import { EditorView, highlightSpecialChars, keymap, rectangularSelection, tooltips, crosshairCursor, dropCursor, highlightActiveLineGutter, } from '@codemirror/view' import { EditorState, Extension } from '@codemirror/state' import { foldGutter, indentOnInput } from '@codemirror/language' import { history, historyKeymap, defaultKeymap } from '@codemirror/commands' import { lintKeymap } from '@codemirror/lint' import { language } from './language' import { lineWrappingIndentation } from './line-wrapping-indentation' import { theme } from './theme' import { realtime } from './realtime' import { cursorPosition } from './cursor-position' import { scrollPosition } from './scroll-position' import { annotations } from './annotations' import { cursorHighlights } from './cursor-highlights' import { autoComplete } from './auto-complete' import { editable } from './editable' import { autoPair } from './auto-pair' import { phrases } from './phrases' import { spelling } from './spelling' import { shortcuts } from './shortcuts' import { symbolPalette } from './symbol-palette' import { trackChanges } from './track-changes' import { search } from './search' import { filterCharacters } from './filter-characters' import { keybindings } from './keybindings' import { bracketMatching, bracketSelection } from './bracket-matching' import { verticalOverflow } from './vertical-overflow' import { exceptionLogger } from './exception-logger' import { thirdPartyExtensions } from './third-party-extensions' import { lineNumbers } from './line-numbers' import { highlightActiveLine } from './highlight-active-line' import importOverleafModules from '../../../../macros/import-overleaf-module.macro' import { emptyLineFiller } from './empty-line-filler' import { goToLinePanel } from './go-to-line' import { parserWatcher } from './wait-for-parser' import { drawSelection } from './draw-selection' import { visual } from './visual/visual' import { scrollOneLine } from './scroll-one-line' import { foldingKeymap } from './folding-keymap' import { inlineBackground } from './inline-background' import { fontLoad } from './font-load' import { indentationMarkers } from './indentation-markers' import { codemirrorDevTools } from '../languages/latex/codemirror-dev-tools' const ignoredDefaultKeybindings = new Set([ // NOTE: disable "Mod-Enter" as it's used for "Compile" 'Mod-Enter', // Disable Alt+Arrow as we have special behaviour on Windows / Linux 'Alt-ArrowLeft', 'Alt-ArrowRight', // This keybinding causes issues on some keyboard layouts where \ is entered // using AltGr. Windows treats Ctrl-Alt as AltGr, so trying to insert a \ // with Ctrl-Alt would trigger this keybinding, rather than inserting a \ 'Mod-Alt-\\', ]) const ignoredDefaultMacKeybindings = new Set([ // We replace these with our custom visual-line versions 'Mod-Backspace', 'Mod-Delete', ]) const moduleExtensions: Array<() => Extension> = importOverleafModules( 'sourceEditorExtensions' ).map((item: { import: { extension: Extension } }) => item.import.extension) export const createExtensions = (options: Record): Extension[] => [ lineNumbers(), highlightSpecialChars(), history({ newGroupDelay: 250 }), foldGutter({ openText: '▾', closedText: '▸', }), drawSelection(), EditorState.allowMultipleSelections.of(true), EditorView.lineWrapping, indentOnInput(), lineWrappingIndentation(options.visual.visual), indentationMarkers(options.visual.visual), bracketMatching(), bracketSelection(), rectangularSelection(), crosshairCursor(), dropCursor(), tooltips({ parent: document.body, }), keymap.of([ ...defaultKeymap.filter( // We only filter on keys, so if the keybinding doesn't have a key, // allow it item => { if (item.key && ignoredDefaultKeybindings.has(item.key)) { return false } if (item.mac && ignoredDefaultMacKeybindings.has(item.mac)) { return false } return true } ), ...historyKeymap, ...lintKeymap, ]), foldingKeymap(), goToLinePanel(), filterCharacters(), // `autoComplete` needs to be before `keybindings` so that arrow key handling // in the autocomplete pop-up takes precedence over Vim/Emacs key bindings autoComplete(options.settings), // `keybindings` needs to be before `language` so that Vim/Emacs bindings take // precedence over language-specific keyboard shortcuts keybindings(), annotations(), // NOTE: must be before `language` language(options.currentDoc, options.metadata, options.settings), theme(options.theme), realtime(options.currentDoc, options.handleError), cursorPosition(options.currentDoc), scrollPosition(options.currentDoc), cursorHighlights(), autoPair(options.settings), editable(), search(), phrases(options.phrases), parserWatcher(), spelling(options.spelling), shortcuts(), symbolPalette(), emptyLineFiller(), // NOTE: must be before `trackChanges` trackChanges(options.currentDoc, options.changeManager), visual(options.currentDoc, options.visual), verticalOverflow(), highlightActiveLine(options.visual.visual), highlightActiveLineGutter(), scrollOneLine(), fontLoad(), inlineBackground(options.visual.visual), codemirrorDevTools(), exceptionLogger(), => extension()), thirdPartyExtensions(), ]