/* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS103: Rewrite code to no longer use __guard__ * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ const Metrics = require('@overleaf/metrics') Metrics.initialize('track-changes') const Settings = require('@overleaf/settings') const logger = require('logger-sharelatex') const TrackChangesLogger = logger.initialize('track-changes').logger if ((Settings.sentry != null ? Settings.sentry.dsn : undefined) != null) { logger.initializeErrorReporting(Settings.sentry.dsn) } // log updates as truncated strings const truncateFn = updates => JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(updates, function (key, value) { let len if (typeof value === 'string' && (len = value.length) > 80) { return ( value.substr(0, 32) + `...(message of length ${len} truncated)...` + value.substr(-32) ) } else { return value } }) ) TrackChangesLogger.addSerializers({ rawUpdate: truncateFn, rawUpdates: truncateFn, newUpdates: truncateFn, lastUpdate: truncateFn, }) const Path = require('path') Metrics.memory.monitor(logger) const childProcess = require('child_process') const mongodb = require('./app/js/mongodb') const HttpController = require('./app/js/HttpController') const express = require('express') const bodyParser = require('body-parser') const app = express() app.use(bodyParser.json()) app.use(Metrics.http.monitor(logger)) Metrics.injectMetricsRoute(app) app.post('/project/:project_id/doc/:doc_id/flush', HttpController.flushDoc) app.get('/project/:project_id/doc/:doc_id/diff', HttpController.getDiff) app.get('/project/:project_id/doc/:doc_id/check', HttpController.checkDoc) app.get('/project/:project_id/updates', HttpController.getUpdates) app.get('/project/:project_id/export', HttpController.exportProject) app.get('/project/:project_id/zip', HttpController.zipProject) app.post('/project/:project_id/flush', HttpController.flushProject) app.post( '/project/:project_id/doc/:doc_id/version/:version/restore', HttpController.restore ) app.post('/project/:project_id/doc/:doc_id/push', HttpController.pushDocHistory) app.post('/project/:project_id/doc/:doc_id/pull', HttpController.pullDocHistory) app.post('/flush/all', HttpController.flushAll) app.post('/check/dangling', HttpController.checkDanglingUpdates) let packWorker = null // use a single packing worker app.post('/pack', function (req, res, next) { if (packWorker != null) { return res.send('pack already running') } else { logger.log('running pack') packWorker = childProcess.fork( Path.join(__dirname, '/app/js/PackWorker.js'), [ req.query.limit || 1000, req.query.delay || 1000, req.query.timeout || 30 * 60 * 1000, ] ) packWorker.on('exit', function (code, signal) { logger.log({ code, signal }, 'history auto pack exited') return (packWorker = null) }) return res.send('pack started') } }) app.get('/status', (req, res, next) => res.send('track-changes is alive')) app.get('/oops', function (req, res, next) { throw new Error('dummy test error') }) app.get('/check_lock', HttpController.checkLock) app.get('/health_check', HttpController.healthCheck) app.use(function (error, req, res, next) { logger.error({ err: error, req }, 'an internal error occured') return res.sendStatus(500) }) const port = __guard__( Settings.internal != null ? Settings.internal.trackchanges : undefined, x => x.port ) || 3015 const host = __guard__( Settings.internal != null ? Settings.internal.trackchanges : undefined, x1 => x1.host ) || 'localhost' if (!module.parent) { // Called directly mongodb .waitForDb() .then(() => { app.listen(port, host, function (error) { if (error != null) { return logger.error( { err: error }, 'could not start track-changes server' ) } else { return logger.info( `trackchanges starting up, listening on ${host}:${port}` ) } }) }) .catch(err => { logger.fatal({ err }, 'Cannot connect to mongo. Exiting.') process.exit(1) }) } module.exports = app function __guard__(value, transform) { return typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null ? transform(value) : undefined }