define [ "libs/md5" "libs/backbone" ], () -> User = Backbone.Model.extend { gravatarUrl: (size = 32) -> email = @get("email").trim().toLowerCase() hash = CryptoJS.MD5(email) return "//{hash}.jpg?size=#{size}&d=mm" OWNER_HUE: 200 hue: () -> if == @get("id") hue = @OWNER_HUE else hash = CryptoJS.MD5(@get("id")) hue = parseInt(hash.toString().slice(0,8), 16) % 320 # Avoid 20 degrees either side of the owner if hue > @OWNER_HUE - 20 hue = hue + 40 return hue name: () -> if == @get("id") return "you" parts = [] first_name = @get("first_name") if first_name? and first_name.length > 0 parts.push first_name last_name = @get("last_name") if last_name? and last_name.length > 0 parts.push last_name return parts.join(" ") }, { findOrBuild : (id, attributes) -> model = @find id if !model? model = @build id model.set model.parse attributes return model build: (id) -> model = new this(id : id) @loadedModel ||= {} @loadedModel[id] = model return model find: (id) -> @loadedModel ||= {} return @loadedModel[id] getAnonymousUser: () -> return User.findOrBuild("anonymous", { first_name: "Anonymous", email: "" }) }