UrlCache = require "./UrlCache" Path = require "path" fs = require "fs" async = require "async" mkdirp = require "mkdirp" OutputFileFinder = require "./OutputFileFinder" Metrics = require "./Metrics" logger = require "logger-sharelatex" module.exports = ResourceWriter = syncResourcesToDisk: (project_id, resources, basePath, callback = (error) ->) -> @_removeExtraneousFiles resources, basePath, (error) => return callback(error) if error? jobs = for resource in resources do (resource) => (callback) => @_writeResourceToDisk(project_id, resource, basePath, callback) async.parallelLimit jobs, 5, callback _removeExtraneousFiles: (resources, basePath, _callback = (error) ->) -> timer = new Metrics.Timer("unlink-output-files") callback = (error) -> timer.done() _callback(error) OutputFileFinder.findOutputFiles resources, basePath, (error, outputFiles) -> return callback(error) if error? jobs = [] for file in outputFiles or [] do (file) -> path = file.path should_delete = true if path.match(/^output\./) or path.match(/\.aux$/) should_delete = false if path == "output.pdf" or path == "output.dvi" or path == "output.log" should_delete = true if should_delete jobs.push (callback) -> ResourceWriter._deleteFileIfNotDirectory Path.join(basePath, path), callback async.series jobs, callback _deleteFileIfNotDirectory: (path, callback = (error) ->) -> fs.stat path, (error, stat) -> return callback(error) if error? if stat.isFile() fs.unlink path, callback else callback() _writeResourceToDisk: (project_id, resource, basePath, callback = (error) ->) -> path = Path.normalize(Path.join(basePath, resource.path)) if (path.slice(0, basePath.length) != basePath) return callback new Error("resource path is outside root directory") mkdirp Path.dirname(path), (error) -> return callback(error) if error? # TODO: Don't overwrite file if it hasn't been modified if resource.url? UrlCache.downloadUrlToFile project_id, resource.url, path, resource.modified, (err)-> if err? logger.err err:err, project_id:project_id, path:path, resource_url:resource.url, modified:resource.modified, "error downloading file for resources" callback() #try and continue compiling even if http resource can not be downloaded at this time else fs.writeFile path, resource.content, callback