const fs = require('fs') const Path = require('path') const _ = require('lodash') const logger = require('@overleaf/logger') const OError = require('@overleaf/o-error') const LockManager = require('../app/js/LockManager') const PersistenceManager = require('../app/js/PersistenceManager') const ProjectFlusher = require('../app/js/ProjectFlusher') const ProjectManager = require('../app/js/ProjectManager') const RedisManager = require('../app/js/RedisManager') const Settings = require('@overleaf/settings') const AUTO_FIX_VERSION_MISMATCH = process.env.AUTO_FIX_VERSION_MISMATCH === 'true' const SCRIPT_LOG_LEVEL = process.env.SCRIPT_LOG_LEVEL || 'warn' const FLUSH_IN_SYNC_PROJECTS = process.env.FLUSH_IN_SYNC_PROJECTS === 'true' const FOLDER = process.env.FOLDER || '/tmp/overleaf-check-redis-mongo-sync-state' const LIMIT = parseInt(process.env.LIMIT || '1000', 10) const RETRIES = parseInt(process.env.RETRIES || '5', 10) const WRITE_CONTENT = process.env.WRITE_CONTENT === 'true' process.env.LOG_LEVEL = SCRIPT_LOG_LEVEL logger.initialize('check-redis-mongo-sync-state') const COMPARE_AND_SET = 'if"get", KEYS[1]) == ARGV[1] then return"set", KEYS[1], ARGV[2]) else return 0 end' /** * @typedef {Object} Doc * @property {number} version * @property {Array} lines * @property {string} pathname * @property {Object} ranges */ class TryAgainError extends Error {} /** * @param {string} docId * @param {Doc} redisDoc * @param {Doc} mongoDoc * @return {Promise} */ async function updateDocVersionInRedis(docId, redisDoc, mongoDoc) { const lockValue = await LockManager.promises.getLock(docId) try { const key = Settings.redis.documentupdater.key_schema.docVersion({ doc_id: docId, }) const numberOfKeys = 1 const ok = await RedisManager.rclient.eval( COMPARE_AND_SET, numberOfKeys, key, redisDoc.version, mongoDoc.version ) if (!ok) { throw new TryAgainError( 'document has been updated, aborting overwrite. Try again.' ) } } finally { await LockManager.promises.releaseLock(docId, lockValue) } } /** * @param {string} projectId * @param {string} docId * @return {Promise} */ async function processDoc(projectId, docId) { const redisDoc = /** @type Doc */ await RedisManager.promises.getDoc( projectId, docId ) const mongoDoc = /** @type Doc */ await PersistenceManager.promises.getDoc( projectId, docId ) if (mongoDoc.version < redisDoc.version) { // mongo is behind, we can flush to mongo when all docs are processed. return false } mongoDoc.snapshot = mongoDoc.lines.join('\n') redisDoc.snapshot = redisDoc.lines.join('\n') if (!mongoDoc.ranges) mongoDoc.ranges = {} if (!redisDoc.ranges) redisDoc.ranges = {} const sameLines = mongoDoc.snapshot === redisDoc.snapshot const sameRanges = _.isEqual(mongoDoc.ranges, redisDoc.ranges) if (sameLines && sameRanges) { if (mongoDoc.version > redisDoc.version) { // mongo is ahead, technically out of sync, but practically the content is identical if (AUTO_FIX_VERSION_MISMATCH) { console.log( `Fixing out of sync doc version for doc ${docId} in project ${projectId}: mongo=${mongoDoc.version} > redis=${redisDoc.version}` ) await updateDocVersionInRedis(docId, redisDoc, mongoDoc) return false } else { console.error( `Detected out of sync redis and mongo version for doc ${docId} in project ${projectId}, auto-fixable via AUTO_FIX_VERSION_MISMATCH=true` ) return true } } else { // same lines, same ranges, same version return false } } const dir = Path.join(FOLDER, projectId, docId) console.error( `Detected out of sync redis and mongo content for doc ${docId} in project ${projectId}` ) if (!WRITE_CONTENT) return true console.log(`pathname: ${mongoDoc.pathname}`) console.log(`mongo version: ${mongoDoc.version}`) console.log(`redis version: ${redisDoc.version}`) await fs.promises.mkdir(dir, { recursive: true }) if (sameLines) { console.log('mongo lines match redis lines') } else { console.log( `mongo lines and redis lines out of sync, writing content into ${dir}` ) await fs.promises.writeFile( Path.join(dir, 'mongo-snapshot.txt'), mongoDoc.snapshot ) await fs.promises.writeFile( Path.join(dir, 'redis-snapshot.txt'), redisDoc.snapshot ) } if (sameRanges) { console.log('mongo ranges match redis ranges') } else { console.log( `mongo ranges and redis ranges out of sync, writing content into ${dir}` ) await fs.promises.writeFile( Path.join(dir, 'mongo-ranges.json'), JSON.stringify(mongoDoc.ranges) ) await fs.promises.writeFile( Path.join(dir, 'redis-ranges.json'), JSON.stringify(redisDoc.ranges) ) } console.log('---') return true } /** * @param {string} projectId * @return {Promise} */ async function processProject(projectId) { const docIds = await RedisManager.promises.getDocIdsInProject(projectId) let outOfSync = 0 for (const docId of docIds) { let lastErr for (let i = 0; i <= RETRIES; i++) { try { if (await processDoc(projectId, docId)) { outOfSync++ } break } catch (err) { lastErr = err } } if (lastErr) { throw OError.tag(lastErr, 'process doc', { docId }) } } if (outOfSync === 0 && FLUSH_IN_SYNC_PROJECTS) { try { await ProjectManager.promises.flushAndDeleteProjectWithLocks( projectId, {} ) } catch (err) { throw OError.tag(err, 'flush project with only in-sync docs') } } return outOfSync } /** * @param {Set} processed * @param {Set} outOfSync * @return {Promise<{perIterationOutOfSync: number, done: boolean}>} */ async function scanOnce(processed, outOfSync) { const projectIds = await ProjectFlusher.promises.flushAllProjects({ limit: LIMIT, dryRun: true, }) let perIterationOutOfSync = 0 for (const projectId of projectIds) { if (processed.has(projectId)) continue processed.add(projectId) let perProjectOutOfSync = 0 try { perProjectOutOfSync = await processProject(projectId) } catch (err) { throw OError.tag(err, 'process project', { projectId }) } perIterationOutOfSync += perProjectOutOfSync if (perProjectOutOfSync > 0) { outOfSync.add(projectId) } } return { perIterationOutOfSync, done: projectIds.length < LIMIT } } /** * @return {Promise} */ async function main() { if (!WRITE_CONTENT) { console.warn() console.warn( ` Use WRITE_CONTENT=true to write the content of out of sync docs to FOLDER=${FOLDER}` ) console.warn() } else { console.log( `Writing content for projects with out of sync docs into FOLDER=${FOLDER}` ) await fs.promises.mkdir(FOLDER, { recursive: true }) const existing = await fs.promises.readdir(FOLDER) if (existing.length > 0) { console.warn() console.warn( ` Found existing entries in FOLDER=${FOLDER}. Please delete or move these before running the script again.` ) console.warn() return 101 } } if (LIMIT < 100) { console.warn() console.warn( ` Using small LIMIT=${LIMIT}, this can take a while to SCAN in a large redis database.` ) console.warn() } const processed = new Set() const outOfSyncProjects = new Set() let totalOutOfSyncDocs = 0 while (true) { const before = processed.size const { perIterationOutOfSync, done } = await scanOnce( processed, outOfSyncProjects ) totalOutOfSyncDocs += perIterationOutOfSync console.log(`Processed ${processed.size} projects`) console.log( `Found ${ outOfSyncProjects.size } projects with ${totalOutOfSyncDocs} out of sync docs: ${JSON.stringify( Array.from(outOfSyncProjects) )}` ) if (done) { console.log('Finished iterating all projects in redis') break } if (processed.size === before) { console.error( `Found too many un-flushed projects (LIMIT=${LIMIT}). Please fix the reported projects first, then try again.` ) if (!FLUSH_IN_SYNC_PROJECTS) { console.error( 'Use FLUSH_IN_SYNC_PROJECTS=true to flush projects that have been checked.' ) } return 2 } } return totalOutOfSyncDocs > 0 ? 1 : 0 } main() .then(code => { process.exit(code) }) .catch(error => { console.error(OError.getFullStack(error)) console.error(OError.getFullInfo(error)) process.exit(1) })