import React from 'react' import { fireEvent, render, screen } from '@testing-library/react' import { expect } from 'chai' import CloneProjectModalContent from '../../../../../frontend/js/features/clone-project-modal/components/clone-project-modal-content' import CloneProjectModal from '../../../../../frontend/js/features/clone-project-modal/components/clone-project-modal' import sinon from 'sinon' import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock' const cancel = sinon.stub() const cloneProject = sinon.stub() const handleHide = sinon.stub() describe('', function() { afterEach(function() { fetchMock.reset() }) it('posts the generated project name', async function() { const matcher = 'express:/project/:projectId/clone' fetchMock.postOnce( matcher, () => { return { project_id: 'test' } }, { body: { projectName: 'A Project (Copy)' } } ) render( ) const button = await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Copy', hidden: true // TODO: this shouldn't be needed }) const cancelButton = await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Cancel', hidden: true // TODO: this shouldn't be needed }) expect(button.disabled) expect(cancelButton.disabled) expect(fetchMock.done(matcher)) // TODO: window.location? const errorMessage = screen.queryByText('Sorry, something went wrong') expect(errorMessage) expect(button.disabled) expect(cancelButton.disabled) }) it('handles a generic error response', async function() { const matcher = 'express:/project/:projectId/clone' fetchMock.postOnce(matcher, { status: 500, body: 'There was an error!' }) render( ) const button = await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Copy', hidden: true // TODO: this shouldn't be needed }) const cancelButton = await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Cancel', hidden: true // TODO: this shouldn't be needed }) expect(button.disabled) expect(cancelButton.disabled) expect(fetchMock.done(matcher)) await screen.findByText('Sorry, something went wrong') expect(button.disabled) expect(cancelButton.disabled) }) it('handles a specific error response', async function() { const matcher = 'express:/project/:projectId/clone' fetchMock.postOnce(matcher, { status: 400, body: 'There was an error!' }) render( ) const button = await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Copy', hidden: true // TODO: this shouldn't be needed }) const cancelButton = await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Cancel', hidden: true // TODO: this shouldn't be needed }) expect(button.disabled) expect(cancelButton.disabled) expect(fetchMock.done(matcher)) await screen.findByText('There was an error!') expect(button.disabled) expect(cancelButton.disabled) }) }) describe('', function() { it('renders the translated modal title', async function() { render( ) await screen.findByText('Copy Project') }) it('shows the copy button', async function() { render( ) const button = await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Copy' }) expect(button.disabled) }) it('disables the copy button when loading', async function() { render( ) const button = await screen.findByText( (content, element) => element.nodeName === 'BUTTON' && element.textContent.trim().match(/^Copying…$/) ) expect(button.disabled) }) it('renders a generic error message', async function() { render( ) await screen.findByText('Sorry, something went wrong') }) it('renders a specific error message', async function() { render( ) await screen.findByText('Uh oh!') }) it('displays a project name', async function() { render( ) const input = await screen.getByLabelText('New Name') expect(input.value).to.equal('A copy of a project (Copy)') }) })