const fs = require('fs') const logger = require('@overleaf/logger') const Settings = require('@overleaf/settings') const { CustomHttpAgent, CustomHttpsAgent, fetchStream, } = require('@overleaf/fetch-utils') const { URL } = require('url') const { pipeline } = require('stream/promises') const Metrics = require('./Metrics') const MAX_CONNECT_TIME = 1000 const httpAgent = new CustomHttpAgent({ connectTimeout: MAX_CONNECT_TIME }) const httpsAgent = new CustomHttpsAgent({ connectTimeout: MAX_CONNECT_TIME }) async function pipeUrlToFileWithRetry(url, filePath) { let remainingAttempts = 3 let lastErr while (remainingAttempts-- > 0) { const timer = new Metrics.Timer('url_fetcher', { path: lastErr ? ' retry' : 'fetch', }) try { await pipeUrlToFile(url, filePath) timer.done({ status: 'success' }) return } catch (err) { timer.done({ status: 'error' }) logger.warn( { err, url, filePath, remainingAttempts }, 'error downloading url' ) lastErr = err } } throw lastErr } async function pipeUrlToFile(url, filePath) { const u = new URL(url) if ( Settings.filestoreDomainOveride && !== ) { url = `${Settings.filestoreDomainOveride}${u.pathname}${}` } const stream = await fetchStream(url, { signal: AbortSignal.timeout(60 * 1000), // provide a function to get the agent for each request // as there may be multiple requests with different protocols // due to redirects. agent: _url => (_url.protocol === 'https:' ? httpsAgent : httpAgent), }) const atomicWrite = filePath + '~' try { const output = fs.createWriteStream(atomicWrite) await pipeline(stream, output) await fs.promises.rename(atomicWrite, filePath) Metrics.count('UrlFetcher.downloaded_bytes', output.bytesWritten) } catch (err) { try { await fs.promises.unlink(atomicWrite) } catch (e) {} throw err } } module.exports.promises = { pipeUrlToFileWithRetry, }