should = require('chai').should() SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') assert = require('assert') path = require('path') modulePath = path.join __dirname, '../../../../app/js/Features/User/UserRegistrationHandler' describe "UserRegistrationHandler", -> beforeEach -> @handler = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires:{} @passingRequest = {body:{email:"", password:"123"}} describe 'validate Register Request', -> it 'allow working account through', -> @handler.validateRegisterRequest @passingRequest, (err, data)=> should.not.exist(err) data.first_name.should.equal "something" data.last_name.should.equal "" data.password.should.equal @passingRequest.body.password it 'not allow not valid email through ', (done)-> = "notemail" @handler.validateRegisterRequest @passingRequest, (err, data)-> should.exist(err) err.should.equal "not valid email" done() it 'not allow no email through ', -> = "" @handler.validateRegisterRequest @passingRequest, (err, data)-> should.exist(err) err.should.equal "please fill in all the fields" it 'not allow no password through ', (done)-> @passingRequest.body.password= "" @handler.validateRegisterRequest @passingRequest, (err, data)-> should.exist(err) err.should.equal "please fill in all the fields" done() it 'trim white space from email', (done)-> = " " @handler.validateRegisterRequest @passingRequest, (err, data)-> should.not.exist(err) "" done() it 'lower case email', (done)-> = "soMe@eMail.cOm" @handler.validateRegisterRequest @passingRequest, (err, data)-> should.not.exist(err) "" done() it 'should allow a short registeration request through', (done) -> @handler.validateRegisterRequest body: { email: "" password: @passingRequest.body.password }, (err, data) => should.not.exist(err) "" data.password.should.equal @passingRequest.body.password data.first_name.should.equal "user_name" done()