AuthenticationController = require '../Authentication/AuthenticationController' EditorController = require '../Editor/EditorController' ProjectLocator = require '../Project/ProjectLocator' Settings = require 'settings-sharelatex' logger = require 'logger-sharelatex' _ = require 'underscore' LinkedFilesHandler = require './LinkedFilesHandler' { UrlFetchFailedError, InvalidUrlError, OutputFileFetchFailedError, AccessDeniedError, BadEntityTypeError, BadDataError, ProjectNotFoundError, V1ProjectNotFoundError, SourceFileNotFoundError, NotOriginalImporterError, FeatureNotAvailableError, RemoteServiceError, FileCannotRefreshError } = require './LinkedFilesErrors' Modules = require '../../infrastructure/Modules' module.exports = LinkedFilesController = { Agents: _.extend( { url: require('./UrlAgent'), project_file: require('./ProjectFileAgent'), project_output_file: require('./ProjectOutputFileAgent'), }, Modules.linkedFileAgentsIncludes() ) _getAgent: (provider) -> if !LinkedFilesController.Agents.hasOwnProperty(provider) return null unless provider in Settings.enabledLinkedFileTypes return null LinkedFilesController.Agents[provider] createLinkedFile: (req, res, next) -> {project_id} = req.params {name, provider, data, parent_folder_id} = req.body user_id = AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUserId(req) logger.log {project_id, name, provider, data, parent_folder_id, user_id}, 'create linked file request' Agent = LinkedFilesController._getAgent(provider) if !Agent? return res.sendStatus(400) data.provider = provider Agent.createLinkedFile project_id, data, name, parent_folder_id, user_id, (err, newFileId) -> return LinkedFilesController.handleError(err, req, res, next) if err? res.json(new_file_id: newFileId) refreshLinkedFile: (req, res, next) -> {project_id, file_id} = req.params user_id = AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUserId(req) logger.log {project_id, file_id, user_id}, 'refresh linked file request' LinkedFilesHandler.getFileById project_id, file_id, (err, file, path, parentFolder) -> return next(err) if err? return res.sendStatus(404) if !file? name = linkedFileData = file.linkedFileData if !linkedFileData? || !linkedFileData?.provider? return res.send(409) provider = linkedFileData.provider parent_folder_id = parentFolder._id Agent = LinkedFilesController._getAgent(provider) if !Agent? return res.sendStatus(400) Agent.refreshLinkedFile project_id, linkedFileData, name, parent_folder_id, user_id, (err, newFileId) -> return LinkedFilesController.handleError(err, req, res, next) if err? res.json(new_file_id: newFileId) handleError: (error, req, res, next) -> if error instanceof BadDataError res.status(400).send("The submitted data is not valid") else if error instanceof AccessDeniedError res.status(403).send("You do not have access to this project") else if error instanceof BadDataError res.status(400).send("The submitted data is not valid") else if error instanceof BadEntityTypeError res.status(400).send("The file is the wrong type") else if error instanceof SourceFileNotFoundError res.status(404).send("Source file not found") else if error instanceof ProjectNotFoundError res.status(404).send("Project not found") else if error instanceof V1ProjectNotFoundError res.status(409).send("Sorry, the source project is not yet imported to Overleaf v2. Please import it to Overleaf v2 to refresh this file") else if error instanceof OutputFileFetchFailedError res.status(404).send("Could not get output file") else if error instanceof UrlFetchFailedError res.status(422).send( "Your URL could not be reached (#{error.statusCode} status code). Please check it and try again." ) else if error instanceof InvalidUrlError res.status(422).send( "Your URL is not valid. Please check it and try again." ) else if error instanceof NotOriginalImporterError res.status(400).send( "You are not the user who originally imported this file" ) else if error instanceof FeatureNotAvailableError res.status(400).send( "This feature is not enabled on your account" ) else if error instanceof RemoteServiceError res.status(502).send( "The remote service produced an error" ) else if error instanceof FileCannotRefreshError res.status(400).send( "This file cannot be refreshed" ) else next(error) }