web-sharelatex ============== web-sharelatex is the front-end web service of the open-source web-based collaborative LaTeX editor, [ShareLaTeX](https://www.sharelatex.com). It serves all the HTML pages, CSS and javascript to the client. web-sharelatex also contains a lot of logic around creating and editing projects, and account management. The rest of the ShareLaTeX stack, along with information about contributing can be found in the [sharelatex/sharelatex](https://github.com/sharelatex/sharelatex) repository. Build process ---------------- web-sharelatex uses [Grunt](http://gruntjs.com/) to build its front-end related assets. Image processing tasks are commented out in the gruntfile and the needed packages aren't presently in the project's `package.json`. If the images need to be processed again (minified and sprited), start by fetching the packages (`npm install grunt-contrib-imagemin grunt-sprity`), then *decomment* the tasks in `Gruntfile.coffee`. After this, the tasks can be called (explicitly, via `grunt imagemin` and `grunt sprity`). Unit test status ---------------- [](https://travis-ci.org/sharelatex/web-sharelatex) License and Credits ------------------- This project is licensed under the [AGPLv3 license](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html) ### Stylesheets ShareLaTeX is based on [Bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com/), which is licensed under the [MIT license](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). All modifications (`*.less` files in `public/stylesheets`) are also licensed under the MIT license. ### Artwork #### Silk icon set 1.3 We gratefully acknowledge [Mark James](http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/) for releasing his Silk icon set under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license. Some of these icons are used within ShareLaTeX inside the `public/img/silk` and `public/brand/icons` directories. #### IconShock icons We gratefully acknowledge [IconShock](http://www.iconshock.com) for use of the icons in the `public/img/iconshock` directory found via [findicons.com](http://findicons.com/icon/498089/height?id=526085#) ## Acceptance Tests To run the Acceptance tests: - set `allowPublicAccess` to true, either in the configuration file, or by setting the environment variable `SHARELATEX_ALLOW_PUBLIC_ACCESS` to `true` - start the server (`grunt`) - in a separate terminal, run `grunt test:acceptance`