/* eslint-disable camelcase, handle-callback-err, no-dupe-keys, no-return-assign, no-unused-vars, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ const sinon = require('sinon') const { expect } = require('chai') const modulePath = '../../../app/js/Notifications.js' const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') const assert = require('assert') const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb') const user_id = '51dc93e6fb625a261300003b' const notification_id = 'fb625a26f09d' const notification_key = 'notification-key' describe('Notifications Tests', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.findToArrayStub = sinon.stub() this.findStub = sinon.stub().returns({ toArray: this.findToArrayStub }) this.countStub = sinon.stub() this.updateOneStub = sinon.stub() this.deleteOneStub = sinon.stub() this.db = { notifications: { find: this.findStub, count: this.countStub, updateOne: this.updateOneStub, deleteOne: this.deleteOneStub, }, } this.notifications = SandboxedModule.require(modulePath, { requires: { '@overleaf/settings': {}, './mongodb': { db: this.db, ObjectId }, '@overleaf/metrics': { timeAsyncMethod: sinon.stub() }, }, }) this.stubbedNotification = { user_id: ObjectId(user_id), key: 'notification-key', messageOpts: 'some info', templateKey: 'template-key', } return (this.stubbedNotificationArray = [this.stubbedNotification]) }) describe('getUserNotifications', function () { return it('should find all notifications and return i', function (done) { this.findToArrayStub.callsArgWith(0, null, this.stubbedNotificationArray) return this.notifications.getUserNotifications( user_id, (err, notifications) => { notifications.should.equal(this.stubbedNotificationArray) assert.deepEqual(this.findStub.args[0][0], { user_id: ObjectId(user_id), templateKey: { $exists: true }, }) return done() } ) }) }) describe('addNotification', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.stubbedNotification = { user_id: ObjectId(user_id), key: 'notification-key', messageOpts: 'some info', templateKey: 'template-key', } this.expectedDocument = { user_id: this.stubbedNotification.user_id, key: 'notification-key', messageOpts: 'some info', templateKey: 'template-key', } this.expectedQuery = { user_id: this.stubbedNotification.user_id, key: 'notification-key', } this.updateOneStub.yields() return this.countStub.yields(null, 0) }) it('should insert the notification into the collection', function (done) { return this.notifications.addNotification( user_id, this.stubbedNotification, err => { expect(err).not.to.exist sinon.assert.calledWith( this.updateOneStub, this.expectedQuery, { $set: this.expectedDocument }, { upsert: true } ) return done() } ) }) describe('when there is an existing notification', function (done) { beforeEach(function () { return this.countStub.yields(null, 1) }) it('should fail to insert', function (done) { return this.notifications.addNotification( user_id, this.stubbedNotification, err => { expect(err).not.to.exist sinon.assert.notCalled(this.updateOneStub) return done() } ) }) return it('should update the key if forceCreate is true', function (done) { this.stubbedNotification.forceCreate = true return this.notifications.addNotification( user_id, this.stubbedNotification, err => { expect(err).not.to.exist sinon.assert.calledWith( this.updateOneStub, this.expectedQuery, { $set: this.expectedDocument }, { upsert: true } ) return done() } ) }) }) describe('when the notification is set to expire', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.stubbedNotification = { user_id: ObjectId(user_id), key: 'notification-key', messageOpts: 'some info', templateKey: 'template-key', expires: '2922-02-13T09:32:56.289Z', } this.expectedDocument = { user_id: this.stubbedNotification.user_id, key: 'notification-key', messageOpts: 'some info', templateKey: 'template-key', expires: new Date(this.stubbedNotification.expires), } return (this.expectedQuery = { user_id: this.stubbedNotification.user_id, key: 'notification-key', }) }) return it('should add an `expires` Date field to the document', function (done) { return this.notifications.addNotification( user_id, this.stubbedNotification, err => { expect(err).not.to.exist sinon.assert.calledWith( this.updateOneStub, this.expectedQuery, { $set: this.expectedDocument }, { upsert: true } ) return done() } ) }) }) return describe('when the notification has a nonsensical expires field', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.stubbedNotification = { user_id: ObjectId(user_id), key: 'notification-key', messageOpts: 'some info', templateKey: 'template-key', expires: 'WAT', } return (this.expectedDocument = { user_id: this.stubbedNotification.user_id, key: 'notification-key', messageOpts: 'some info', templateKey: 'template-key', expires: new Date(this.stubbedNotification.expires), }) }) return it('should produce an error', function (done) { return this.notifications.addNotification( user_id, this.stubbedNotification, err => { ;(err instanceof Error).should.equal(true) sinon.assert.notCalled(this.updateOneStub) return done() } ) }) }) }) describe('removeNotificationId', function () { return it('should mark the notification id as read', function (done) { this.updateOneStub.callsArgWith(2, null) return this.notifications.removeNotificationId( user_id, notification_id, err => { const searchOps = { user_id: ObjectId(user_id), _id: ObjectId(notification_id), } const updateOperation = { $unset: { templateKey: true, messageOpts: true }, } assert.deepEqual(this.updateOneStub.args[0][0], searchOps) assert.deepEqual(this.updateOneStub.args[0][1], updateOperation) return done() } ) }) }) describe('removeNotificationKey', function () { return it('should mark the notification key as read', function (done) { this.updateOneStub.callsArgWith(2, null) return this.notifications.removeNotificationKey( user_id, notification_key, err => { const searchOps = { user_id: ObjectId(user_id), key: notification_key, } const updateOperation = { $unset: { templateKey: true }, } assert.deepEqual(this.updateOneStub.args[0][0], searchOps) assert.deepEqual(this.updateOneStub.args[0][1], updateOperation) return done() } ) }) }) describe('removeNotificationByKeyOnly', function () { return it('should mark the notification key as read', function (done) { this.updateOneStub.callsArgWith(2, null) return this.notifications.removeNotificationByKeyOnly( notification_key, err => { const searchOps = { key: notification_key } const updateOperation = { $unset: { templateKey: true } } assert.deepEqual(this.updateOneStub.args[0][0], searchOps) assert.deepEqual(this.updateOneStub.args[0][1], updateOperation) return done() } ) }) }) return describe('deleteNotificationByKeyOnly', function () { return it('should completely remove the notification', function (done) { this.deleteOneStub.callsArgWith(1, null) return this.notifications.deleteNotificationByKeyOnly( notification_key, err => { const searchOps = { key: notification_key } assert.deepEqual(this.deleteOneStub.args[0][0], searchOps) return done() } ) }) }) })