// script to generate plan prices for recurly from a csv file // // Usage: // // $ node scripts/recurly/generate_recurly_prices.js -f input.csv -o prices.json // // The input csv file has the following format: // // plan_code,USD,EUR,GBP,... // student,9,8,7,... // student-annual,89,79,69,... // group_professional_2_educational,558,516,446,... // // The output file format is the JSON of the plans returned by recurly, with an // extra _addOns property for the addOns associated with that plan. // // The output can be used as input for the upload script `recurly_prices.js`. const minimist = require('minimist') const csv = require('csv/sync') const _ = require('lodash') const fs = require('fs') const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { string: ['output', 'file'], alias: { o: 'output', f: 'file' }, default: { output: '/dev/stdout' }, }) // All currency codes are 3 uppercase letters const CURRENCY_CODE_REGEX = /^[A-Z]{3}$/ // Group plans have a plan code of the form group_name_size_type, e.g. const GROUP_SIZE_REGEX = /group_\w+_([0-9]+)_\w+/ // Only group plans with more than 4 users can have additional licenses const SINGLE_LICENSE_MAX_GROUP_SIZE = 4 // Compute prices for the base plan function computePrices(plan) { const prices = _.pickBy(plan, (value, key) => CURRENCY_CODE_REGEX.test(key)) const result = [] for (const currency in prices) { result.push({ currency, setupFee: 0, unitAmount: parseInt(prices[currency], 10), }) } return _.sortBy(result, 'currency') } // Handle prices for license add-ons associated with group plans function isGroupPlan(plan) { return plan.plan_code.startsWith('group_') } function getGroupSize(plan) { // extract the group size from the plan code group_name_size_type using a regex const match = plan.plan_code.match(GROUP_SIZE_REGEX) if (!match) { throw new Error(`cannot find group size in plan code: ${plan.plan_code}`) } const size = parseInt(match[1], 10) return size } function computeAddOnPrices(prices, size) { // The price of an additional license is the per-user cost of the base plan, // i.e. the price of the plan divided by the group size of the plan return prices.map(price => { return { currency: price.currency, unitAmount: Math.round((100 * price.unitAmount) / size) / 100, unitAmountDecimal: null, } }) } // Convert the raw records into the output format function transformRecordToPlan(record) { const prices = computePrices(record) // The base plan has no add-ons const plan = { code: record.plan_code, currencies: prices, } // Large group plans have an add-on for additional licenses if (isGroupPlan(record)) { const size = getGroupSize(record) if (size > SINGLE_LICENSE_MAX_GROUP_SIZE) { const addOnPrices = computeAddOnPrices(prices, size) plan._addOns = [ { code: 'additional-license', currencies: addOnPrices, }, ] } } return plan } function generate(inputFile, outputFile) { const input = fs.readFileSync(inputFile, 'utf8') const rawRecords = csv.parse(input, { columns: true }) // transform the raw records into the output format const plans = _.sortBy(rawRecords, 'plan_code').map(transformRecordToPlan) const output = JSON.stringify(plans, null, 2) fs.writeFileSync(outputFile, output) } if (argv.file) { generate(argv.file, argv.output) } else { console.log('usage:\n' + ' --file input.csv -o file.json\n') }