import _ from 'lodash' import App from '../base' import '../directives/mathjax' import '../services/algolia-search' App.controller( 'SearchWikiController', function ($scope, algoliaSearch, $modal) { $scope.hits = [] $scope.hits_total = 0 $scope.config_hits_per_page = 20 $scope.processingSearch = false $scope.clearSearchText = function () { $scope.searchQueryText = '' updateHits([]) } $scope.safeApply = function (fn) { const phase = $scope.$root.$$phase if (phase === '$apply' || phase === '$digest') { $scope.$eval(fn) } else { $scope.$apply(fn) } } const buildHitViewModel = function (hit) { const pagePath = hit.kb ? 'how-to/' : 'latex/' const pageSlug = encodeURIComponent(hit.pageName.replace(/\s/g, '_')) let sectionUnderscored = '' if (hit.sectionName && hit.sectionName !== '') { sectionUnderscored = '#' + hit.sectionName.replace(/\s/g, '_') } const section = hit._highlightResult.sectionName let pageName = hit._highlightResult.pageName.value if (section && section.value && section !== '') { pageName += ' - ' + section.value } let content = hit._highlightResult.content.value // Replace many new lines content = content.replace(/\n\n+/g, '\n\n') const lines = content.split('\n') // Only show the lines that have a highlighted match const matchingLines = [] for (const line of lines) { if (!/^\[edit\]/.test(line)) { content += line + '\n' if (//.test(line)) { matchingLines.push(line) } } } content = matchingLines.join('\n...\n') const result = { name: pageName, url: `/learn/${pagePath}${pageSlug}${sectionUnderscored}`, content, } return result } const updateHits = (hits, hitsTotal = 0) => { $scope.safeApply(() => { $scope.hits = hits $scope.hits_total = hitsTotal }) } $ = function () { $scope.processingSearch = true const query = $scope.searchQueryText if (!query || query.length === 0) { updateHits([]) return } algoliaSearch.searchWiki( query, { hitsPerPage: $scope.config_hits_per_page, }, function (err, response) { if (err) { $scope.searchError = err } $scope.processingSearch = false if (response.hits.length === 0) { updateHits([]) } else { const hits =, buildHitViewModel) updateHits(hits, response.nbHits) } } ) } } ) export default App.controller('LearnController', function () {})