define [ "base" ], (App) -> inputSuggestionsController = ($scope, $element, $attrs) -> ctrl = @ ctrl.showHint = false ctrl.hasFocus = false ctrl.handleFocus = () -> ctrl.hasFocus = true ctrl.suggestion = null ctrl.handleBlur = () -> ctrl.showHint = false ctrl.hasFocus = false ctrl.suggestion = null ctrl.handleKeyDown = ($event) -> if ($event.which == 9 or $event.which == 13) and ctrl.suggestion? and ctrl.suggestion != "" $event.preventDefault() ctrl.localNgModel += ctrl.suggestion ctrl.suggestion = null ctrl.showHint = false $scope.$watch "$ctrl.localNgModel", (newVal, oldVal) -> if ctrl.hasFocus and newVal != oldVal ctrl.suggestion = null ctrl.showHint = false ctrl.getSuggestion({ userInput: newVal }) .then (suggestion) -> if suggestion? and newVal == ctrl.localNgModel ctrl.showHint = true ctrl.suggestion = suggestion.replace newVal, "" .catch () -> ctrl.suggestion = null return App.component "inputSuggestions", { bindings: localNgModel: "=ngModel" getSuggestion: "&" inputId: "@" inputPlaceholder: "@" controller: inputSuggestionsController template: """
""" }