import { expect } from 'chai' import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock' import { Response } from 'node-fetch' import { deleteJSON, FetchError, getJSON, postJSON, putJSON, } from '../../../frontend/js/infrastructure/fetch-json' describe('fetchJSON', function () { before(function () { fetchMock.restore() }) afterEach(function () { fetchMock.restore() }) const headers = { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } it('handles GET requests', function () { fetchMock.once( { method: 'GET', url: '/test', headers }, { status: 200, body: { result: 'success' } } ) return expect(getJSON('/test')).to.eventually.deep.equal({ result: 'success', }) }) it('handles 4xx responses', function () { fetchMock.get('/test', { status: 400, body: { message: 'The request was invalid' }, }) return expect(getJSON('/test'))'Bad Request') .to.nested.include({ message: 'Bad Request', 'data.message': 'The request was invalid', 'response.status': 400, 'info.statusCode': 400, }) }) it('handles 5xx responses', async function () { fetchMock.get('/test', { status: 500 }) return expect(getJSON('/test'))'Internal Server Error') .to.nested.include({ 'response.status': 500, 'info.statusCode': 500, }) }) it('handles JSON error responses', async function () { fetchMock.get('/test', { status: 500, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: { message: 'lorem ipsum' }, }) return expect(getJSON('/test'))'Internal Server Error') .to.nested.include({ 'data.message': 'lorem ipsum', }) }) it('handles text error responses', async function () { fetchMock.get('/test', { status: 500, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', }, body: 'lorem ipsum', }) return expect(getJSON('/test'))'Internal Server Error') .to.nested.include({ 'data.message': 'lorem ipsum', }) }) it('handles text error responses sent as HTML', async function () { fetchMock.get('/test', { status: 500, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/html', }, body: 'lorem ipsum', }) return expect(getJSON('/test'))'Internal Server Error') .to.nested.include({ 'data.message': 'lorem ipsum', }) }) it('handles (ignores) HTML error responses sent as HTML', async function () { fetchMock.get('/test', { status: 500, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/html', }, body: '

lorem ipsum

', }) const promise = getJSON('/test') expect(promise)'Internal Server Error') try { await promise } catch (error) { expect({}) } }) it('handles 5xx responses without a status message', async function () { // It's hard to make a Response object with statusText=null, // so we need to do some monkey-work to make it happen const response = new Response('weird scary error', { ok: false, status: 599, }) Object.defineProperty(response, 'statusText', { get: () => null, set: () => {}, }) fetchMock.get('/test', response) return expect(getJSON('/test'))'Unexpected Error: 599') .to.nested.include({ 'response.status': 599, 'info.statusCode': 599, message: 'Unexpected Error: 599', }) }) it('handles POST requests', function () { const body = { example: true } fetchMock.once( { method: 'POST', url: '/test', headers, body }, { status: 200, body: { result: 'success' } } ) return expect(postJSON('/test', { body })).to.eventually.deep.equal({ result: 'success', }) }) it('handles PUT requests', function () { const body = { example: true } fetchMock.once( { method: 'PUT', url: '/test', headers, body }, { status: 200, body: { result: 'success' } } ) return expect(putJSON('/test', { body })).to.eventually.deep.equal({ result: 'success', }) }) it('handles DELETE requests', function () { fetchMock.once({ method: 'DELETE', url: '/test', headers }, { status: 204 }) return expect(deleteJSON('/test')).to.eventually.deep.equal({}) }) })