const sinon = require('sinon') const chai = require('chai') const { expect } = chai const modulePath = '../../../app/js/DocArchiveManager.js' const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb') const Errors = require('../../../app/js/Errors') chai.use(require('chai-as-promised')) chai.use(require('sinon-chai')) describe('DocArchiveManager', function () { let DocArchiveManager, PersistorManager, MongoManager, RangeManager, Settings, Logger, Crypto, Streamifier, HashDigest, HashUpdate, archivedDocs, mongoDocs, docJson, md5Sum, projectId, readStream, stream beforeEach(function () { md5Sum = 'decafbad' RangeManager = { jsonRangesToMongo: sinon.stub().returns({ mongo: 'ranges' }) } Settings = { docstore: { bucket: 'wombat' } } Logger = { log: sinon.stub(), err: sinon.stub() } HashDigest = sinon.stub().returns(md5Sum) HashUpdate = sinon.stub().returns({ digest: HashDigest }) Crypto = { createHash: sinon.stub().returns({ update: HashUpdate }) } Streamifier = { createReadStream: sinon.stub().returns({ stream: 'readStream' }) } projectId = ObjectId() archivedDocs = [ { _id: ObjectId(), inS3: true, rev: 2 }, { _id: ObjectId(), inS3: true, rev: 4 }, { _id: ObjectId(), inS3: true, rev: 6 } ] mongoDocs = [ { _id: ObjectId(), lines: ['one', 'two', 'three'], rev: 2 }, { _id: ObjectId(), lines: ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'], rev: 4 }, { _id: ObjectId(), inS3: true, rev: 6 }, { _id: ObjectId(), inS3: true, rev: 6 }, { _id: ObjectId(), lines: ['111', '222', '333'], rev: 6 } ] docJson = JSON.stringify({ lines: mongoDocs[0].lines, ranges: mongoDocs[0].ranges, schema_v: 1 }) stream = { on: sinon.stub(), resume: sinon.stub() } stream.on.withArgs('data').yields(Buffer.from(docJson, 'utf8')) stream.on.withArgs('end').yields() readStream = { stream: 'readStream' } PersistorManager = { getObjectStream: sinon.stub().resolves(stream), sendStream: sinon.stub().resolves(), getObjectMd5Hash: sinon.stub().resolves(md5Sum), deleteObject: sinon.stub().resolves() } MongoManager = { promises: { markDocAsArchived: sinon.stub().resolves(), upsertIntoDocCollection: sinon.stub().resolves(), getProjectsDocs: sinon.stub().resolves(mongoDocs), getArchivedProjectDocs: sinon.stub().resolves(archivedDocs), findDoc: sinon.stub().rejects(new Errors.NotFoundError()), destroyDoc: sinon.stub().resolves() } } for (const mongoDoc of mongoDocs.concat(archivedDocs)) { MongoManager.promises.findDoc .withArgs(projectId, mongoDoc._id, sinon.match.any) .resolves(mongoDoc) } DocArchiveManager = SandboxedModule.require(modulePath, { requires: { 'settings-sharelatex': Settings, 'logger-sharelatex': Logger, crypto: Crypto, streamifier: Streamifier, './MongoManager': MongoManager, './RangeManager': RangeManager, './PersistorManager': PersistorManager, './Errors': Errors }, globals: { console, JSON } }) }) describe('archiveDoc', function () { it('should resolve when passed a valid document', async function () { await expect( DocArchiveManager.promises.archiveDoc(projectId, mongoDocs[0]) ) }) it('should throw an error if the doc has no lines', async function () { const doc = mongoDocs[0] doc.lines = null await expect( DocArchiveManager.promises.archiveDoc(projectId, doc) )'doc has no lines') }) it('should add the schema version', async function () { await DocArchiveManager.promises.archiveDoc(projectId, mongoDocs[1]) expect(Streamifier.createReadStream).to.have.been.calledWith( sinon.match(/"schema_v":1/) ) }) it('should calculate the hex md5 sum of the content', async function () { const json = JSON.stringify({ lines: mongoDocs[0].lines, ranges: mongoDocs[0].ranges, schema_v: 1 }) await DocArchiveManager.promises.archiveDoc(projectId, mongoDocs[0]) expect(Crypto.createHash).to.have.been.calledWith('md5') expect(HashUpdate).to.have.been.calledWith(json) expect(HashDigest).to.have.been.calledWith('hex') }) it('should pass the md5 hash to the object persistor for verification', async function () { await DocArchiveManager.promises.archiveDoc(projectId, mongoDocs[0]) expect(PersistorManager.sendStream).to.have.been.calledWith( sinon.match.any, sinon.match.any, sinon.match.any, { sourceMd5: md5Sum } ) }) it('should pass the correct bucket and key to the persistor', async function () { await DocArchiveManager.promises.archiveDoc(projectId, mongoDocs[0]) expect(PersistorManager.sendStream).to.have.been.calledWith( Settings.docstore.bucket, `${projectId}/${mongoDocs[0]._id}` ) }) it('should create a stream from the encoded json and send it', async function () { await DocArchiveManager.promises.archiveDoc(projectId, mongoDocs[0]) expect(Streamifier.createReadStream).to.have.been.calledWith(docJson) expect(PersistorManager.sendStream).to.have.been.calledWith( sinon.match.any, sinon.match.any, readStream ) }) it('should mark the doc as archived', async function () { await DocArchiveManager.promises.archiveDoc(projectId, mongoDocs[0]) expect(MongoManager.promises.markDocAsArchived).to.have.been.calledWith( mongoDocs[0]._id, mongoDocs[0].rev ) }) describe('with null bytes in the result', function () { const _stringify = JSON.stringify beforeEach(function () { JSON.stringify = sinon.stub().returns('{"bad": "\u0000"}') }) afterEach(function () { JSON.stringify = _stringify }) it('should return an error', async function () { await expect( DocArchiveManager.promises.archiveDoc(projectId, mongoDocs[0]) )'null bytes detected') }) }) }) describe('unarchiveDoc', function () { let docId describe('when the doc is in S3', function () { beforeEach(function () { MongoManager.promises.findDoc = sinon.stub().resolves({ inS3: true }) docId = mongoDocs[0]._id }) it('should resolve when passed a valid document', async function () { await expect(DocArchiveManager.promises.unarchiveDoc(projectId, docId)) }) it('should throw an error if the md5 does not match', async function () { PersistorManager.getObjectMd5Hash.resolves('badf00d') await expect( DocArchiveManager.promises.unarchiveDoc(projectId, docId) ) }) it('should update the doc lines in mongo', async function () { await DocArchiveManager.promises.unarchiveDoc(projectId, docId) expect( MongoManager.promises.upsertIntoDocCollection ).to.have.been.calledWith(projectId, docId, { lines: mongoDocs[0].lines }) }) it('should delete the doc in s3', async function () { await DocArchiveManager.promises.unarchiveDoc(projectId, docId) expect(PersistorManager.deleteObject).to.have.been.calledWith( Settings.docstore.bucket, `${projectId}/${docId}` ) }) describe('doc contents', function () { let mongoDoc, s3Doc describe('when the doc has the old schema', function () { beforeEach(function () { mongoDoc = { lines: ['doc', 'lines'] } s3Doc = ['doc', 'lines'] docJson = JSON.stringify(s3Doc) stream.on.withArgs('data').yields(Buffer.from(docJson, 'utf8')) }) it('should return the docs lines', async function () { await DocArchiveManager.promises.unarchiveDoc(projectId, docId) expect( MongoManager.promises.upsertIntoDocCollection ).to.have.been.calledWith(projectId, docId, mongoDoc) }) }) describe('with the new schema and ranges', function () { beforeEach(function () { s3Doc = { lines: ['doc', 'lines'], ranges: { json: 'ranges' }, schema_v: 1 } mongoDoc = { lines: ['doc', 'lines'], ranges: { mongo: 'ranges' } } docJson = JSON.stringify(s3Doc) stream.on.withArgs('data').yields(Buffer.from(docJson, 'utf8')) }) it('should return the doc lines and ranges', async function () { await DocArchiveManager.promises.unarchiveDoc(projectId, docId) expect( MongoManager.promises.upsertIntoDocCollection ).to.have.been.calledWith(projectId, docId, mongoDoc) }) }) describe('with the new schema and no ranges', function () { beforeEach(function () { s3Doc = { lines: ['doc', 'lines'], schema_v: 1 } mongoDoc = { lines: ['doc', 'lines'] } docJson = JSON.stringify(s3Doc) stream.on.withArgs('data').yields(Buffer.from(docJson, 'utf8')) }) it('should return only the doc lines', async function () { await DocArchiveManager.promises.unarchiveDoc(projectId, docId) expect( MongoManager.promises.upsertIntoDocCollection ).to.have.been.calledWith(projectId, docId, mongoDoc) }) }) describe('with an unrecognised schema', function () { beforeEach(function () { s3Doc = { lines: ['doc', 'lines'], schema_v: 2 } docJson = JSON.stringify(s3Doc) stream.on.withArgs('data').yields(Buffer.from(docJson, 'utf8')) }) it('should throw an error', async function () { await expect( DocArchiveManager.promises.unarchiveDoc(projectId, docId) ) "I don't understand the doc format in s3" ) }) }) }) }) it('should not do anything if the file is already unarchived', async function () { MongoManager.promises.findDoc.resolves({ inS3: false }) await DocArchiveManager.promises.unarchiveDoc(projectId, docId) expect(PersistorManager.getObjectStream) }) describe('when the file is removed while we are processing it', function () { beforeEach(function () { MongoManager.promises.findDoc = sinon.stub().resolves({ inS3: true }) MongoManager.promises.findDoc.onSecondCall().resolves({ inS3: false }) }) it('should not throw an error if the file is unarchived before we get for its hash', async function () { PersistorManager.getObjectMd5Hash = sinon .stub() .rejects(new Errors.NotFoundError()) await expect(DocArchiveManager.promises.unarchiveDoc(projectId, docId)) expect(PersistorManager.getObjectStream) }) it('should not throw an error if the file is unarchived before we download it', async function () { PersistorManager.getObjectStream = sinon .stub() .rejects(new Errors.NotFoundError()) await expect(DocArchiveManager.promises.unarchiveDoc(projectId, docId)) expect(MongoManager.promises.upsertIntoDocCollection) .called }) }) it('should throw an error if the file is not found but is still listed as archived', async function () { PersistorManager.getObjectStream = sinon .stub() .rejects(new Errors.NotFoundError()) await expect( DocArchiveManager.promises.unarchiveDoc(projectId, docId) ) }) }) describe('destroyDoc', function () { let docId beforeEach(function () { docId = mongoDocs[0]._id }) it('should resolve when passed a valid document', async function () { await expect(DocArchiveManager.promises.destroyDoc(projectId, docId)).to }) it('should throw a not found error when there is no document', async function () { await expect( DocArchiveManager.promises.destroyDoc(projectId, 'wombat') ) }) describe('when the doc is in s3', function () { beforeEach(function () { mongoDocs[0].inS3 = true }) it('should delete the document from s3, if it is in s3', async function () { await DocArchiveManager.promises.destroyDoc(projectId, docId) expect(PersistorManager.deleteObject).to.have.been.calledWith( Settings.docstore.bucket, `${projectId}/${docId}` ) }) it('should delete the doc in mongo', async function () { await DocArchiveManager.promises.destroyDoc(projectId, docId) }) }) describe('when the doc is not in s3', function () { beforeEach(function () { mongoDocs[0].inS3 = false }) it('should not delete the document from s3, if it is not in s3', async function () { await DocArchiveManager.promises.destroyDoc(projectId, docId) expect(PersistorManager.deleteObject) }) it('should delete the doc in mongo', async function () { await DocArchiveManager.promises.destroyDoc(projectId, docId) }) }) }) describe('archiveAllDocs', function () { it('should resolve with valid arguments', async function () { await expect(DocArchiveManager.promises.archiveAllDocs(projectId)).to }) it('should archive all project docs which are not in s3', async function () { await DocArchiveManager.promises.archiveAllDocs(projectId) // not inS3 expect(MongoManager.promises.markDocAsArchived).to.have.been.calledWith( mongoDocs[0]._id ) expect(MongoManager.promises.markDocAsArchived).to.have.been.calledWith( mongoDocs[1]._id ) expect(MongoManager.promises.markDocAsArchived).to.have.been.calledWith( mongoDocs[4]._id ) // inS3 expect( MongoManager.promises.markDocAsArchived )[2]._id) expect( MongoManager.promises.markDocAsArchived )[3]._id) }) it('should return error if the project has no docs', async function () { MongoManager.promises.getProjectsDocs.resolves(null) await expect( DocArchiveManager.promises.archiveAllDocs(projectId) ) }) }) describe('unArchiveAllDocs', function () { it('should resolve with valid arguments', async function () { await expect(DocArchiveManager.promises.unArchiveAllDocs(projectId)).to }) it('should unarchive all inS3 docs', async function () { await DocArchiveManager.promises.unArchiveAllDocs(projectId) for (const doc of archivedDocs) { expect(PersistorManager.getObjectStream).to.have.been.calledWith( Settings.docstore.bucket, `${projectId}/${doc._id}` ) } }) it('should return error if the project has no docs', async function () { MongoManager.promises.getArchivedProjectDocs.resolves(null) await expect( DocArchiveManager.promises.unArchiveAllDocs(projectId) ) }) }) describe('destroyAllDocs', function () { it('should resolve with valid arguments', async function () { await expect(DocArchiveManager.promises.destroyAllDocs(projectId)).to }) it('should delete all docs that are in s3 from s3', async function () { await DocArchiveManager.promises.destroyAllDocs(projectId) // not inS3 for (const index of [0, 1, 4]) { expect(PersistorManager.deleteObject) Settings.docstore.bucket, `${projectId}/${mongoDocs[index]._id}` ) } // inS3 for (const index of [2, 3]) { expect(PersistorManager.deleteObject).to.have.been.calledWith( Settings.docstore.bucket, `${projectId}/${mongoDocs[index]._id}` ) } }) it('should destroy all docs in mongo', async function () { await DocArchiveManager.promises.destroyAllDocs(projectId) for (const mongoDoc of mongoDocs) { expect(MongoManager.promises.destroyDoc).to.have.been.calledWith( mongoDoc._id ) } }) }) })