#!/usr/bin/env node const { promisify } = require('util') const BPromise = require('bluebird') const commandLineArgs = require('command-line-args') const config = require('config') const fs = require('fs') const readline = require('readline') const { History } = require('overleaf-editor-core') const { knex, historyStore, persistor } = require('..') const projectKey = require('../lib/project_key') const MAX_POSTGRES_INTEGER = 2147483647 const DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 1000 const MAX_RETRIES = 10 const RETRY_DELAY_MS = 5000 // Obtain a preconfigured GCS client through a non-documented property of // object-persistor. Sorry about that. We need the GCS client because we use // operations that are not implemented in object-persistor. const gcsClient = persistor.storage const globalBucket = gcsClient.bucket(config.get('blobStore.globalBucket')) const projectBucket = gcsClient.bucket(config.get('blobStore.projectBucket')) const delay = promisify(setTimeout) async function main() { const options = commandLineArgs([ { name: 'global-blobs', type: String }, { name: 'min-project-id', type: Number, defaultValue: 1 }, { name: 'max-project-id', type: Number, defaultValue: MAX_POSTGRES_INTEGER, }, { name: 'batch-size', type: Number, defaultValue: DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE }, { name: 'concurrency', type: Number, defaultValue: 1 }, ]) if (!options['global-blobs']) { console.error( 'You must specify a global blobs file with the --global-blobs option' ) process.exit(1) } const globalBlobs = await readGlobalBlobs(options['global-blobs']) const minProjectId = options['min-project-id'] const maxProjectId = options['max-project-id'] const batchSize = options['batch-size'] const concurrency = options.concurrency console.log(`Keeping ${globalBlobs.size} global blobs`) await run({ globalBlobs, minProjectId, maxProjectId, batchSize, concurrency }) console.log('Done.') } async function readGlobalBlobs(filename) { const stream = fs.createReadStream(filename) const reader = readline.createInterface({ input: stream, crlfDelay: Infinity, }) const blobs = new Set() for await (const line of reader) { blobs.add(line.trim()) } return blobs } async function run(options) { const { globalBlobs, minProjectId, maxProjectId, batchSize, concurrency } = options let batchStart = minProjectId while (batchStart <= maxProjectId) { let projectIds = await getProjectIds(batchStart, maxProjectId, batchSize) if (projectIds.length === 0) { break } const batchEnd = projectIds[projectIds.length - 1] console.log(`Processing projects ${batchStart} to ${batchEnd}`) const chunkIdsByProject = await getChunkIdsByProject(projectIds) let retries = 0 while (true) { const results = await BPromise.map( projectIds, async projectId => await processProject( projectId, chunkIdsByProject.get(projectId), globalBlobs ), { concurrency } ) const failedProjectIds = results .filter(result => !result.success) .map(result => result.projectId) if (failedProjectIds.length === 0) { // All projects were copied successfully. Carry on. break } // Some projects failed. Retry. retries += 1 if (retries > MAX_RETRIES) { console.log( `Too many retries processing projects ${batchStart} to ${batchEnd}. Giving up.` ) process.exit(1) } console.log(`Retrying projects: ${failedProjectIds.join(', ')}`) await delay(RETRY_DELAY_MS) projectIds = failedProjectIds } // Set up next batch batchStart = batchEnd + 1 } } async function getProjectIds(minProjectId, maxProjectId, batchSize) { const projectIds = await knex('chunks') .distinct('doc_id') .where('doc_id', '>=', minProjectId) .andWhere('doc_id', '<=', maxProjectId) .orderBy('doc_id') .limit(batchSize) .pluck('doc_id') return projectIds } async function getChunkIdsByProject(projectIds) { const chunks = await knex('chunks') .select('id', { projectId: 'doc_id' }) .where('doc_id', 'in', projectIds) const chunkIdsByProject = new Map() for (const projectId of projectIds) { chunkIdsByProject.set(projectId, []) } for (const chunk of chunks) { chunkIdsByProject.get(chunk.projectId).push(chunk.id) } return chunkIdsByProject } async function processProject(projectId, chunkIds, globalBlobs) { try { const blobHashes = await getBlobHashes(projectId, chunkIds) const projectBlobHashes = blobHashes.filter(hash => !globalBlobs.has(hash)) const gcsSizesByHash = new Map() for (const blobHash of projectBlobHashes) { const blobSize = await copyBlobInGcs(projectId, blobHash) if (blobSize != null) { gcsSizesByHash.set(blobHash, blobSize) } } const dbSizesByHash = await copyBlobsInDatabase( projectId, projectBlobHashes ) compareBlobSizes(gcsSizesByHash, dbSizesByHash) return { projectId, success: true } } catch (err) { console.error(`Failed to process project ${projectId}:`, err.stack) return { projectId, success: false } } } function compareBlobSizes(gcsSizesByHash, dbSizesByHash) { // Throw an error if the database doesn't report as many blobs as GCS if (dbSizesByHash.size !== gcsSizesByHash.size) { throw new Error( `the database reported ${dbSizesByHash.size} blobs copied, but GCS reported ${gcsSizesByHash.size} blobs copied` ) } const mismatches = [] for (const [hash, dbSize] of dbSizesByHash.entries()) { if (gcsSizesByHash.get(hash) !== dbSize) { mismatches.push(hash) } } if (mismatches.length > 0) { throw new Error(`blob size mismatch for hashes: ${mismatches.join(', ')}`) } } async function getHistory(projectId, chunkId) { const rawHistory = await historyStore.loadRaw(projectId, chunkId) const history = History.fromRaw(rawHistory) return history } async function getBlobHashes(projectId, chunkIds) { const blobHashes = new Set() for (const chunkId of chunkIds) { const history = await getHistory(projectId, chunkId) history.findBlobHashes(blobHashes) } return Array.from(blobHashes) } async function copyBlobInGcs(projectId, blobHash) { const globalBlobKey = [ blobHash.slice(0, 2), blobHash.slice(2, 4), blobHash.slice(4), ].join('/') const projectBlobKey = [ projectKey.format(projectId), blobHash.slice(0, 2), blobHash.slice(2), ].join('/') const globalBlobObject = globalBucket.file(globalBlobKey) const projectBlobObject = projectBucket.file(projectBlobKey) // Check if the project blob exists let projectBlobMetadata = null try { ;[projectBlobMetadata] = await projectBlobObject.getMetadata() } catch (err) { if (err.code !== 404) { throw err } } // Check that the blob exists let globalBlobMetadata = null try { ;[globalBlobMetadata] = await globalBlobObject.getMetadata() } catch (err) { if (err.code !== 404) { throw err } } if (projectBlobMetadata) { // Project blob already exists. Compare the metadata if the global blob // also exists and return early. if ( globalBlobMetadata != null && (globalBlobMetadata.size !== projectBlobMetadata.size || globalBlobMetadata.md5Hash !== projectBlobMetadata.md5Hash) ) { throw new Error( `Project blob ${blobHash} in project ${projectId} doesn't match global blob` ) } return null } await globalBlobObject.copy(projectBlobObject) // Paranoid check that the copy went well. The getMetadata() method returns // an array, with the metadata in first position. ;[projectBlobMetadata] = await projectBlobObject.getMetadata() if ( globalBlobMetadata.size !== projectBlobMetadata.size || globalBlobMetadata.md5Hash !== projectBlobMetadata.md5Hash ) { throw new Error(`Failed to copy blob ${blobHash} to project ${projectId})`) } return parseInt(projectBlobMetadata.size, 10) } async function copyBlobsInDatabase(projectId, blobHashes) { const blobSizesByHash = new Map() if (blobHashes.length === 0) { return blobSizesByHash } const binaryBlobHashes = blobHashes.map(hash => Buffer.from(hash, 'hex')) const result = await knex.raw( `INSERT INTO project_blobs ( project_id, hash_bytes, byte_length, string_length ) SELECT ?, hash_bytes, byte_length, string_length FROM blobs WHERE hash_bytes IN (${binaryBlobHashes.map(_ => '?').join(',')}) ON CONFLICT (project_id, hash_bytes) DO NOTHING RETURNING hash_bytes, byte_length`, [projectId, ...binaryBlobHashes] ) for (const row of result.rows) { blobSizesByHash.set(row.hash_bytes.toString('hex'), row.byte_length) } return blobSizesByHash } main() .then(() => { process.exit() }) .catch(err => { console.error(err) process.exit(1) })