event => { event.waitUntil(self.clients.claim()) })