const crypto = require('crypto') const benny = require('benny') const { Blob } = require('overleaf-editor-core') const mongoBackend = require('../storage/lib/blob_store/mongo') const postgresBackend = require('../storage/lib/blob_store/postgres') const cleanup = require('../test/acceptance/js/storage/support/cleanup') const MONGO_PROJECT_ID = '637386deb4ce3c62acd3848e' const POSTGRES_PROJECT_ID = '123' async function run() { for (const blobCount of [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 500000]) { await cleanup.everything() const blobs = createBlobs(blobCount) await insertBlobs(blobs) const randomHashes = getRandomHashes(blobs, 100) await benny.suite( `Read a blob in a project with ${blobCount} blobs`, benny.add('Mongo backend', async () => { await mongoBackend.findBlob(MONGO_PROJECT_ID, randomHashes[0]) }), benny.add('Postgres backend', async () => { await postgresBackend.findBlob(POSTGRES_PROJECT_ID, randomHashes[0]) }), benny.cycle(), benny.complete() ) await benny.suite( `Read 100 blobs in a project with ${blobCount} blobs`, benny.add('Mongo backend', async () => { await mongoBackend.findBlobs(MONGO_PROJECT_ID, randomHashes) }), benny.add('Postgres backend', async () => { await postgresBackend.findBlobs(POSTGRES_PROJECT_ID, randomHashes) }), benny.cycle(), benny.complete() ) await benny.suite( `Insert a blob in a project with ${blobCount} blobs`, benny.add('Mongo backend', async () => { const [newBlob] = createBlobs(1) await mongoBackend.insertBlob(MONGO_PROJECT_ID, newBlob) }), benny.add('Postgres backend', async () => { const [newBlob] = createBlobs(1) await postgresBackend.insertBlob(POSTGRES_PROJECT_ID, newBlob) }), benny.cycle(), benny.complete() ) } } function createBlobs(blobCount) { const blobs = [] for (let i = 0; i < blobCount; i++) { const hash = crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex') blobs.push(new Blob(hash, 42, 42)) } return blobs } async function insertBlobs(blobs) { for (const blob of blobs) { await Promise.all([ mongoBackend.insertBlob(MONGO_PROJECT_ID, blob), postgresBackend.insertBlob(POSTGRES_PROJECT_ID, blob), ]) } } function getRandomHashes(blobs, count) { const hashes = [] for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * blobs.length) hashes.push(blobs[index].getHash()) } return hashes } module.exports = run