import React from 'react' import { expect } from 'chai' import { screen, waitForElementToBeRemoved } from '@testing-library/react' import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock' import ChatPane from '../../../../../frontend/js/features/chat/components/chat-pane' import { renderWithChatContext } from '../../../helpers/render-with-context' import { stubChatStore, stubMathJax, stubUIConfig, tearDownChatStore, tearDownMathJaxStubs, tearDownUIConfigStubs } from './stubs' describe('', function() { const currentUser = { id: 'fake_user', first_name: 'fake_user_first_name', email: '' } const testMessages = [ { id: 'msg_1', content: 'a message', user: currentUser, timestamp: new Date().getTime() }, { id: 'msg_2', content: 'another message', user: currentUser, timestamp: new Date().getTime() } ] beforeEach(function() { global.localStorage.clear() stubChatStore({ user: currentUser }) stubUIConfig() stubMathJax() fetchMock.reset() }) afterEach(function() { tearDownChatStore() tearDownUIConfigStubs() tearDownMathJaxStubs() fetchMock.reset() }) it('renders multiple messages', async function() { fetchMock.get(/messages/, testMessages) // unmounting before `beforeEach` block is executed is required to prevent cleanup errors const { unmount } = renderWithChatContext() await screen.findByText('a message') await screen.findByText('another message') unmount() }) it('A loading spinner is rendered while the messages are loading, then disappears', async function() { fetchMock.get(/messages/, []) const { unmount } = renderWithChatContext() await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => screen.getByText('Loading…')) unmount() }) describe('"send your first message" placeholder', function() { it('is rendered when there are no messages ', async function() { fetchMock.get(/messages/, []) const { unmount } = renderWithChatContext() await screen.findByText('Send your first message to your collaborators') unmount() }) it('is not rendered when messages are displayed', function() { fetchMock.get(/messages/, testMessages) const { unmount } = renderWithChatContext() expect( screen.queryByText('Send your first message to your collaborators') ).to.not.exist unmount() }) }) })