import i18n from 'i18next' import { initReactI18next } from 'react-i18next' const LANG = window.i18n.currentLangCode // Since we are rendering React from Angular, the initialisation is // synchronous on page load (but hidden behind the loading screen). This // means that translations must be initialised without any actual // translation strings, and load those manually ourselves later i18n.use(initReactI18next).init({ lng: LANG, react: { // Since we are manually waiting on the translations data to // load, we don't need to use Suspense useSuspense: false, // Trigger a re-render when a language is added. Since we load the // translation strings asynchronously, we need to trigger a re-render once // they've loaded bindI18nStore: 'added' }, interpolation: { // We use the legacy v1 JSON format, so configure interpolator to use // underscores instead of curly braces prefix: '__', suffix: '__', unescapeSuffix: 'HTML', // Disable nesting in interpolated values, preventing user input // injection via another nested value skipOnVariables: true } }) // The webpackChunkName here will name this chunk (and thus the requested // script) according to the file name. See // for details const localesPromise = import( /* webpackChunkName: "[request]" */ `../../locales/${LANG}.json` ).then(lang => { i18n.addResourceBundle(LANG, 'translation', lang) }) export default localesPromise