Settings = require "settings-sharelatex" User = require("../../models/User").User {db, ObjectId} = require("../../infrastructure/mongojs") crypto = require 'crypto' bcrypt = require 'bcrypt' EmailHelper = require("../Helpers/EmailHelper") Errors = require("../Errors/Errors") UserGetter = require("../User/UserGetter") V1Handler = require '../V1/V1Handler' BCRYPT_ROUNDS = Settings?.security?.bcryptRounds or 12 _checkWriteResult = (result, callback = (error, updated) ->) -> # for MongoDB if result and result.nModified == 1 callback(null, true) else callback(null, false) module.exports = AuthenticationManager = authenticate: (query, password, callback = (error, user) ->) -> # Using Mongoose for legacy reasons here. The returned User instance # gets serialized into the session and there may be subtle differences # between the user returned by Mongoose vs mongojs (such as default values) User.findOne query, (error, user) => return callback(error) if error? if user? if user.hashedPassword? password, user.hashedPassword, (error, match) -> return callback(error) if error? if match AuthenticationManager.checkRounds user, user.hashedPassword, password, (err) -> return callback(err) if err? callback null, user else callback null, null else callback null, null else callback null, null validateEmail: (email) -> parsed = EmailHelper.parseEmail(email) if !parsed? return { message: 'email not valid' } return null # validates a password based on a similar set of rules to `complexPassword.js` on the frontend # note that `passfield.js` enforces more rules than this, but these are the most commonly set. # returns null on success, or an error string. validatePassword: (password) -> return { message: 'password not set' } unless password? allowAnyChars = Settings.passwordStrengthOptions?.allowAnyChars == true min = Settings.passwordStrengthOptions?.length?.min || 6 max = Settings.passwordStrengthOptions?.length?.max || 72 # we don't support passwords > 72 characters in length, because bcrypt truncates them max = 72 if max > 72 return { message: 'password is too short' } unless password.length >= min return { message: 'password is too long' } unless password.length <= max return { message: 'password contains an invalid character' } unless allowAnyChars || AuthenticationManager._passwordCharactersAreValid(password) return null setUserPassword: (user_id, password, callback = (error, changed) ->) -> validation = @validatePassword(password) return callback(validation.message) if validation? UserGetter.getUser user_id, { email:1, overleaf: 1 }, (error, user) -> return callback(error) if error? v1IdExists = user.overleaf?.id? if v1IdExists and Settings.overleaf? # v2 user in v2 # v2 user in v2, change password in v1 AuthenticationManager.setUserPasswordInV1(, password, callback) else if v1IdExists and !Settings.overleaf? # v2 user in SL return callback(new Errors.NotInV2Error("Password Reset Attempt")) else if !v1IdExists and !Settings.overleaf? # SL user in SL, change password in SL AuthenticationManager.setUserPasswordInV2(user_id, password, callback) else if !v1IdExists and Settings.overleaf? # SL user in v2, should not happen return callback(new Errors.SLInV2Error("Password Reset Attempt")) else return callback(new Error("Password Reset Attempt Failed")) checkRounds: (user, hashedPassword, password, callback = (error) ->) -> # check current number of rounds and rehash if necessary currentRounds = bcrypt.getRounds hashedPassword if currentRounds < BCRYPT_ROUNDS AuthenticationManager.setUserPassword user._id, password, callback else callback() setUserPasswordInV2: (user_id, password, callback) -> validation = @validatePassword(password) return callback(validation.message) if validation? minorVersion = 'a' bcrypt.genSalt BCRYPT_ROUNDS, minorVersion, (error, salt) -> return callback(error) if error? bcrypt.hash password, salt, (error, hash) -> return callback(error) if error? db.users.update({ _id: ObjectId(user_id.toString()) }, { $set: hashedPassword: hash $unset: password: true }, (updateError, result)-> return callback(updateError) if updateError? _checkWriteResult(result, callback) ) setUserPasswordInV1: (v1_user_id, password, callback) -> validation = @validatePassword(password) return callback(validation.message) if validation? V1Handler.doPasswordReset v1_user_id, password, (error, reset)-> return callback(error) if error? return callback(error, reset) _passwordCharactersAreValid: (password) -> digits = Settings.passwordStrengthOptions?.chars?.digits || '1234567890' letters = Settings.passwordStrengthOptions?.chars?.letters || 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' letters_up = Settings.passwordStrengthOptions?.chars?.letters_up || 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' symbols = Settings.passwordStrengthOptions?.chars?.symbols || '@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{};:<>/?!£€.,' for charIndex in [0..password.length - 1] return false unless digits.indexOf(password[charIndex]) > -1 or letters.indexOf(password[charIndex]) > -1 or letters_up.indexOf(password[charIndex]) > -1 or symbols.indexOf(password[charIndex]) > -1 return true