const { expect } = require('chai') const sinon = require('sinon') const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') const MODULE_PATH = '../../../../app/src/Features/Project/ProjectEntityRestoreHandler.js' describe('ProjectEntityRestoreHandler', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.project = { _id: '123213jlkj9kdlsaj', } this.user = { _id: '588f3ddae8ebc1bac07c9fa4', first_name: 'bjkdsjfk', features: {}, } this.docId = '4eecb1c1bffa66588e0000a2' this.DocModel = class Doc { constructor(options) { = this.lines = options.lines this._id = this.docId this.rev = 0 } } this.ProjectEntityHandler = { promises: { getDoc: sinon.stub(), }, } this.ProjectEntityUpdateHandler = { promises: { addDocWithRanges: sinon.stub(), }, } this.ProjectEntityRestoreHandler = SandboxedModule.require(MODULE_PATH, { requires: { './ProjectEntityHandler': this.ProjectEntityHandler, './ProjectEntityUpdateHandler': this.ProjectEntityUpdateHandler, }, }) }) it('should add a new doc with timestamp name and old content', async function () { const docName = 'deletedDoc' this.docLines = ['line one', 'line two'] this.rev = 3 this.ranges = { comments: [{ id: 123 }] } this.newDoc = new this.DocModel({ name: this.docName, lines: undefined, _id: this.docId, rev: 0, }) this.ProjectEntityHandler.promises.getDoc.resolves({ lines: this.docLines, rev: this.rev, version: 'version', ranges: this.ranges, }) this.ProjectEntityUpdateHandler.addDocWithRanges = sinon .stub() .yields(null, this.newDoc) await this.ProjectEntityRestoreHandler.promises.restoreDeletedDoc( this.project._id, this.docId, docName, this.user._id ) const docNameMatcher = new RegExp(docName + '-\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}-\\d+') expect( this.ProjectEntityUpdateHandler.promises.addDocWithRanges ).to.have.been.calledWith( this.project._id, null, sinon.match(docNameMatcher), this.docLines, this.ranges, this.user._id ) }) })