sinon = require "sinon" chai = require("chai") chai.should() {ObjectId} = require "mongojs" DocstoreClient = require "./helpers/DocstoreClient" describe "Applying updates to a doc", -> beforeEach (done) -> @project_id = ObjectId() @lines = ["original", "lines"] DocstoreClient.createDoc @project_id, @lines, (error, @doc_id) => done() afterEach (done) -> DocstoreClient.deleteProject @project_id, done describe "when the doc exists", -> it "should get the doc lines", (done) -> DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, (error, res, doc) => doc.lines.should.deep.equal @lines done() describe "when the doc does not exist", -> it "should return a 404", (done) -> missing_doc_id = ObjectId() DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, missing_doc_id, (error, res, doc) -> res.statusCode.should.equal 404 done()