# This file was auto-generated, do not edit it directly. # Instead run bin/update_build_scripts from # https://github.com/overleaf/internal/ BUILD_NUMBER ?= local BRANCH_NAME ?= $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) PROJECT_NAME = document-updater BUILD_DIR_NAME = $(shell pwd | xargs basename | tr -cd '[a-zA-Z0-9_.\-]') DOCKER_COMPOSE_FLAGS ?= -f docker-compose.yml DOCKER_COMPOSE := BUILD_NUMBER=$(BUILD_NUMBER) \ BRANCH_NAME=$(BRANCH_NAME) \ PROJECT_NAME=$(PROJECT_NAME) \ MOCHA_GREP=${MOCHA_GREP} \ docker compose ${DOCKER_COMPOSE_FLAGS} DOCKER_COMPOSE_TEST_ACCEPTANCE = \ COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=test_acceptance_$(BUILD_DIR_NAME) $(DOCKER_COMPOSE) DOCKER_COMPOSE_TEST_UNIT = \ COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=test_unit_$(BUILD_DIR_NAME) $(DOCKER_COMPOSE) clean: -docker rmi ci/$(PROJECT_NAME):$(BRANCH_NAME)-$(BUILD_NUMBER) -docker rmi gcr.io/overleaf-ops/$(PROJECT_NAME):$(BRANCH_NAME)-$(BUILD_NUMBER) -docker rmi us-east1-docker.pkg.dev/overleaf-ops/ol-docker/$(PROJECT_NAME):$(BRANCH_NAME)-$(BUILD_NUMBER) -$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_TEST_UNIT) down --rmi local -$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_TEST_ACCEPTANCE) down --rmi local HERE=$(shell pwd) MONOREPO=$(shell cd ../../ && pwd) # Run the linting commands in the scope of the monorepo. # Eslint and prettier (plus some configs) are on the root. RUN_LINTING = docker run --rm -v $(MONOREPO):$(MONOREPO) -w $(HERE) node:18.19.1 npm run --silent # Same but from the top of the monorepo RUN_LINTING_MONOREPO = docker run --rm -v $(MONOREPO):$(MONOREPO) -w $(MONOREPO) node:18.19.1 npm run --silent format: $(RUN_LINTING) format format_fix: $(RUN_LINTING) format:fix lint: $(RUN_LINTING) lint lint_fix: $(RUN_LINTING) lint:fix build_types: $(RUN_LINTING_MONOREPO) --workspaces --if-present types:build typecheck: build_types $(RUN_LINTING) types:check test: format lint typecheck test_unit test_acceptance test_unit: ifneq (,$(wildcard test/unit)) $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_TEST_UNIT) run --rm test_unit $(MAKE) test_unit_clean endif test_clean: test_unit_clean test_unit_clean: ifneq (,$(wildcard test/unit)) $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_TEST_UNIT) down -v -t 0 endif test_acceptance: test_acceptance_clean test_acceptance_pre_run test_acceptance_run $(MAKE) test_acceptance_clean test_acceptance_debug: test_acceptance_clean test_acceptance_pre_run test_acceptance_run_debug $(MAKE) test_acceptance_clean test_acceptance_run: ifneq (,$(wildcard test/acceptance)) $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_TEST_ACCEPTANCE) run --rm test_acceptance endif test_acceptance_run_debug: ifneq (,$(wildcard test/acceptance)) $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_TEST_ACCEPTANCE) run -p --rm test_acceptance npm run test:acceptance -- --inspect= --inspect-brk endif test_clean: test_acceptance_clean test_acceptance_clean: $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_TEST_ACCEPTANCE) down -v -t 0 test_acceptance_pre_run: $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_TEST_ACCEPTANCE) up -d mongo $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_TEST_ACCEPTANCE) exec -T mongo sh -c ' \ while ! mongosh --eval "db.version()" > /dev/null; do \ echo "Waiting for Mongo..."; \ sleep 1; \ done; \ mongosh --eval "rs.initiate({ _id: \"overleaf\", members: [ { _id: 0, host: \"mongo:27017\" } ] })"' ifneq (,$(wildcard test/acceptance/js/scripts/pre-run)) $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_TEST_ACCEPTANCE) run --rm test_acceptance test/acceptance/js/scripts/pre-run endif benchmarks: $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_TEST_ACCEPTANCE) run --rm test_acceptance npm run benchmarks build: docker build --pull --tag ci/$(PROJECT_NAME):$(BRANCH_NAME)-$(BUILD_NUMBER) \ --tag gcr.io/overleaf-ops/$(PROJECT_NAME):$(BRANCH_NAME)-$(BUILD_NUMBER) \ --tag us-east1-docker.pkg.dev/overleaf-ops/ol-docker/$(PROJECT_NAME):$(BRANCH_NAME)-$(BUILD_NUMBER) \ --file Dockerfile \ ../.. tar: $(DOCKER_COMPOSE) up tar publish: docker push $(DOCKER_REPO)/$(PROJECT_NAME):$(BRANCH_NAME)-$(BUILD_NUMBER) .PHONY: clean \ format format_fix \ lint lint_fix \ build_types typecheck \ test test_clean test_unit test_unit_clean \ test_acceptance test_acceptance_debug test_acceptance_pre_run \ test_acceptance_run test_acceptance_run_debug test_acceptance_clean \ benchmarks \ build tar publish \