/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Distributed under the BSD license: * * Copyright (c) 2012, Ajax.org B.V. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Ajax.org B.V. nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AJAX.ORG B.V. BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * * Contributor(s): * * Garen J. Torikian * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* THIS FILE WAS AUTOGENERATED BY mode_highlight_rules.tmpl.js (UUID: C5B73B98-5F2A-42E3-9F0E-028A74A9FE4B) */ define(function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var oop = require("../lib/oop"); var TextHighlightRules = require("./text_highlight_rules").TextHighlightRules; var MarkdownHighlightRules = require("./markdown_highlight_rules").MarkdownHighlightRules; var SassHighlightRules = require("./scss_highlight_rules").ScssHighlightRules; var LessHighlightRules = require("./less_highlight_rules").LessHighlightRules; var CoffeeHighlightRules = require("./coffee_highlight_rules").CoffeeHighlightRules; var JavaScriptHighlightRules = require("./javascript_highlight_rules").JavaScriptHighlightRules; function mixin_embed(tag, prefix) { return { token : "entity.name.function.jade", regex : "^\\s*\\:" + tag, next : prefix + "start" }; } var JadeHighlightRules = function() { var escapedRe = "\\\\(?:x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|" + // hex "u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|" + // unicode "[0-2][0-7]{0,2}|" + // oct "3[0-6][0-7]?|" + // oct "37[0-7]?|" + // oct "[4-7][0-7]?|" + //oct ".)"; // regexp must not have capturing parentheses. Use (?:) instead. // regexps are ordered -> the first match is used this.$rules = { "start": [ { token: "keyword.control.import.include.jade", regex: "\\s*\\binclude\\b" }, { token: "keyword.other.doctype.jade", regex: "^!!!\\s*(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)?" }, { token : "punctuation.section.comment", regex : "^\\s*\/\/(?:\\s*[^-\\s]|\\s+\\S)(?:.*$)" }, { onMatch: function(value, currentState, stack) { stack.unshift(this.next, value.length - 2, currentState); return "comment"; }, regex: /^\s*\/\//, next: "comment_block" }, mixin_embed("markdown", "markdown-"), mixin_embed("sass", "sass-"), mixin_embed("less", "less-"), mixin_embed("coffee", "coffee-"), /* { token: { "2": { "name": "entity.name.function.jade" } }, regex: "^(\\s*)(\\:cdata)", next: "state_9" },*/ // match stuff like: mixin dialog-title-desc(title, desc) { token: [ "storage.type.function.jade", "entity.name.function.jade", "punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.jade", "variable.parameter.function.jade", "punctuation.definition.parameters.end.jade" ], regex: "^(\\s*mixin)( [\\w\\-]+)(\\s*\\()(.*?)(\\))" }, // match stuff like: mixin dialog-title-desc { token: [ "storage.type.function.jade", "entity.name.function.jade"], regex: "^(\\s*mixin)( [\\w\\-]+)" }, { token: "source.js.embedded.jade", regex: "^\\s*(?:-|=|!=)", next: "js-start" }, /*{ token: "entity.name.tag.script.jade", regex: "^\\s*script", next: "js_code_tag" },*/ { token: "string.interpolated.jade", regex: "[#!]\\{[^\\}]+\\}" }, // Match any tag, id or class. skip AST filters { token: "meta.tag.any.jade", regex: /^\s*(?!\w+\:)(?:[\w]+|(?=\.|#)])/, next: "tag_single" }, { token: "suport.type.attribute.id.jade", regex: "#\\w+" }, { token: "suport.type.attribute.class.jade", regex: "\\.\\w+" }, { token: "punctuation", regex: "\\s*(?:\\()", next: "tag_attributes" } ], "comment_block": [ {regex: /^\s*/, onMatch: function(value, currentState, stack) { if (value.length <= stack[1]) { stack.shift(); stack.shift(); this.next = stack.shift(); return "text"; } else { this.next = ""; return "comment"; } }, next: "start"}, {defaultToken: "comment"} ], /* "state_9": [ { token: "TODO", regex: "^(?!\\1\\s+)", next: "start" }, { token: "TODO", regex: ".+", next: "state_9" } ],*/ /*"js_code": [ { token: "keyword.control.js", regex: "\\beach\\b" }, { token: "text", regex: "$", next: "start" } ],*/ /*"js_code_tag": [ { "include": "source.js" }, { token: "TODO", regex: "^((?=(\\1)([\\w#\\.]|$\\n?))|^$\\n?)", next: "start" } ],*/ "tag_single": [ { token: "entity.other.attribute-name.class.jade", regex: "\\.[\\w-]+" }, { token: "entity.other.attribute-name.id.jade", regex: "#[\\w-]+" }, { token: ["text", "punctuation"], regex: "($)|((?!\\.|#|=|-))", next: "start" } ], "tag_attributes": [ { token : "string", regex : "'(?=.)", next : "qstring" }, { token : "string", regex : '"(?=.)', next : "qqstring" }, { token: "entity.other.attribute-name.jade", regex: "\\b[a-zA-Z\\-:]+" }, { token: ["entity.other.attribute-name.jade", "punctuation"], regex: "\\b([a-zA-Z:\\.-]+)(=)", next: "attribute_strings" }, { token: "punctuation", regex: "\\)", next: "start" } ], "attribute_strings": [ { token : "string", regex : "'(?=.)", next : "qstring" }, { token : "string", regex : '"(?=.)', next : "qqstring" } ], "qqstring" : [ { token : "constant.language.escape", regex : escapedRe }, { token : "string", regex : '[^"\\\\]+' }, { token : "string", regex : "\\\\$", next : "qqstring" }, { token : "string", regex : '"|$', next : "tag_attributes" } ], "qstring" : [ { token : "constant.language.escape", regex : escapedRe }, { token : "string", regex : "[^'\\\\]+" }, { token : "string", regex : "\\\\$", next : "qstring" }, { token : "string", regex : "'|$", next : "tag_attributes" } ] }; this.embedRules(JavaScriptHighlightRules, "js-", [{ token: "text", regex: ".$", next: "start" }]); /* this.embedRules(MarkdownHighlightRules, "markdown-", [{ token : "support.function", regex : "^\\1\\s+", captures: "1", next : "start" }]); this.embedRules(SassHighlightRules, "sass-", [{ token : "support.function", regex : "^(?!\\1\\s+)", captures: "1", next : "start" }]); this.embedRules(LessHighlightRules, "less-", [{ token : "support.function", regex : "^(?!\\1\\s+)", captures: "1", next : "start" }]); this.embedRules(CoffeeHighlightRules, "coffee-", [{ token : "support.function", regex : "^(?!\\1\\s+)", captures: "1", next : "start" }]); this.embedRules(JavaScriptHighlightRules, "js-", [{ token : "support.function", regex : "$", captures: "1", next : "start" }]); */ }; oop.inherits(JadeHighlightRules, TextHighlightRules); exports.JadeHighlightRules = JadeHighlightRules; });