request = require 'request' FileWriter = require('../../infrastructure/FileWriter') _ = require "underscore" urlValidator = require 'valid-url' Settings = require 'settings-sharelatex' UrlFetchFailedError = (message) -> error = new Error(message) = 'UrlFetchFailedError' error.__proto__ = UrlFetchFailedError.prototype return error UrlFetchFailedError.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype InvalidUrlError = (message) -> error = new Error(message) = 'InvalidUrlError' error.__proto__ = InvalidUrlError.prototype return error InvalidUrlError.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype module.exports = UrlAgent = { UrlFetchFailedError: UrlFetchFailedError InvalidUrlError: InvalidUrlError sanitizeData: (data) -> return { url: @._prependHttpIfNeeded(data.url) } checkAuth: (project_id, data, current_user_id, callback = (error, allowed)->) -> callback(null, true) writeIncomingFileToDisk: (project_id, data, current_user_id, callback = (error, fsPath) ->) -> callback = _.once(callback) url = data.url if !urlValidator.isWebUri(url) return callback(new InvalidUrlError("invalid url: #{url}")) url = UrlAgent._wrapWithProxy(url) readStream = request.get(url) readStream.on "error", callback readStream.on "response", (response) -> if 200 <= response.statusCode < 300 FileWriter.writeStreamToDisk project_id, readStream, callback else error = new UrlFetchFailedError("url fetch failed: #{url}") error.statusCode = response.statusCode callback(error) handleError: (error, req, res, next) -> if error instanceof UrlFetchFailedError res.status(422).send( "Your URL could not be reached (#{error.statusCode} status code). Please check it and try again." ) else if error instanceof InvalidUrlError res.status(422).send( "Your URL is not valid. Please check it and try again." ) else next(error) _prependHttpIfNeeded: (url) -> if !url.match('://') url = 'http://' + url return url _wrapWithProxy: (url) -> # TODO: Consider what to do for Community and Enterprise edition? if !Settings.apis?.linkedUrlProxy?.url? throw new Error('no linked url proxy configured') return "#{Settings.apis.linkedUrlProxy.url}?url=#{encodeURIComponent(url)}" }