async = require "async" fs = require "fs" fse = require "fs-extra" Path = require "path" logger = require "logger-sharelatex" _ = require "underscore" OutputFileOptimiser = require "./OutputFileOptimiser" module.exports = OutputCacheManager = CACHE_SUBDIR: '.cache/clsi' BUILD_REGEX: /^[0-9a-f]+$/ # build id is converted to hex CACHE_LIMIT: 2 # maximum number of cache directories CACHE_AGE: 60*60*1000 # up to one hour old path: (buildId, file) -> # used by static server, given build id return '.cache/clsi/buildId' if buildId.match OutputCacheManager.BUILD_REGEX return Path.join(OutputCacheManager.CACHE_SUBDIR, buildId, file) else # for invalid build id, return top level return file saveOutputFiles: (outputFiles, compileDir, callback = (error) ->) -> # make a compileDir/CACHE_SUBDIR/build_id directory and # copy all the output files into it cacheRoot = Path.join(compileDir, OutputCacheManager.CACHE_SUBDIR) # Put the files into a new cache subdirectory buildId = cacheDir = Path.join(compileDir, OutputCacheManager.CACHE_SUBDIR, buildId) # let file expiry run in the background OutputCacheManager.expireOutputFiles cacheRoot, {keep: buildId} checkFile = (src, callback) -> # check if we have a valid file to copy into the cache fs.stat src, (err, stats) -> if err? # some problem reading the file logger.error err: err, file: src, "stat error for file in cache" callback(err) else if not stats.isFile() # other filetype - reject it logger.error err: err, src: src, stat: stats, "nonfile output - refusing to copy to cache" callback(new Error("output file is not a file"), file) else # it's a plain file, ok to copy callback(null) copyFile = (src, dst, callback) -> # copy output file into the cache fse.copy src, dst, (err) -> if err? logger.error err: err, src: src, dst: dst, "copy error for file in cache" callback(err) else # call the optimiser for the file too OutputFileOptimiser.optimiseFile src, dst, callback # make the new cache directory fse.ensureDir cacheDir, (err) -> if err? logger.error err: err, directory: cacheDir, "error creating cache directory" callback(err, outputFiles) else # copy all the output files into the new cache directory async.mapSeries outputFiles, (file, cb) -> newFile = _.clone(file) [src, dst] = [Path.join(compileDir, file.path), Path.join(cacheDir, file.path)] checkFile src, (err) -> copyFile src, dst, (err) -> if not err? = buildId # attach a build id if we cached the file cb(err, newFile) , (err, results) -> if err? # pass back the original files if we encountered *any* error callback(err, outputFiles) else # pass back the list of new files in the cache callback(err, results) expireOutputFiles: (cacheRoot, options, callback = (error) ->) -> # look in compileDir for build dirs and delete if > N or age of mod time > T fs.readdir cacheRoot, (err, results) -> if err? return callback(null) if err.code == 'ENOENT' # cache directory is empty logger.error err: err, project_id: cacheRoot, "error clearing cache" return callback(err) dirs = results.sort().reverse() currentTime = isExpired = (dir, index) -> return false if options?.keep == dir # remove any directories over the hard limit return true if index > OutputCacheManager.CACHE_LIMIT # we can get the build time from the directory name dirTime = parseInt(dir, 16) age = currentTime - dirTime return age > OutputCacheManager.CACHE_AGE toRemove = _.filter(dirs, isExpired) removeDir = (dir, cb) -> fse.remove Path.join(cacheRoot, dir), (err, result) -> logger.log cache: cacheRoot, dir: dir, "removed expired cache dir" if err? logger.error err: err, dir: dir, "cache remove error" cb(err, result) async.eachSeries toRemove, (dir, cb) -> removeDir dir, cb , callback