[0] Config.pm:324> INFO - This is Biber 2.1 [0] Config.pm:327> INFO - Logfile is 'output.blg' [44] biber-darwin:276> INFO - === Thu Mar 3, 2016, 16:00:52 [45] Biber.pm:333> INFO - Reading 'output.bcf' [148] Biber.pm:645> INFO - Found 1 citekeys in bib section 0 [168] Biber.pm:2977> INFO - Processing section 0 [184] Biber.pm:3115> INFO - Looking for bibtex format file 'bibliography.bib' for section 0 [186] bibtex.pm:1021> INFO - Decoding LaTeX character macros into UTF-8 [187] bibtex.pm:895> INFO - Found BibTeX data source 'bibliography.bib' [187] Utils.pm:146> WARN - Entry small does not parse correctly [187] Utils.pm:146> WARN - BibTeX subsystem: /var/folders/xz/jm214r5n7dv36_q3nclqxvpm0000gn/T/w5cKkglymq/bibliography.bib_46723.utf8, line 4, warning: possible runaway string started at line 3 [187] Utils.pm:162> ERROR - BibTeX subsystem: /var/folders/xz/jm214r5n7dv36_q3nclqxvpm0000gn/T/w5cKkglymq/bibliography.bib_46723.utf8, line 8, syntax error: at end of input, expected end of entry ("}" or ")") (skipping to next "@") [188] Biber.pm:106> INFO - WARNINGS: 2 [188] Biber.pm:110> INFO - ERRORS: 1