should = require('chai').should() SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') assert = require('assert') path = require('path') modulePath = path.join __dirname, '../../../../app/js/Features/Subscription/V1SubscriptionManager' sinon = require("sinon") expect = require("chai").expect describe 'V1SubscriptionManager', -> beforeEach -> @V1SubscriptionManager = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "../User/UserGetter": @UserGetter = {} "logger-sharelatex": log: sinon.stub() err: sinon.stub() warn: sinon.stub() "settings-sharelatex": @Settings = apis: v1: host: @host = "" v1GrandfatheredFeaturesUidCutoff: 10 v1GrandfatheredFeatures: github: true mendeley: true "request": @request = sinon.stub() @userId = 'abcd' @v1UserId = 42 @user = _id: @userId email: '' overleaf: id: @v1UserId describe 'getPlanCodeFromV1', -> beforeEach -> @responseBody = id: 32, plan_name: 'pro' @V1SubscriptionManager._v1Request = sinon.stub() .yields(null, @responseBody) @call = (cb) => @V1SubscriptionManager.getPlanCodeFromV1 @userId, cb describe 'when all goes well', -> it 'should call _v1Request', (done) -> @call (err, planCode) => expect( @V1SubscriptionManager._v1Request.callCount ).to.equal 1 expect( @V1SubscriptionManager._v1Request.calledWith( @userId ) ).to.equal true done() it 'should return the v1 user id', (done) -> @call (err, planCode, v1Id) -> expect(v1Id).to.equal @v1UserId done() it 'should produce a plan-code without error', (done) -> @call (err, planCode) => expect(err).to.not.exist expect(planCode).to.equal 'v1_pro' done() describe 'when the plan_name from v1 is null', -> beforeEach -> @responseBody.plan_name = null it 'should produce a null plan-code without error', (done) -> @call (err, planCode) => expect(err).to.not.exist expect(planCode).to.equal null done() describe 'getGrandfatheredFeaturesForV1User', -> describe 'when the user ID is greater than the cutoff', -> it 'should return an empty feature set', (done) -> expect(@V1SubscriptionManager.getGrandfatheredFeaturesForV1User 100).to.eql {} done() describe 'when the user ID is less than the cutoff', -> it 'should return a feature set with grandfathered properties for github and mendeley', (done) -> expect(@V1SubscriptionManager.getGrandfatheredFeaturesForV1User 1).to.eql github: true mendeley: true done() describe '_v1Request', -> beforeEach -> @UserGetter.getUser = sinon.stub() .yields(null, @user) describe 'when v1IdForUser produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @V1SubscriptionManager.v1IdForUser = sinon.stub() .yields(new Error('woops')) @call = (cb) => @V1SubscriptionManager._v1Request @user_id, { url: () -> '/foo' }, cb it 'should not call request', (done) -> @call (err, planCode) => expect( @request.callCount ).to.equal 0 done() it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, planCode) => expect(err).to.exist done() describe 'when v1IdForUser does not find a user', -> beforeEach -> @V1SubscriptionManager.v1IdForUser = sinon.stub() .yields(null, null) @call = (cb) => @V1SubscriptionManager._v1Request @user_id, { url: () -> '/foo' }, cb it 'should not call request', (done) -> @call (err, planCode) => expect( @request.callCount ).to.equal 0 done() it 'should not error', (done) -> @call (err) => expect(err).to.not.exist done() describe 'when the request to v1 fails', -> beforeEach -> @request.yields(new Error('woops')) @call = (cb) => @V1SubscriptionManager._v1Request @user_id, { url: () -> '/foo' }, cb it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err) => expect(err).to.exist done() describe 'when the call succeeds', -> beforeEach -> @V1SubscriptionManager.v1IdForUser = sinon.stub() .yields(null, @v1UserId) @request.yields(null, { statusCode: 200 }, "{}") @call = (cb) => @V1SubscriptionManager._v1Request @user_id, { url: () -> '/foo' }, cb it 'should not produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, body, v1Id) => expect(err) done() it 'should return the v1 user id', (done) -> @call (err, body, v1Id) => expect(v1Id).to.equal @v1UserId done() it 'should return the http response body', (done) -> @call (err, body, v1Id) => expect(body).to.equal "{}" done() describe 'when the call returns an http error status code', -> beforeEach -> @V1SubscriptionManager.v1IdForUser = sinon.stub() .yields(null, @v1UserId) @request.yields(null, { statusCode: 500 }, "{}") @call = (cb) => @V1SubscriptionManager._v1Request @user_id, { url: () -> '/foo' }, cb it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, body, v1Id) => expect(err).to.exist done() describe 'v1IdForUser', -> beforeEach -> @UserGetter.getUser = sinon.stub() .yields(null, @user) describe 'when getUser produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @UserGetter.getUser = sinon.stub() .yields(new Error('woops')) @call = (cb) => @V1SubscriptionManager.v1IdForUser @user_id, cb it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err) => expect(err).to.exist done() describe 'when getUser does not find a user', -> beforeEach -> @UserGetter.getUser = sinon.stub() .yields(null, null) @call = (cb) => @V1SubscriptionManager.v1IdForUser @user_id, cb it 'should not error', (done) -> @call (err, user_id) => expect(err).to.not.exist done() describe 'when it works', -> beforeEach -> @call = (cb) => @V1SubscriptionManager.v1IdForUser @user_id, cb it 'should not error', (done) -> @call (err, user_id) => expect(err).to.not.exist done() it 'should return the v1 user id', (done) -> @call (err, user_id) => expect(user_id).to.eql 42 done()