sinon = require 'sinon' chai = require 'chai' should = chai.should() expect = chai.expect modulePath = "../../../app/js/AWSSDKPersistorManager.js" SandboxedModule = require 'sandboxed-module' describe "AWSSDKPersistorManager", -> beforeEach -> @settings = filestore: backend: "aws-sdk" @s3 = upload: sinon.stub() getObject: sinon.stub() copyObject: sinon.stub() deleteObject: sinon.stub() listObjects: sinon.stub() deleteObjects: sinon.stub() headObject: sinon.stub() @awssdk = S3: sinon.stub().returns @s3 @requires = "aws-sdk": @awssdk "settings-sharelatex": @settings "logger-sharelatex": log:-> err:-> "fs": @fs = createReadStream: sinon.stub() "./Errors": @Errors = NotFoundError: sinon.stub() @key = "my/key" @bucketName = "my-bucket" @error = "my error" @AWSSDKPersistorManager = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: @requires describe "sendFile", -> beforeEach -> @stream = {} @fsPath = "/usr/local/some/file" @fs.createReadStream.returns @stream it "should put the file with s3.upload", (done) -> @s3.upload.callsArgWith 1 @AWSSDKPersistorManager.sendFile @bucketName, @key, @fsPath, (err) => expect(err) expect(@s3.upload.calledOnce, "called only once") expect((@s3.upload.calledWith Bucket: @bucketName, Key: @key, Body: @stream) , "called with correct arguments") done() it "should dispatch the error from s3.upload", (done) -> @s3.upload.callsArgWith 1, @error @AWSSDKPersistorManager.sendFile @bucketName, @key, @fsPath, (err) => expect(err).to.equal @error done() describe "sendStream", -> beforeEach -> @stream = {} it "should put the file with s3.upload", (done) -> @s3.upload.callsArgWith 1 @AWSSDKPersistorManager.sendStream @bucketName, @key, @stream, (err) => expect(err) expect(@s3.upload.calledOnce, "called only once") expect((@s3.upload.calledWith Bucket: @bucketName, Key: @key, Body: @stream), "called with correct arguments") done() it "should dispatch the error from s3.upload", (done) -> @s3.upload.callsArgWith 1, @error @AWSSDKPersistorManager.sendStream @bucketName, @key, @stream, (err) => expect(err).to.equal @error done() describe "getFileStream", -> beforeEach -> @opts = {} @stream = {} @read_stream = on: @read_stream_on = sinon.stub() @object = createReadStream: sinon.stub().returns @read_stream @s3.getObject.returns @object it "should return a stream from s3.getObject", (done) -> @read_stream_on.withArgs('readable').callsArgWith 1 @AWSSDKPersistorManager.getFileStream @bucketName, @key, @opts, (err, stream) => expect(@read_stream_on.calledTwice) expect(err) expect(stream, "returned the stream").to.equal @read_stream expect((@s3.getObject.calledWith Bucket: @bucketName, Key: @key), "called with correct arguments") done() describe "with start and end options", -> beforeEach -> @opts = start: 0 end: 8 it "should pass headers to the s3.GetObject", (done) -> @read_stream_on.withArgs('readable').callsArgWith 1 @AWSSDKPersistorManager.getFileStream @bucketName, @key, @opts, (err, stream) => expect((@s3.getObject.calledWith Bucket: @bucketName, Key: @key, Range: 'bytes=0-8'), "called with correct arguments") done() describe "error conditions", -> describe "when the file doesn't exist", -> beforeEach -> @error = new Error() @error.code = 'NoSuchKey' it "should produce a NotFoundError", (done) -> @read_stream_on.withArgs('error').callsArgWith 1, @error @AWSSDKPersistorManager.getFileStream @bucketName, @key, @opts, (err, stream) => expect(stream) expect(err) expect(err instanceof @Errors.NotFoundError, "error is a correct instance").to.equal true done() describe "when there is some other error", -> beforeEach -> @error = new Error() it "should dispatch the error from s3 object stream", (done) -> @read_stream_on.withArgs('error').callsArgWith 1, @error @AWSSDKPersistorManager.getFileStream @bucketName, @key, @opts, (err, stream) => expect(stream) expect(err) expect(err).to.equal @error done() describe "copyFile", -> beforeEach -> @destKey = "some/key" @stream = {} it "should copy the file with s3.copyObject", (done) -> @s3.copyObject.callsArgWith 1 @AWSSDKPersistorManager.copyFile @bucketName, @key, @destKey, (err) => expect(err) expect(@s3.copyObject.calledOnce, "called only once") expect((@s3.copyObject.calledWith Bucket: @bucketName, Key: @destKey, CopySource: @bucketName + '/' + @key), "called with correct arguments") done() it "should dispatch the error from s3.copyObject", (done) -> @s3.copyObject.callsArgWith 1, @error @AWSSDKPersistorManager.copyFile @bucketName, @key, @destKey, (err) => expect(err).to.equal @error done() describe "deleteFile", -> it "should delete the file with s3.deleteObject", (done) -> @s3.deleteObject.callsArgWith 1 @AWSSDKPersistorManager.deleteFile @bucketName, @key, (err) => expect(err) expect(@s3.deleteObject.calledOnce, "called only once") expect((@s3.deleteObject.calledWith Bucket: @bucketName, Key: @key), "called with correct arguments") done() it "should dispatch the error from s3.deleteObject", (done) -> @s3.deleteObject.callsArgWith 1, @error @AWSSDKPersistorManager.deleteFile @bucketName, @key, (err) => expect(err).to.equal @error done() describe "deleteDirectory", -> it "should list the directory content using s3.listObjects", (done) -> @s3.listObjects.callsArgWith 1, null, Contents: [] @AWSSDKPersistorManager.deleteDirectory @bucketName, @key, (err) => expect(err) expect(@s3.listObjects.calledOnce, "called only once") expect((@s3.listObjects.calledWith Bucket: @bucketName, Prefix: @key), "called with correct arguments") done() it "should dispatch the error from s3.listObjects", (done) -> @s3.listObjects.callsArgWith 1, @error @AWSSDKPersistorManager.deleteDirectory @bucketName, @key, (err) => expect(err).to.equal @error done() describe "with directory content", -> beforeEach -> @fileList = [ Key: 'foo' , Key: 'bar' , Key: 'baz' ] it "should forward the file keys to s3.deleteObjects", (done) -> @s3.listObjects.callsArgWith 1, null, Contents: @fileList @s3.deleteObjects.callsArgWith 1 @AWSSDKPersistorManager.deleteDirectory @bucketName, @key, (err) => expect(err) expect(@s3.deleteObjects.calledOnce, "called only once") expect((@s3.deleteObjects.calledWith Bucket: @bucketName Delete: Quiet: true Objects: @fileList), "called with correct arguments") done() it "should dispatch the error from s3.deleteObjects", (done) -> @s3.listObjects.callsArgWith 1, null, Contents: @fileList @s3.deleteObjects.callsArgWith 1, @error @AWSSDKPersistorManager.deleteDirectory @bucketName, @key, (err) => expect(err).to.equal @error done() describe "checkIfFileExists", -> it "should check for the file with s3.headObject", (done) -> @s3.headObject.callsArgWith 1, null, {} @AWSSDKPersistorManager.checkIfFileExists @bucketName, @key, (err, exists) => expect(err) expect(@s3.headObject.calledOnce, "called only once") expect((@s3.headObject.calledWith Bucket: @bucketName, Key: @key), "called with correct arguments") done() it "should return false on an inexistant file", (done) -> @s3.headObject.callsArgWith 1, null, {} @AWSSDKPersistorManager.checkIfFileExists @bucketName, @key, (err, exists) => expect(exists) done() it "should return true on an existing file", (done) -> @s3.headObject.callsArgWith 1, null, ETag: "etag" @AWSSDKPersistorManager.checkIfFileExists @bucketName, @key, (err, exists) => expect(exists) done() it "should dispatch the error from s3.headObject", (done) -> @s3.headObject.callsArgWith 1, @error @AWSSDKPersistorManager.checkIfFileExists @bucketName, @key, (err, exists) => expect(err).to.equal @error done()