async = require "async" chai = require("chai") expect = chai.expect chai.should() RealTimeClient = require "./helpers/RealTimeClient" FixturesManager = require "./helpers/FixturesManager" settings = require "settings-sharelatex" redis = require "redis-sharelatex" rclient = redis.createClient(settings.redis.websessions) redisSettings = settings.redis describe "applyOtUpdate", -> before -> @update = { op: [{i: "foo", p: 42}] } describe "when authorized", -> before (done) -> async.series [ (cb) => FixturesManager.setUpProject { privilegeLevel: "readAndWrite" }, (e, {@project_id, @user_id}) => cb(e) (cb) => FixturesManager.setUpDoc @project_id, {@lines, @version, @ops}, (e, {@doc_id}) => cb(e) (cb) => @client = RealTimeClient.connect() @client.on "connectionAccepted", cb (cb) => @client.emit "joinProject", project_id: @project_id, cb (cb) => @client.emit "joinDoc", @doc_id, cb (cb) => @client.emit "applyOtUpdate", @doc_id, @update, cb ], done it "should push the doc into the pending updates list", (done) -> rclient.lrange "pending-updates-list", 0, -1, (error, [doc_id]) => doc_id.should.equal "#{@project_id}:#{@doc_id}" done() return null it "should push the update into redis", (done) -> rclient.lrange redisSettings.documentupdater.key_schema.pendingUpdates({@doc_id}), 0, -1, (error, [update]) => update = JSON.parse(update) update.op.should.deep.equal @update.op update.meta.should.deep.equal { source: @client.socket.sessionid user_id: @user_id } done() return null after (done) -> async.series [ (cb) => rclient.del "pending-updates-list", cb (cb) => rclient.del "DocsWithPendingUpdates", "#{@project_id}:#{@doc_id}", cb (cb) => rclient.del redisSettings.documentupdater.key_schema.pendingUpdates(@doc_id), cb ], done describe "when authorized to read-only with an edit update", -> before (done) -> async.series [ (cb) => FixturesManager.setUpProject { privilegeLevel: "readOnly" }, (e, {@project_id, @user_id}) => cb(e) (cb) => FixturesManager.setUpDoc @project_id, {@lines, @version, @ops}, (e, {@doc_id}) => cb(e) (cb) => @client = RealTimeClient.connect() @client.on "connectionAccepted", cb (cb) => @client.emit "joinProject", project_id: @project_id, cb (cb) => @client.emit "joinDoc", @doc_id, cb (cb) => @client.emit "applyOtUpdate", @doc_id, @update, (@error) => cb() ], done it "should return an error", -> expect(@error).to.exist it "should disconnect the client", (done) -> setTimeout () => @client.socket.connected.should.equal false done() , 300 it "should not put the update in redis", (done) -> rclient.llen redisSettings.documentupdater.key_schema.pendingUpdates({@doc_id}), (error, len) => len.should.equal 0 done() return null describe "when authorized to read-only with a comment update", -> before (done) -> @comment_update = { op: [{c: "foo", p: 42}] } async.series [ (cb) => FixturesManager.setUpProject { privilegeLevel: "readOnly" }, (e, {@project_id, @user_id}) => cb(e) (cb) => FixturesManager.setUpDoc @project_id, {@lines, @version, @ops}, (e, {@doc_id}) => cb(e) (cb) => @client = RealTimeClient.connect() @client.on "connectionAccepted", cb (cb) => @client.emit "joinProject", project_id: @project_id, cb (cb) => @client.emit "joinDoc", @doc_id, cb (cb) => @client.emit "applyOtUpdate", @doc_id, @comment_update, cb ], done it "should push the doc into the pending updates list", (done) -> rclient.lrange "pending-updates-list", 0, -1, (error, [doc_id]) => doc_id.should.equal "#{@project_id}:#{@doc_id}" done() return null it "should push the update into redis", (done) -> rclient.lrange redisSettings.documentupdater.key_schema.pendingUpdates({@doc_id}), 0, -1, (error, [update]) => update = JSON.parse(update) update.op.should.deep.equal @comment_update.op update.meta.should.deep.equal { source: @client.socket.sessionid user_id: @user_id } done() return null after (done) -> async.series [ (cb) => rclient.del "pending-updates-list", cb (cb) => rclient.del "DocsWithPendingUpdates", "#{@project_id}:#{@doc_id}", cb (cb) => rclient.del redisSettings.documentupdater.key_schema.pendingUpdates({@doc_id}), cb ], done