import '../../helpers/bootstrap-3' import EditorLeftMenu from '../../../../frontend/js/features/editor-left-menu/components/editor-left-menu' import { AllowedImageName, OverallThemeMeta, SpellCheckLanguage, } from '../../../../types/project-settings' import { EditorProviders } from '../../helpers/editor-providers' import { mockScope } from './scope' import { Folder } from '../../../../types/folder' import { docsInFolder } from '@/features/file-tree/util/docs-in-folder' import getMeta from '@/utils/meta' describe('', function () { beforeEach(function () { cy.viewport(800, 800) cy.interceptCompile() }) describe('for non-anonymous users', function () { const overallThemes: OverallThemeMeta[] = [ { name: 'Overall Theme 1', val: '', path: '', }, { name: 'Overall Theme 2', val: 'light-', path: '', }, ] const allowedImageNames: AllowedImageName[] = [ { imageDesc: 'Image 1', imageName: 'img-1', }, { imageDesc: 'Image 2', imageName: 'img-2', }, ] beforeEach(function () { window.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-overallThemes', overallThemes) window.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-allowedImageNames', allowedImageNames) window.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-anonymous', false) window.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-gitBridgeEnabled', true) window.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-showSupport', true) Object.assign(getMeta('ol-ExposedSettings'), { ieeeBrandId: 123 }) window.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-user', { email: '', first_name: 'Sherlock', last_name: 'Holmes', }) }) it('render full menu', function () { const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) // Download Menu cy.findByRole('heading', { name: 'Download' }) cy.findByRole('link', { name: 'Source' }) cy.findByRole('link', { name: 'PDF' }) // Actions Menu cy.findByRole('heading', { name: 'Actions' }) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Copy Project' }) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Word Count' }) // Sync Menu cy.findByRole('heading', { name: 'Sync' }) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Dropbox' }) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Git' }) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'GitHub' }) // Settings Menu cy.findByRole('heading', { name: 'Settings' }) cy.findByLabelText('Compiler') cy.findByLabelText('TeX Live version') cy.findByLabelText('Main document') cy.findByLabelText('Spell check') cy.findByLabelText('Auto-complete') cy.findByLabelText('Auto-close Brackets') cy.findByLabelText('Code check') cy.findByLabelText('Editor theme') cy.findByLabelText('Overall theme') cy.findByLabelText('Keybindings') cy.findByLabelText('Font Size') cy.findByLabelText('Font Family') cy.findByLabelText('Line Height') cy.findByLabelText('PDF Viewer') // Help Menu cy.findByRole('heading', { name: 'Help' }) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Show Hotkeys' }) cy.findByRole('link', { name: 'Documentation' }) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Contact Us' }) }) describe('download menu', function () { it('have a correct source & pdf download url', function () { const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.findByRole('link', { name: 'Source' }).should( 'have.attr', 'href', '/project/project123/download/zip' ) cy.findByRole('link', { name: 'PDF' }) .should('have.attr', 'href') .and('match', /\/download\/project\/project123\/build/) }) }) describe('actions menu', function () { it('shows copy project modal correctly', function () { cy.intercept('POST', '/project/*/clone', { body: { project_id: 'new_project_id', }, }) const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Copy Project' }).click() cy.findByRole('heading', { name: 'Copy Project' }) // try closing & re-opening the modal with different methods cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Close' }).click() cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Copy Project' }).click() cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Cancel' }).click() cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Copy Project' }).click() cy.findByLabelText('New Name').focus() cy.findByLabelText('New Name').clear() cy.findByLabelText('New Name').type('Project Renamed') cy.get('#clone-project-form-name[value="Project Renamed"') }) it('shows word count modal correctly', function () { cy.intercept('GET', '/project/*/wordcount*', { texcount: { encode: 'ascii', textWords: 781, headWords: 66, outside: 11, headers: 41, elements: 2, mathInline: 6, mathDisplay: 1, errors: 0, }, }).as('wordCount') const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Word Count' }).click() cy.wait('@wordCount') cy.findByText('Total Words:') cy.findByText('781') cy.findByText('Headers:') cy.findByText('41') cy.findByText('Math Inline:') cy.findByText('6') cy.findByText('Math Display:') cy.findByText('1') }) }) describe('sync menu', function () { it('shows dropbox modal correctly', function () { cy.intercept('GET', '/dropbox/status', { registered: true, }) const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, project: { members: [], owner: { _id: '123', }, }, user: { features: { dropbox: false, }, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Dropbox' }).click() cy.findByText('Dropbox Sync') }) it('shows git modal correctly', function () { const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, project: { owner: { _id: '123', }, features: { gitBridge: true, }, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Git' }).click() cy.findByText('Clone with Git') cy.findByText(/your project using the link displayed below/) }) it('shows git modal paywall correctly', function () { const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, project: { owner: { _id: '123', }, features: { gitBridge: false, }, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Git' }).click() cy.findByText('Collaborate online and offline, using your own workflow') }) it('shows github modal correctly', function () { cy.intercept('GET', '/user/github-sync/status', { available: false, enabled: false, }).as('user-status') cy.intercept('GET', '/project/*/github-sync/status', { enabled: false, }).as('project-status') const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.wait('@compile') cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'GitHub' }).click() cy.findByText('GitHub Sync') cy.wait(['@user-status', '@project-status']) cy.findByText('Push to GitHub, pull to Overleaf') }) it('hides the entire sync section when git bridge is disabled', function () { window.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-gitBridgeEnabled', false) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Dropbox' }).should('not.exist') cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Git' }).should('not.exist') cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'GitHub' }).should('not.exist') }) }) describe('settings menu', function () { it('shows compiler menu correctly', function () { const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.get('#settings-menu-compiler option').then( options => { const values = [...options].map(o => o.value) expect(values).to.deep.eq([ 'pdflatex', 'latex', 'xelatex', 'lualatex', ]) const texts = [...options].map(o => o.text) expect(texts).to.deep.eq([ 'pdfLaTeX', 'LaTeX', 'XeLaTeX', 'LuaLaTeX', ]) } ) }) it('shows texlive version menu correctly', function () { const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.get('#settings-menu-imageName option').then( options => { const values = [...options].map(o => o.value) expect(values).to.deep.eq(['img-1', 'img-2']) const texts = [...options].map(o => o.text) expect(texts).to.deep.eq(['Image 1', 'Image 2']) } ) }) it('shows document menu correctly', function () { const rootFolder: Folder = { _id: 'root-folder-id', name: 'rootFolder', docs: [ { _id: 'id1', name: 'main.tex', }, { _id: 'id2', name: 'main2.tex', }, ], fileRefs: [], folders: [], } const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) const docs = docsInFolder(rootFolder) cy.get('#settings-menu-rootDocId option').then( options => { const values = [...options].map(o => o.value) expect(values).to.deep.eq( => const texts = [...options].map(o => o.text) expect(texts).to.deep.eq( => doc.path)) } ) }) it('shows spellcheck menu correctly', function () { const languages: SpellCheckLanguage[] = [ { name: 'Lang 1', code: 'lang-1', }, { name: 'Lang 2', code: 'lang-2', }, ] window.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-languages', languages) const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.get( '#settings-menu-spellCheckLanguage option' ).then(options => { const values = [...options].map(o => o.value) expect(values).to.deep.eq(['', 'lang-1', 'lang-2']) const texts = [...options].map(o => o.text) expect(texts).to.deep.eq(['Off', 'Lang 1', 'Lang 2']) }) }) it('shows dictionary modal correctly', function () { const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.get('label[for="dictionary"] ~ button').click() cy.findByText('Edit Dictionary') cy.findByText('Your custom dictionary is empty.') }) it('shows auto-complete menu correctly', function () { const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.get('#settings-menu-autoComplete option').then( options => { const values = [...options].map(o => o.value) expect(values).to.deep.eq(['true', 'false']) const texts = [...options].map(o => o.text) expect(texts).to.deep.eq(['On', 'Off']) } ) }) it('shows auto-close brackets menu correctly', function () { const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.get( '#settings-menu-autoPairDelimiters option' ).then(options => { const values = [...options].map(o => o.value) expect(values).to.deep.eq(['true', 'false']) const texts = [...options].map(o => o.text) expect(texts).to.deep.eq(['On', 'Off']) }) }) it('shows code check menu correctly', function () { const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.get( '#settings-menu-syntaxValidation option' ).then(options => { const values = [...options].map(o => o.value) expect(values).to.deep.eq(['true', 'false']) const texts = [...options].map(o => o.text) expect(texts).to.deep.eq(['On', 'Off']) }) }) it('shows editor theme menu correctly', function () { const editorThemes = ['editortheme-1', 'editortheme-2', 'editortheme-3'] const legacyEditorThemes = [ 'legacytheme-1', 'legacytheme-2', 'legacytheme-3', ] window.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-editorThemes', editorThemes) window.metaAttributesCache.set( 'ol-legacyEditorThemes', legacyEditorThemes ) const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.get('#settings-menu-editorTheme option').then( options => { const values = [...options].map(o => o.value) expect(values).to.deep.eq([ 'editortheme-1', 'editortheme-2', 'editortheme-3', '-', 'legacytheme-1', 'legacytheme-2', 'legacytheme-3', ]) const texts = [...options].map(o => o.text) expect(texts).to.deep.eq([ 'editortheme-1', 'editortheme-2', 'editortheme-3', '—————————————————', 'legacytheme-1 (Legacy)', 'legacytheme-2 (Legacy)', 'legacytheme-3 (Legacy)', ]) } ) }) it('shows overall theme menu correctly', function () { const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.get('#settings-menu-overallTheme option').then( options => { const values = [...options].map(o => o.value) expect(values).to.deep.eq(['', 'light-']) const texts = [...options].map(o => o.text) expect(texts).to.deep.eq(['Overall Theme 1', 'Overall Theme 2']) } ) }) it('shows keybindings menu correctly', function () { const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.get('#settings-menu-mode option').then( options => { const values = [...options].map(o => o.value) expect(values).to.deep.eq(['default', 'vim', 'emacs']) const texts = [...options].map(o => o.text) expect(texts).to.deep.eq(['None', 'Vim', 'Emacs']) } ) }) it('shows font size menu correctly', function () { const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.get('#settings-menu-fontSize option').then( options => { const values = [...options].map(o => o.value) expect(values).to.deep.eq([ '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '16', '18', '20', '22', '24', ]) const texts = [...options].map(o => o.text) expect(texts).to.deep.eq([ '10px', '11px', '12px', '13px', '14px', '16px', '18px', '20px', '22px', '24px', ]) } ) }) it('shows font family menu correctly', function () { const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.get('#settings-menu-fontFamily option').then( options => { const values = [...options].map(o => o.value) expect(values).to.deep.eq(['monaco', 'lucida']) const texts = [...options].map(o => o.text) expect(texts).to.deep.eq([ 'Monaco / Menlo / Consolas', 'Lucida / Source Code Pro', ]) } ) }) it('shows line height menu correctly', function () { const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.get('#settings-menu-lineHeight option').then( options => { const values = [...options].map(o => o.value) expect(values).to.deep.eq(['compact', 'normal', 'wide']) const texts = [...options].map(o => o.text) expect(texts).to.deep.eq(['Compact', 'Normal', 'Wide']) } ) }) it('shows pdf viewer menu correctly', function () { const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.get('#settings-menu-pdfViewer option').then( options => { const values = [...options].map(o => o.value) expect(values).to.deep.eq(['pdfjs', 'native']) const texts = [...options].map(o => o.text) expect(texts).to.deep.eq(['Overleaf', 'Browser']) } ) }) }) describe('help menu', function () { it('shows hotkeys modal correctly', function () { const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Show Hotkeys' }).click() cy.findByText('Hotkeys') }) it('shows correct url for documentation', function () { const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.findByRole('link', { name: 'Documentation' }).should( 'have.attr', 'href', '/learn' ) }) it('shows correct contact us modal', function () { const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) cy.mount( ) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Contact Us' }).click() cy.findByText('Affected project URL (Optional)') }) }) }) describe('for anonymous users', function () { it('render minimal menu', function () { const scope = mockScope({ ui: { leftMenuShown: true, }, }) window.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-anonymous', true) Object.assign(getMeta('ol-ExposedSettings'), { ieeeBrandId: 123 }) cy.mount( ) // Download Menu cy.findByRole('heading', { name: 'Download' }) cy.findByRole('link', { name: 'Source' }) cy.findByRole('link', { name: 'PDF' }) // Actions Menu cy.findByRole('heading', { name: 'Actions' }).should('not.exist') cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Copy Project' }).should('not.exist') cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Word Count' }).should('not.exist') // Sync Menu cy.findByRole('heading', { name: 'Sync' }).should('not.exist') cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Dropbox' }).should('not.exist') cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Git' }).should('not.exist') cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'GitHub' }).should('not.exist') // Settings Menu cy.findByRole('heading', { name: 'Settings' }).should('not.exist') cy.findByLabelText('Compiler').should('not.exist') cy.findByLabelText('TeX Live version').should('not.exist') cy.findByLabelText('Main document').should('not.exist') cy.findByLabelText('Spell check').should('not.exist') cy.findByLabelText('Auto-complete').should('not.exist') cy.findByLabelText('Auto-close Brackets').should('not.exist') cy.findByLabelText('Code check').should('not.exist') cy.findByLabelText('Editor theme').should('not.exist') cy.findByLabelText('Overall theme').should('not.exist') cy.findByLabelText('Keybindings').should('not.exist') cy.findByLabelText('Font Size').should('not.exist') cy.findByLabelText('Font Family').should('not.exist') cy.findByLabelText('Line Height').should('not.exist') cy.findByLabelText('PDF Viewer').should('not.exist') // Help Menu cy.findByRole('heading', { name: 'Help' }) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Show Hotkeys' }) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Documentation' }).should('not.exist') cy.findByRole('link', { name: 'Contact Us' }).should('not.exist') }) }) })