sinon = require('sinon') chai = require('chai') should = chai.should() modulePath = "../../../../app/js/Features/Uploads/ArchiveManager.js" SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') events = require "events" describe "ArchiveManager", -> beforeEach -> @logger = error: sinon.stub() log: sinon.stub() @process = new events.EventEmitter @process.stdout = new events.EventEmitter @process.stderr = new events.EventEmitter @child = spawn: sinon.stub().returns(@process) @metrics = Timer: class Timer done: sinon.stub() @ArchiveManager = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "child_process": @child "logger-sharelatex": @logger "../../infrastructure/Metrics": @metrics describe "extractZipArchive", -> beforeEach -> @source = "/path/to/zip/" @destination = "/path/to/zip/destination" @callback = sinon.stub() describe "successfully", -> beforeEach (done) -> @ArchiveManager.extractZipArchive @source, @destination, done @process.emit "exit" it "should run unzip", -> @child.spawn.calledWithExactly("unzip", [@source, "-d", @destination]).should.equal true it "should time the unzip", -> @metrics.Timer::done.called.should.equal true it "should log the unzip", -> @logger.log.calledWith(sinon.match.any, "unzipping file").should.equal true describe "with an error on stderr", -> beforeEach (done) -> @ArchiveManager.extractZipArchive @source, @destination, (error) => @callback(error) done() @process.stderr.emit "data", "Something went wrong" @process.emit "exit" it "should return the callback with an error", -> @callback.calledWithExactly(new Error("Something went wrong")).should.equal true it "should log out the error", -> @logger.error.called.should.equal true describe "with an error on the process", -> beforeEach (done) -> @ArchiveManager.extractZipArchive @source, @destination, (error) => @callback(error) done() @process.emit "error", new Error("Something went wrong") it "should return the callback with an error", -> @callback.calledWithExactly(new Error("Something went wrong")).should.equal true it "should log out the error", -> @logger.error.called.should.equal true