import _ from 'lodash' import logger from '@overleaf/logger' import OError from '@overleaf/o-error' import * as HistoryStoreManager from './HistoryStoreManager.js' import * as WebApiManager from './WebApiManager.js' import * as Errors from './Errors.js' import { TextOperation, InsertOp, RemoveOp, RetainOp, Range, TrackedChangeList, } from 'overleaf-editor-core' /** * @typedef {import('overleaf-editor-core/lib/types').RawEditOperation} RawEditOperation * @typedef {import('overleaf-editor-core/lib/types').TrackedChangeRawData} TrackedChangeRawData */ export function convertToSummarizedUpdates(chunk, callback) { const version = chunk.chunk.startVersion const { files } = chunk.chunk.history.snapshot const builder = new UpdateSetBuilder(version, files) for (const change of chunk.chunk.history.changes) { try { builder.applyChange(change) } catch (error1) { const error = error1 return callback(error) } } callback(null, builder.summarizedUpdates) } export function convertToDiffUpdates( projectId, chunk, pathname, fromVersion, toVersion, callback ) { let error let version = chunk.chunk.startVersion const { files } = chunk.chunk.history.snapshot const builder = new UpdateSetBuilder(version, files) let file = null for (const change of chunk.chunk.history.changes) { // Because we're referencing by pathname, which can change, we // want to get the first file in the range fromVersion:toVersion // that has the pathname we want. Note that this might not exist yet // at fromVersion, so we'll just settle for the first one we find // after that. if (fromVersion <= version && version <= toVersion) { if (file == null) { file = builder.getFile(pathname) } } try { builder.applyChange(change) } catch (error1) { error = error1 return callback(error) } version += 1 } // Versions act as fence posts, with updates taking us from one to another, // so we also need to check after the final update, when we're at the last version. if (fromVersion <= version && version <= toVersion) { if (file == null) { file = builder.getFile(pathname) } } // return an empty diff if the file was flagged as missing with an explicit null if (builder.getFile(pathname) === null) { return callback(null, { initialContent: '', updates: [] }) } if (file == null) { error = new Errors.NotFoundError( `pathname '${pathname}' not found in range` ) return callback(error) } WebApiManager.getHistoryId(projectId, (err, historyId) => { if (err) { return callback(err) } file.getDiffUpdates(historyId, fromVersion, toVersion, callback) }) } class UpdateSetBuilder { constructor(startVersion, files) { this.version = startVersion this.summarizedUpdates = [] this.files = Object.create(null) for (const pathname in files) { // initialize file from snapshot const data = files[pathname] this.files[pathname] = new File(pathname, data, startVersion) } } getFile(pathname) { return this.files[pathname] } applyChange(change) { const timestamp = new Date(change.timestamp) let authors =, id => { if (id == null) { return null } return id }) authors = authors.concat(change.v2Authors || []) this.currentUpdate = { meta: { users: authors, start_ts: timestamp.getTime(), end_ts: timestamp.getTime(), }, v: this.version, pathnames: new Set([]), project_ops: [], } if (change.origin) { this.currentUpdate.meta.origin = change.origin } for (const op of change.operations) { this.applyOperation(op, timestamp, authors) } this.currentUpdate.pathnames = Array.from(this.currentUpdate.pathnames) this.summarizedUpdates.push(this.currentUpdate) this.version += 1 } applyOperation(op, timestamp, authors) { if (UpdateSetBuilder._isTextOperation(op)) { this.applyTextOperation(op, timestamp, authors) } else if (UpdateSetBuilder._isRenameOperation(op)) { this.applyRenameOperation(op, timestamp, authors) } else if (UpdateSetBuilder._isRemoveFileOperation(op)) { this.applyRemoveFileOperation(op, timestamp, authors) } else if (UpdateSetBuilder._isAddFileOperation(op)) { this.applyAddFileOperation(op, timestamp, authors) } } applyTextOperation(operation, timestamp, authors) { const { pathname } = operation if (pathname === '') { // this shouldn't happen, but we continue to allow the user to see the history logger.warn( { operation, timestamp, authors }, 'pathname is empty for text operation' ) return } const file = this.files[pathname] if (file == null) { // this shouldn't happen, but we continue to allow the user to see the history logger.warn( { operation, timestamp, authors }, 'file is missing for text operation' ) this.files[pathname] = null // marker for a missing file return } file.applyTextOperation(authors, timestamp, this.version, operation) this.currentUpdate.pathnames.add(pathname) } applyRenameOperation(operation, timestamp, authors) { const { pathname, newPathname } = operation const file = this.files[pathname] if (file == null) { // this shouldn't happen, but we continue to allow the user to see the history logger.warn( { operation, timestamp, authors }, 'file is missing for rename operation' ) this.files[pathname] = null // marker for a missing file return } file.rename(newPathname) delete this.files[pathname] this.files[newPathname] = file this.currentUpdate.project_ops.push({ rename: { pathname, newPathname }, }) } applyAddFileOperation(operation, timestamp, authors) { const { pathname } = operation // add file this.files[pathname] = new File(pathname, operation.file, this.version) this.currentUpdate.project_ops.push({ add: { pathname } }) } applyRemoveFileOperation(operation, timestamp, authors) { const { pathname } = operation const file = this.files[pathname] if (file == null) { // this shouldn't happen, but we continue to allow the user to see the history logger.warn( { operation, timestamp, authors }, 'pathname not found when removing file' ) this.files[pathname] = null // marker for a missing file return } delete this.files[pathname] this.currentUpdate.project_ops.push({ remove: { pathname } }) } static _isTextOperation(op) { return, 'textOperation') } static _isRenameOperation(op) { return (, 'newPathname') && op.newPathname !== '' ) } static _isRemoveFileOperation(op) { return (, 'newPathname') && op.newPathname === '' ) } static _isAddFileOperation(op) { return, 'file') } } /** * @param {string} content * @param {TrackedChangeList} trackedChanges * @returns {string} */ function removeTrackedDeletesFromString(content, trackedChanges) { let result = '' let cursor = 0 const trackedDeletes = trackedChanges .asSorted() .filter(tc => tc.tracking.type === 'delete') for (const trackedChange of trackedDeletes) { if (cursor < trackedChange.range.start) { result += content.slice(cursor, trackedChange.range.start) } // skip the tracked change itself cursor = trackedChange.range.end } result += content.slice(cursor) return result } class File { constructor(pathname, snapshot, initialVersion) { this.pathname = pathname this.snapshot = snapshot this.initialVersion = initialVersion this.operations = [] } applyTextOperation(authors, timestamp, version, operation) { this.operations.push({ authors, timestamp, version, operation }) } rename(pathname) { this.pathname = pathname } getDiffUpdates(historyId, fromVersion, toVersion, callback) { if (this.snapshot.stringLength == null) { // Binary file return callback(null, { binary: true }) } this._loadContentAndRanges(historyId, (error, content, ranges) => { if (error != null) { return callback(OError.tag(error)) } const trackedChanges = TrackedChangeList.fromRaw( ranges?.trackedChanges || [] ) /** @type {string | undefined} */ let initialContent const updates = [] for (let operation of this.operations) { if (!('textOperation' in operation.operation)) { // We only care about text operations continue } let authors, ops, timestamp, version ;({ authors, timestamp, version, operation } = operation) // Set the initialContent to the latest version we have before the diff // begins. 'version' here refers to the document version as we are // applying the updates. So we store the content *before* applying the // updates. if (version >= fromVersion && initialContent === undefined) { initialContent = removeTrackedDeletesFromString( content, trackedChanges ) } ;({ content, ops } = this._convertTextOperation( content, operation, trackedChanges )) // We only need to return the updates between fromVersion and toVersion if (fromVersion <= version && version < toVersion) { updates.push({ meta: { users: authors, start_ts: timestamp.getTime(), end_ts: timestamp.getTime(), }, v: version, op: ops, }) } } if (initialContent === undefined) { initialContent = removeTrackedDeletesFromString(content, trackedChanges) } callback(null, { initialContent, updates }) }) } /** * * @param {string} initialContent * @param {RawEditOperation} operation * @param {TrackedChangeList} trackedChanges */ _convertTextOperation(initialContent, operation, trackedChanges) { const textOp = TextOperation.fromJSON(operation) const textUpdateBuilder = new TextUpdateBuilder( initialContent, trackedChanges ) for (const op of textOp.ops) { textUpdateBuilder.applyOp(op) } textUpdateBuilder.finish() return { content: textUpdateBuilder.result, ops: textUpdateBuilder.changes, } } _loadContentAndRanges(historyId, callback) { HistoryStoreManager.getProjectBlob( historyId, this.snapshot.hash, (err, content) => { if (err) { return callback(err) } if (this.snapshot.rangesHash) { HistoryStoreManager.getProjectBlob( historyId, this.snapshot.rangesHash, (err, ranges) => { if (err) { return callback(err) } return callback(null, content, JSON.parse(ranges)) } ) } else { return callback(null, content, undefined) } } ) } } class TextUpdateBuilder { /** * * @param {string} source * @param {TrackedChangeList} ranges */ constructor(source, ranges) { this.trackedChanges = ranges this.source = source this.sourceCursor = 0 this.result = '' /** @type {({i: string, p: number} | {d: string, p: number})[]} */ this.changes = [] } applyOp(op) { if (op instanceof RetainOp) { const length = this.result.length this.applyRetain(op) this.trackedChanges.applyRetain(length, op.length, { tracking: op.tracking, }) } if (op instanceof InsertOp) { const length = this.result.length this.applyInsert(op) this.trackedChanges.applyInsert(length, op.insertion, { tracking: op.tracking, }) } if (op instanceof RemoveOp) { const length = this.result.length this.applyDelete(op) this.trackedChanges.applyDelete(length, op.length) } } /** * * @param {RetainOp} retain */ applyRetain(retain) { const resultRetentionRange = new Range(this.result.length, retain.length) const sourceRetentionRange = new Range(this.sourceCursor, retain.length) let scanCursor = this.result.length if (retain.tracking) { // We are modifying existing tracked deletes. We need to treat removal // (type insert/none) of a tracked delete as an insertion. Similarly, any // range we introduce as a tracked deletion must be reported as a deletion. const trackedDeletes = this.trackedChanges .asSorted() .filter( tc => tc.tracking.type === 'delete' && tc.range.overlaps(resultRetentionRange) ) const sourceOffset = this.sourceCursor - this.result.length for (const trackedDelete of trackedDeletes) { const resultTrackedDelete = trackedDelete.range const sourceTrackedDelete = trackedDelete.range.moveBy(sourceOffset) if (scanCursor < resultTrackedDelete.start) { if (retain.tracking.type === 'delete') { this.changes.push({ d: this.source.slice( this.sourceCursor, sourceTrackedDelete.start ), p: this.result.length, }) } this.result += this.source.slice( this.sourceCursor, sourceTrackedDelete.start ) scanCursor = resultTrackedDelete.start this.sourceCursor = sourceTrackedDelete.start } const endOfInsertionResult = Math.min( resultTrackedDelete.end, resultRetentionRange.end ) const endOfInsertionSource = Math.min( sourceTrackedDelete.end, sourceRetentionRange.end ) const text = this.source.slice(this.sourceCursor, endOfInsertionSource) if ( retain.tracking.type === 'none' || retain.tracking.type === 'insert' ) { this.changes.push({ i: text, p: this.result.length, }) } this.result += text // skip the tracked delete itself scanCursor = endOfInsertionResult this.sourceCursor = endOfInsertionSource if (scanCursor >= resultRetentionRange.end) { break } } } if (scanCursor < resultRetentionRange.end) { // The last region is not a tracked delete. But we should still handle // a new tracked delete as a deletion. const text = this.source.slice( this.sourceCursor, sourceRetentionRange.end ) if (retain.tracking?.type === 'delete') { this.changes.push({ d: text, p: this.result.length, }) } this.result += text } this.sourceCursor = sourceRetentionRange.end } /** * * @param {InsertOp} insert */ applyInsert(insert) { if (insert.tracking?.type !== 'delete') { // Skip tracked deletions this.changes.push({ i: insert.insertion, p: this.result.length, }) } this.result += insert.insertion // The source cursor doesn't advance } /** * * @param {RemoveOp} deletion */ applyDelete(deletion) { const sourceDeletionRange = new Range(this.sourceCursor, deletion.length) const resultDeletionRange = new Range(this.result.length, deletion.length) const trackedDeletes = this.trackedChanges .asSorted() .filter( tc => tc.tracking.type === 'delete' && tc.range.overlaps(resultDeletionRange) ) .sort((a, b) => a.range.start - b.range.start) let scanCursor = this.result.length const sourceOffset = this.sourceCursor - this.result.length for (const trackedDelete of trackedDeletes) { const resultTrackDeleteRange = trackedDelete.range const sourceTrackDeleteRange = trackedDelete.range.moveBy(sourceOffset) if (scanCursor < resultTrackDeleteRange.start) { this.changes.push({ d: this.source.slice(this.sourceCursor, sourceTrackDeleteRange.start), p: this.result.length, }) } // skip the tracked delete itself scanCursor = Math.min(resultTrackDeleteRange.end, resultDeletionRange.end) this.sourceCursor = Math.min( sourceTrackDeleteRange.end, sourceDeletionRange.end ) if (scanCursor >= resultDeletionRange.end) { break } } if (scanCursor < resultDeletionRange.end) { this.changes.push({ d: this.source.slice(this.sourceCursor, sourceDeletionRange.end), p: this.result.length, }) } this.sourceCursor = sourceDeletionRange.end } finish() { if (this.sourceCursor < this.source.length) { this.result += this.source.slice(this.sourceCursor) } for (const op of this.changes) { if ('p' in op && typeof op.p === 'number') { // Maybe we have to move the position of the deletion to account for // tracked changes that we're hiding in the UI. op.p -= this.trackedChanges .asSorted() .filter(tc => tc.tracking.type === 'delete' && tc.range.start < op.p) .map(tc => { if (tc.range.end < op.p) { return tc.range.length } return op.p - tc.range.start }) .reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) } } } }