const sinon = require('sinon') const chai = require('chai') const { expect } = chai const modulePath = '../../../app/js/MigrationPersistor.js' const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') const Errors = require('../../../app/js/Errors') // Not all methods are tested here, but a method with each type of wrapping has // tests. Specifically, the following wrapping methods are tested here: // getFileStream: _wrapFallbackMethod // sendStream: forward-to-primary // deleteFile: _wrapMethodOnBothPersistors // copyFile: copyFileWithFallback describe('MigrationPersistorTests', function() { const bucket = 'womBucket' const fallbackBucket = 'bucKangaroo' const key = 'monKey' const destKey = 'donKey' const genericError = new Error('guru meditation error') const notFoundError = new Errors.NotFoundError('not found') const size = 33 const md5 = 'ffffffff' let Metrics, Settings, Logger, Stream, MigrationPersistor, fileStream, newPersistor beforeEach(function() { fileStream = { name: 'fileStream', on: sinon .stub() .withArgs('end') .yields(), pipe: sinon.stub() } newPersistor = function(hasFile) { return { promises: { sendFile: sinon.stub().resolves(), sendStream: sinon.stub().resolves(), getFileStream: hasFile ? sinon.stub().resolves(fileStream) : sinon.stub().rejects(notFoundError), deleteDirectory: sinon.stub().resolves(), getFileSize: hasFile ? sinon.stub().resolves(size) : sinon.stub().rejects(notFoundError), deleteFile: sinon.stub().resolves(), copyFile: hasFile ? sinon.stub().resolves() : sinon.stub().rejects(notFoundError), checkIfFileExists: sinon.stub().resolves(hasFile), directorySize: hasFile ? sinon.stub().resolves(size) : sinon.stub().rejects(notFoundError), getFileMd5Hash: hasFile ? sinon.stub().resolves(md5) : sinon.stub().rejects(notFoundError) } } } Settings = { filestore: { fallback: { buckets: { [bucket]: fallbackBucket } } } } Metrics = { inc: sinon.stub() } Stream = { pipeline: sinon.stub().yields(), PassThrough: sinon.stub() } Logger = { warn: sinon.stub() } MigrationPersistor = SandboxedModule.require(modulePath, { requires: { 'settings-sharelatex': Settings, stream: Stream, './Errors': Errors, 'metrics-sharelatex': Metrics, 'logger-sharelatex': Logger }, globals: { console } }) }) describe('getFileStream', function() { const options = { wombat: 'potato' } describe('when the primary persistor has the file', function() { let primaryPersistor, fallbackPersistor, migrationPersistor, response beforeEach(async function() { primaryPersistor = newPersistor(true) fallbackPersistor = newPersistor(false) migrationPersistor = MigrationPersistor( primaryPersistor, fallbackPersistor ) response = await migrationPersistor.promises.getFileStream( bucket, key, options ) }) it('should return the file stream', function() { expect(response).to.equal(fileStream) }) it('should fetch the file from the primary persistor, with the correct options', function() { expect( primaryPersistor.promises.getFileStream ).to.have.been.calledWithExactly(bucket, key, options) }) it('should not query the fallback persistor', function() { expect(fallbackPersistor.promises.getFileStream) }) }) describe('when the fallback persistor has the file', function() { let primaryPersistor, fallbackPersistor, migrationPersistor, response beforeEach(async function() { primaryPersistor = newPersistor(false) fallbackPersistor = newPersistor(true) migrationPersistor = MigrationPersistor( primaryPersistor, fallbackPersistor ) response = await migrationPersistor.promises.getFileStream( bucket, key, options ) }) it('should return the file stream', function() { expect(response) }) it('should fetch the file from the primary persistor with the correct options', function() { expect( primaryPersistor.promises.getFileStream ).to.have.been.calledWithExactly(bucket, key, options) }) it('should fetch the file from the fallback persistor with the fallback bucket with the correct options', function() { expect( fallbackPersistor.promises.getFileStream ).to.have.been.calledWithExactly(fallbackBucket, key, options) }) it('should create one read stream', function() { expect(fallbackPersistor.promises.getFileStream).to.have.been.calledOnce }) it('should not send the file to the primary', function() { expect(primaryPersistor.promises.sendStream) }) }) describe('when the file should be copied to the primary', function() { let primaryPersistor, fallbackPersistor, migrationPersistor, returnedStream beforeEach(async function() { primaryPersistor = newPersistor(false) fallbackPersistor = newPersistor(true) migrationPersistor = MigrationPersistor( primaryPersistor, fallbackPersistor ) Settings.filestore.fallback.copyOnMiss = true returnedStream = await migrationPersistor.promises.getFileStream( bucket, key, options ) }) it('should create one read stream', function() { expect(fallbackPersistor.promises.getFileStream).to.have.been.calledOnce }) it('should get the md5 hash from the source', function() { expect( fallbackPersistor.promises.getFileMd5Hash ).to.have.been.calledWith(fallbackBucket, key) }) it('should send a stream to the primary', function() { expect( primaryPersistor.promises.sendStream ).to.have.been.calledWithExactly( bucket, key, sinon.match.instanceOf(Stream.PassThrough), md5 ) }) it('should send a stream to the client', function() { expect(returnedStream) }) }) describe('when neither persistor has the file', function() { it('rejects with a NotFoundError', async function() { const migrationPersistor = MigrationPersistor( newPersistor(false), newPersistor(false) ) return expect( migrationPersistor.promises.getFileStream(bucket, key) ) }) }) describe('when the primary persistor throws an unexpected error', function() { let primaryPersistor, fallbackPersistor, migrationPersistor, error beforeEach(async function() { primaryPersistor = newPersistor(false) fallbackPersistor = newPersistor(true) primaryPersistor.promises.getFileStream = sinon .stub() .rejects(genericError) migrationPersistor = MigrationPersistor( primaryPersistor, fallbackPersistor ) try { await migrationPersistor.promises.getFileStream(bucket, key, options) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('rejects with the error', function() { expect(error).to.equal(genericError) }) it('does not call the fallback', function() { expect(fallbackPersistor.promises.getFileStream) }) }) describe('when the fallback persistor throws an unexpected error', function() { let primaryPersistor, fallbackPersistor, migrationPersistor, error beforeEach(async function() { primaryPersistor = newPersistor(false) fallbackPersistor = newPersistor(false) fallbackPersistor.promises.getFileStream = sinon .stub() .rejects(genericError) migrationPersistor = MigrationPersistor( primaryPersistor, fallbackPersistor ) try { await migrationPersistor.promises.getFileStream(bucket, key, options) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('rejects with the error', function() { expect(error).to.equal(genericError) }) it('should have called the fallback', function() { expect( fallbackPersistor.promises.getFileStream ).to.have.been.calledWith(fallbackBucket, key) }) }) }) describe('sendStream', function() { let primaryPersistor, fallbackPersistor, migrationPersistor beforeEach(function() { primaryPersistor = newPersistor(false) fallbackPersistor = newPersistor(false) migrationPersistor = MigrationPersistor( primaryPersistor, fallbackPersistor ) }) describe('when it works', function() { beforeEach(async function() { return migrationPersistor.promises.sendStream(bucket, key, fileStream) }) it('should send the file to the primary persistor', function() { expect( primaryPersistor.promises.sendStream ).to.have.been.calledWithExactly(bucket, key, fileStream) }) it('should not send the file to the fallback persistor', function() { expect(fallbackPersistor.promises.sendStream) }) }) describe('when the primary persistor throws an error', function() { it('returns the error', async function() { primaryPersistor.promises.sendStream.rejects(notFoundError) return expect( migrationPersistor.promises.sendStream(bucket, key, fileStream) ) }) }) }) describe('deleteFile', function() { let primaryPersistor, fallbackPersistor, migrationPersistor beforeEach(function() { primaryPersistor = newPersistor(false) fallbackPersistor = newPersistor(false) migrationPersistor = MigrationPersistor( primaryPersistor, fallbackPersistor ) }) describe('when it works', function() { beforeEach(async function() { return migrationPersistor.promises.deleteFile(bucket, key) }) it('should delete the file from the primary', function() { expect( primaryPersistor.promises.deleteFile ).to.have.been.calledWithExactly(bucket, key) }) it('should delete the file from the fallback', function() { expect( fallbackPersistor.promises.deleteFile ).to.have.been.calledWithExactly(fallbackBucket, key) }) }) describe('when the primary persistor throws an error', function() { let error beforeEach(async function() { primaryPersistor.promises.deleteFile.rejects(genericError) try { await migrationPersistor.promises.deleteFile(bucket, key) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('should return the error', function() { expect(error).to.equal(genericError) }) it('should delete the file from the primary', function() { expect( primaryPersistor.promises.deleteFile ).to.have.been.calledWithExactly(bucket, key) }) it('should delete the file from the fallback', function() { expect( fallbackPersistor.promises.deleteFile ).to.have.been.calledWithExactly(fallbackBucket, key) }) }) describe('when the fallback persistor throws an error', function() { let error beforeEach(async function() { fallbackPersistor.promises.deleteFile.rejects(genericError) try { await migrationPersistor.promises.deleteFile(bucket, key) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('should return the error', function() { expect(error).to.equal(genericError) }) it('should delete the file from the primary', function() { expect( primaryPersistor.promises.deleteFile ).to.have.been.calledWithExactly(bucket, key) }) it('should delete the file from the fallback', function() { expect( fallbackPersistor.promises.deleteFile ).to.have.been.calledWithExactly(fallbackBucket, key) }) }) }) describe('copyFile', function() { describe('when the file exists on the primary', function() { let primaryPersistor, fallbackPersistor, migrationPersistor beforeEach(async function() { primaryPersistor = newPersistor(true) fallbackPersistor = newPersistor(false) migrationPersistor = MigrationPersistor( primaryPersistor, fallbackPersistor ) return migrationPersistor.promises.copyFile(bucket, key, destKey) }) it('should call copyFile to copy the file', function() { expect( primaryPersistor.promises.copyFile ).to.have.been.calledWithExactly(bucket, key, destKey) }) it('should not try to read from the fallback', function() { expect(fallbackPersistor.promises.getFileStream) }) }) describe('when the file does not exist on the primary', function() { let primaryPersistor, fallbackPersistor, migrationPersistor beforeEach(async function() { primaryPersistor = newPersistor(false) fallbackPersistor = newPersistor(true) migrationPersistor = MigrationPersistor( primaryPersistor, fallbackPersistor ) return migrationPersistor.promises.copyFile(bucket, key, destKey) }) it('should call copyFile to copy the file', function() { expect( primaryPersistor.promises.copyFile ).to.have.been.calledWithExactly(bucket, key, destKey) }) it('should fetch the file from the fallback', function() { expect( fallbackPersistor.promises.getFileStream ), key) }) it('should get the md5 hash from the source', function() { expect( fallbackPersistor.promises.getFileMd5Hash ).to.have.been.calledWith(fallbackBucket, key) }) it('should send the file to the primary', function() { expect( primaryPersistor.promises.sendStream ).to.have.been.calledWithExactly( bucket, destKey, sinon.match.instanceOf(Stream.PassThrough), md5 ) }) }) describe('when the file does not exist on the fallback', function() { let primaryPersistor, fallbackPersistor, migrationPersistor, error beforeEach(async function() { primaryPersistor = newPersistor(false) fallbackPersistor = newPersistor(false) migrationPersistor = MigrationPersistor( primaryPersistor, fallbackPersistor ) try { await migrationPersistor.promises.copyFile(bucket, key, destKey) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('should call copyFile to copy the file', function() { expect( primaryPersistor.promises.copyFile ).to.have.been.calledWithExactly(bucket, key, destKey) }) it('should fetch the file from the fallback', function() { expect( fallbackPersistor.promises.getFileStream ), key) }) it('should return a not-found error', function() { expect(error) }) }) }) })