import PdfSynctexControls from '../../../../../frontend/js/features/pdf-preview/components/pdf-synctex-controls' import { EditorProviders } from '../../../helpers/render-with-context' import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash' import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock' import { fireEvent, screen, waitFor, render } from '@testing-library/react' import fs from 'fs' import path from 'path' import { expect } from 'chai' import { useCompileContext } from '../../../../../frontend/js/shared/context/compile-context' import { useEffect } from 'react' const examplePDF = path.join(__dirname, '../fixtures/test-example.pdf') const scope = { settings: { syntaxValidation: false, pdfViewer: 'pdfjs', }, editor: { sharejs_doc: { doc_id: 'test-doc', getSnapshot: () => 'some doc content', }, }, } const outputFiles = [ { path: 'output.pdf', build: '123', url: '/build/output.pdf', type: 'pdf', }, { path: 'output.log', build: '123', url: '/build/output.log', type: 'log', }, ] const mockCompile = () =>'express:/project/:projectId/compile', { body: { status: 'success', clsiServerId: 'foo', compileGroup: 'standard', pdfDownloadDomain: '', outputFiles: cloneDeep(outputFiles), }, }) const fileResponses = { '/build/output.pdf': () => fs.createReadStream(examplePDF), '/build/output.log': '', } const mockBuildFile = () => fetchMock.get('begin:', _url => { const url = new URL(_url, '') if (url.pathname in fileResponses) { return fileResponses[url.pathname] } return 404 }) const mockHighlights = [ { page: 1, h: 85.03936, v: 509.999878, width: 441.921265, height: 8.855677, }, { page: 1, h: 85.03936, v: 486.089539, width: 441.921265, height: 8.855677, }, ] const mockSynctex = () => fetchMock .get('express:/project/:projectId/sync/code', () => { return { pdf: cloneDeep(mockHighlights) } }) .get('express:/project/:projectId/sync/pdf', () => { return { code: [{ file: 'main.tex', line: 100 }] } }) describe('', function () { beforeEach(function () { window.showNewPdfPreview = true fetchMock.restore() }) afterEach(function () { window.showNewPdfPreview = undefined fetchMock.restore() }) it('handles clicks on sync buttons', async function () { mockCompile() mockSynctex() mockBuildFile() const Inner = () => { const { setPosition } = useCompileContext() // mock PDF scroll position update useEffect(() => { setPosition({ page: 1, offset: { top: 10, left: 10 }, pageSize: { height: 500, width: 500 }, }) }, [setPosition]) return null } render( ) const syncToPdfButton = await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Go to code location in PDF', }) const syncToCodeButton = await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Go to PDF location in code', }) // mock editor cursor position update fireEvent( window, new CustomEvent('cursor:editor:update', { detail: { row: 100, column: 10 }, }) ) expect(syncToPdfButton.disabled) await waitFor(() => { expect(fetchMock.called('express:/project/:projectId/sync/code')) .true }) expect(syncToCodeButton.disabled) await waitFor(() => { expect(fetchMock.called('express:/project/:projectId/sync/pdf')) .true }) }) })