// Get prices from Recurly in GroupPlansData format, ie to update: // app/templates/plans/groups.json // // Usage example: // node scripts/recurly/get_recurly_group_prices.js const recurly = require('recurly') const Settings = require('@overleaf/settings') const recurlySettings = Settings.apis.recurly const recurlyApiKey = recurlySettings ? recurlySettings.apiKey : undefined const client = new recurly.Client(recurlyApiKey) async function getRecurlyGroupPrices() { const prices = {} const plans = client.listPlans({ params: { limit: 200 } }) for await (const plan of plans.each()) { if (plan.code.substr(0, 6) === 'group_') { const [, type, size, usage] = plan.code.split('_') plan.currencies.forEach(planPricing => { const { currency, unitAmount } = planPricing prices[usage] = prices[usage] || {} prices[usage][type] = prices[usage][type] || {} prices[usage][type][currency] = prices[usage][type][currency] || {} prices[usage][type][currency][size] = { price_in_cents: unitAmount * 100, } }) } } return prices } async function main() { const prices = await getRecurlyGroupPrices() console.log(JSON.stringify(prices, undefined, 2)) } main() .then(() => { process.exit(0) }) .catch(error => { console.error({ error }) process.exit(1) })