/* eslint-disable camelcase, max-len, no-unused-vars, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS001: Remove Babel/TypeScript constructor workaround * DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS103: Rewrite code to no longer use __guard__ * DS205: Consider reworking code to avoid use of IIFEs * DS206: Consider reworking classes to avoid initClass * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ import EventEmitter from '../../utils/EventEmitter' import ShareJs from '../../vendor/libs/sharejs' import EditorWatchdogManager from '../connection/EditorWatchdogManager' import { debugConsole } from '@/utils/debugging' import { recordDocumentFirstChangeEvent } from '@/features/event-tracking/document-first-change-event' let ShareJsDoc const SINGLE_USER_FLUSH_DELAY = 2000 // ms const MULTI_USER_FLUSH_DELAY = 500 // ms export default ShareJsDoc = (function () { ShareJsDoc = class ShareJsDoc extends EventEmitter { static initClass() { this.prototype.INFLIGHT_OP_TIMEOUT = 5000 // Retry sending ops after 5 seconds without an ack this.prototype.WAIT_FOR_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 500 this.prototype.FATAL_OP_TIMEOUT = 30000 } constructor( doc_id, docLines, version, socket, globalEditorWatchdogManager ) { super() // Dencode any binary bits of data // See http://ecmanaut.blogspot.co.uk/2006/07/encoding-decoding-utf8-in-javascript.html this.doc_id = doc_id this.socket = socket this.type = 'text' docLines = Array.from(docLines).map(line => decodeURIComponent(escape(line)) ) const snapshot = docLines.join('\n') this.track_changes = false this.connection = { send: update => { this._startInflightOpTimeout(update) if ( window.disconnectOnUpdate != null && Math.random() < window.disconnectOnUpdate ) { debugConsole.log('Disconnecting on update', update) window._ide.socket.socket.disconnect() } if ( window.dropUpdates != null && Math.random() < window.dropUpdates ) { debugConsole.log('Simulating a lost update', update) return } if (this.track_changes) { if (update.meta == null) { update.meta = {} } update.meta.tc = this.track_changes_id_seeds.inflight } return this.socket.emit( 'applyOtUpdate', this.doc_id, update, error => { if (error != null) { return this._handleError(error) } } ) }, state: 'ok', id: this.socket.publicId, } this._doc = new ShareJs.Doc(this.connection, this.doc_id, { type: this.type, }) this._doc.setFlushDelay(SINGLE_USER_FLUSH_DELAY) this._doc.on('change', (...args) => { return this.trigger('change', ...Array.from(args)) }) this.EditorWatchdogManager = new EditorWatchdogManager({ parent: globalEditorWatchdogManager, }) this._doc.on('acknowledge', () => { this.lastAcked = new Date() // note time of last ack from server for an op we sent this.EditorWatchdogManager.onAck() // keep track of last ack globally return this.trigger('acknowledge') }) this._doc.on('remoteop', (...args) => { // As soon as we're working with a collaborator, start sending // ops more frequently for low latency. this._doc.setFlushDelay(MULTI_USER_FLUSH_DELAY) return this.trigger('remoteop', ...Array.from(args)) }) this._doc.on('flipped_pending_to_inflight', () => { return this.trigger('flipped_pending_to_inflight') }) this._doc.on('saved', () => { return this.trigger('saved') }) this._doc.on('error', e => { return this._handleError(e) }) this._bindToDocChanges(this._doc) this.processUpdateFromServer({ open: true, v: version, snapshot, }) this._removeCarriageReturnCharFromShareJsDoc() } _removeCarriageReturnCharFromShareJsDoc() { const doc = this._doc if (doc.snapshot.indexOf('\r') === -1) { return } window._ide.pushEvent('remove-carriage-return-char', { doc_id: this.doc_id, }) let nextPos while ((nextPos = doc.snapshot.indexOf('\r')) !== -1) { debugConsole.log('[ShareJsDoc] remove-carriage-return-char', nextPos) doc.del(nextPos, 1) } } submitOp(...args) { return this._doc.submitOp(...Array.from(args || [])) } // The following code puts out of order messages into a queue // so that they can be processed in order. This is a workaround // for messages being delayed by redis cluster. // FIXME: REMOVE THIS WHEN REDIS PUBSUB IS SENDING MESSAGES IN ORDER _isAheadOfExpectedVersion(message) { return this._doc.version > 0 && message.v > this._doc.version } _pushOntoQueue(message) { debugConsole.log(`[processUpdate] push onto queue ${message.v}`) // set a timer so that we never leave messages in the queue indefinitely if (!this.queuedMessageTimer) { this.queuedMessageTimer = setTimeout(() => { debugConsole.log( `[processUpdate] queue timeout fired for ${message.v}` ) // force the message to be processed after the timeout, // it will cause an error if the missing update has not arrived this.processUpdateFromServer(message) }, this.INFLIGHT_OP_TIMEOUT) } this.queuedMessages.push(message) // keep the queue in order, lowest version first this.queuedMessages.sort(function (a, b) { return a.v - b.v }) } _clearQueue() { this.queuedMessages = [] } _processQueue() { if (this.queuedMessages.length > 0) { const nextAvailableVersion = this.queuedMessages[0].v if (nextAvailableVersion > this._doc.version) { // there are updates we still can't apply yet } else { // there's a version we can accept on the queue, apply it debugConsole.log( `[processUpdate] taken from queue ${nextAvailableVersion}` ) this.processUpdateFromServerInOrder(this.queuedMessages.shift()) // clear the pending timer if the queue has now been cleared if (this.queuedMessages.length === 0 && this.queuedMessageTimer) { debugConsole.log('[processUpdate] queue is empty, cleared timeout') clearTimeout(this.queuedMessageTimer) this.queuedMessageTimer = null } } } } // FIXME: This is the new method which reorders incoming updates if needed // called from Document.js processUpdateFromServerInOrder(message) { // Create an array to hold queued messages if (!this.queuedMessages) { this.queuedMessages = [] } // Is this update ahead of the next expected update? // If so, put it on a queue to be handled later. if (this._isAheadOfExpectedVersion(message)) { this._pushOntoQueue(message) return // defer processing this update for now } const error = this.processUpdateFromServer(message) if ( error instanceof Error && error.message === 'Invalid version from server' ) { // if there was an error, abandon the queued updates ahead of this one this._clearQueue() return } // Do we have any messages queued up? // find the next message if available this._processQueue() } // FIXME: This is the original method. Switch back to this when redis // issues are resolved. processUpdateFromServer(message) { try { this._doc._onMessage(message) } catch (error) { // Version mismatches are thrown as errors debugConsole.error(error) this._handleError(error) return error // return the error for queue handling } if ( __guard__(message != null ? message.meta : undefined, x => x.type) === 'external' ) { return this.trigger('externalUpdate', message) } } catchUp(updates) { return (() => { const result = [] for (let i = 0; i < updates.length; i++) { const update = updates[i] update.v = this._doc.version update.doc = this.doc_id result.push(this.processUpdateFromServer(update)) } return result })() } getSnapshot() { return this._doc.snapshot } getVersion() { return this._doc.version } getType() { return this.type } clearInflightAndPendingOps() { this._clearFatalTimeoutTimer() this._doc.inflightOp = null this._doc.inflightCallbacks = [] this._doc.pendingOp = null return (this._doc.pendingCallbacks = []) } flushPendingOps() { // This will flush any ops that are pending. // If there is an inflight op it will do nothing. return this._doc.flush() } updateConnectionState(state) { debugConsole.log(`[updateConnectionState] Setting state to ${state}`) this.connection.state = state this.connection.id = this.socket.publicId this._doc.autoOpen = false this._doc._connectionStateChanged(state) return (this.lastAcked = null) // reset the last ack time when connection changes } hasBufferedOps() { return this._doc.inflightOp != null || this._doc.pendingOp != null } getInflightOp() { return this._doc.inflightOp } getPendingOp() { return this._doc.pendingOp } getRecentAck() { // check if we have received an ack recently (within a factor of two of the single user flush delay) return ( this.lastAcked != null && new Date() - this.lastAcked < 2 * SINGLE_USER_FLUSH_DELAY ) } getOpSize(op) { // compute size of an op from its components // (total number of characters inserted and deleted) let size = 0 for (const component of Array.from(op || [])) { if ((component != null ? component.i : undefined) != null) { size += component.i.length } if ((component != null ? component.d : undefined) != null) { size += component.d.length } } return size } _attachEditorWatchdogManager(editorName, editor) { // end-to-end check for edits -> acks, for this very ShareJsdoc // This will catch a broken connection and missing UX-blocker for the // user, allowing them to keep editing. this._detachEditorWatchdogManager = this.EditorWatchdogManager.attachToEditor(editorName, editor) } _attachToEditor(editorName, editor, attachToShareJs) { this._attachEditorWatchdogManager(editorName, editor) attachToShareJs() } _maybeDetachEditorWatchdogManager() { // a failed attach attempt may lead to a missing cleanup handler if (this._detachEditorWatchdogManager) { this._detachEditorWatchdogManager() delete this._detachEditorWatchdogManager } } attachToCM6(cm6) { this._attachToEditor('CM6', cm6, () => { cm6.attachShareJs(this._doc, window.maxDocLength) }) } detachFromCM6() { this._maybeDetachEditorWatchdogManager() if (this._doc.detach_cm6) { this._doc.detach_cm6() } } _startInflightOpTimeout(update) { this._startFatalTimeoutTimer(update) const retryOp = () => { // Only send the update again if inflightOp is still populated // This can be cleared when hard reloading the document in which // case we don't want to keep trying to send it. debugConsole.log('[inflightOpTimeout] Trying op again') if (this._doc.inflightOp != null) { // When there is a socket.io disconnect, @_doc.inflightSubmittedIds // is updated with the socket.io client id of the current op in flight // (meta.source of the op). // @connection.id is the client id of the current socket.io session. // So we need both depending on whether the op was submitted before // one or more disconnects, or if it was submitted during the current session. update.dupIfSource = [ this.connection.id, ...Array.from(this._doc.inflightSubmittedIds), ] // We must be joined to a project for applyOtUpdate to work on the real-time // service, so don't send an op if we're not. Connection state is set to 'ok' // when we've joined the project if (this.connection.state !== 'ok') { let timer debugConsole.log( '[inflightOpTimeout] Not connected, retrying in 0.5s' ) return (timer = setTimeout( retryOp, this.WAIT_FOR_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT )) } else { debugConsole.log('[inflightOpTimeout] Sending') return this.connection.send(update) } } } const timer = setTimeout(retryOp, this.INFLIGHT_OP_TIMEOUT) return this._doc.inflightCallbacks.push(() => { this._clearFatalTimeoutTimer() return clearTimeout(timer) }) // 30 seconds } _startFatalTimeoutTimer(update) { // If an op doesn't get acked within FATAL_OP_TIMEOUT, something has // gone unrecoverably wrong (the op will have been retried multiple times) if (this._timeoutTimer != null) { return } return (this._timeoutTimer = setTimeout(() => { this._clearFatalTimeoutTimer() return this.trigger('op:timeout', update) }, this.FATAL_OP_TIMEOUT)) } _clearFatalTimeoutTimer() { if (this._timeoutTimer == null) { return } clearTimeout(this._timeoutTimer) return (this._timeoutTimer = null) } _handleError(error, meta) { if (meta == null) { meta = {} } return this.trigger('error', error, meta) } _bindToDocChanges(doc) { const { submitOp } = doc doc.submitOp = (...args) => { recordDocumentFirstChangeEvent() this.trigger('op:sent', ...Array.from(args)) doc.pendingCallbacks.push(() => { return this.trigger('op:acknowledged', ...Array.from(args)) }) return submitOp.apply(doc, args) } const { flush } = doc return (doc.flush = (...args) => { this.trigger('flush', doc.inflightOp, doc.pendingOp, doc.version) return flush.apply(doc, args) }) } } ShareJsDoc.initClass() return ShareJsDoc })() function __guard__(value, transform) { return typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null ? transform(value) : undefined }