define [ "base" ], (App) -> App.controller "UserAffiliationsController", ["$scope", "UserAffiliationsDataService", "$q", "_", ($scope, UserAffiliationsDataService, $q, _) -> $scope.userEmails = [] $scope.countries = [] $scope.universities = [] $scope.roles = [] $scope.departments = [] _defaultDepartments = [] LOCAL_AND_DOMAIN_REGEX = /([^@]+)@(.+)/ EMAIL_REGEX = /^([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]+)@([^\.]+)\.([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]+)([^\.])$/ _matchLocalAndDomain = (userEmailInput) -> match = userEmailInput?.match LOCAL_AND_DOMAIN_REGEX if match? { local: match[1], domain: match[2] } else { local: null, domain: null } $scope.addUniversityToSelection = (universityName) -> { name: universityName, isUserSuggested: true } $scope.getEmailSuggestion = (userInput) -> userInputLocalAndDomain = _matchLocalAndDomain(userInput) $scope.ui.isValidEmail = EMAIL_REGEX.test userInput $scope.ui.isBlacklistedEmail = false $scope.ui.showManualUniversitySelectionUI = false if userInputLocalAndDomain.domain? $scope.ui.isBlacklistedEmail = UserAffiliationsDataService.isDomainBlacklisted userInputLocalAndDomain.domain UserAffiliationsDataService.getUniversityDomainFromPartialDomainInput(userInputLocalAndDomain.domain) .then (universityDomain) -> currentUserInputLocalAndDomain = _matchLocalAndDomain $ if currentUserInputLocalAndDomain.domain == universityDomain.hostname $ = $scope.newAffiliation.department = universityDomain.department else $ = null $scope.newAffiliation.department = null $q.resolve "#{userInputLocalAndDomain.local}@#{universityDomain.hostname}" .catch () -> $ = null $scope.newAffiliation.department = null $q.reject null else $ = null $scope.newAffiliation.department = null $q.reject null $scope.selectUniversityManually = () -> $ = null $scope.newAffiliation.department = null $scope.ui.showManualUniversitySelectionUI = true $scope.showAddEmailForm = () -> $scope.ui.showAddEmailUI = true $scope.addNewEmail = () -> $scope.ui.isAddingNewEmail = true if !$ addEmailPromise = UserAffiliationsDataService .addUserEmail $ else if $ addEmailPromise = UserAffiliationsDataService .addUserAffiliationWithUnknownUniversity( $, $, $, $scope.newAffiliation.role, $scope.newAffiliation.department ) else addEmailPromise = UserAffiliationsDataService .addUserAffiliation( $, $ $scope.newAffiliation.role, $scope.newAffiliation.department ) addEmailPromise.then () -> _reset() _getUserEmails() $scope.setDefaultUserEmail = (email) -> $scope.ui.isLoadingEmails = true UserAffiliationsDataService .setDefaultUserEmail email .then () -> _getUserEmails() $scope.removeUserEmail = (email) -> $scope.ui.isLoadingEmails = true UserAffiliationsDataService .removeUserEmail email .then () -> _getUserEmails() $scope.getDepartments = () -> if $ > 0 _.uniq $ else UserAffiliationsDataService.getDefaultDepartmentHints() _reset = () -> $scope.newAffiliation = email: "" country: null university: null role: null department: null $scope.ui = showManualUniversitySelectionUI: false isLoadingEmails: false isAddingNewEmail: false showAddEmailUI: false isValidEmail: false isBlacklistedEmail: false _reset() # Populates the emails table _getUserEmails = () -> $scope.ui.isLoadingEmails = true UserAffiliationsDataService .getUserEmails() .then (emails) -> $scope.userEmails = emails $scope.ui.isLoadingEmails = false _getUserEmails() # Populates the countries dropdown UserAffiliationsDataService .getCountries() .then (countries) -> $scope.countries = countries # Populates the roles dropdown UserAffiliationsDataService .getDefaultRoleHints() .then (roles) -> $scope.roles = roles # Fetches the default department hints UserAffiliationsDataService .getDefaultDepartmentHints() .then (departments) -> _defaultDepartments = departments # Populates the universities dropdown (after selecting a country) $scope.$watch "", (newSelectedCountry, prevSelectedCountry) -> if newSelectedCountry? and newSelectedCountry != prevSelectedCountry $ = null $scope.newAffiliation.role = null $scope.newAffiliation.department = null UserAffiliationsDataService .getUniversitiesFromCountry(newSelectedCountry) .then (universities) -> $scope.universities = universities # Populates the departments dropdown (after selecting a university) $scope.$watch "", (newSelectedUniversity, prevSelectedUniversity) -> if newSelectedUniversity? and newSelectedUniversity != prevSelectedUniversity if newSelectedUniversity.departments?.length > 0 $scope.departments = _.uniq newSelectedUniversity.departments else $scope.departments = _defaultDepartments ]