# --------------------------------------------- # Overleaf Community Edition (overleaf/overleaf) # --------------------------------------------- ARG SHARELATEX_BASE_TAG=sharelatex/sharelatex-base:latest FROM $SHARELATEX_BASE_TAG WORKDIR /var/www/sharelatex # Add required source files # ------------------------- ADD ${baseDir}/genScript.js /var/www/sharelatex/genScript.js ADD ${baseDir}/services.js /var/www/sharelatex/services.js # Checkout services # ----------------- RUN node genScript checkout | bash \ \ # Store the revision for each service # --------------------------------------------- && node genScript revisions | bash > /var/www/revisions.txt \ \ # Cleanup the git history # ------------------- && node genScript cleanup-git | bash # Install npm dependencies # ------------------------ RUN node genScript install | bash # Compile # -------------------- RUN node genScript compile | bash # Links CLSI synctex to its default location # ------------------------------------------ RUN ln -s /var/www/sharelatex/clsi/bin/synctex /opt/synctex # Copy runit service startup scripts to its location # -------------------------------------------------- ADD ${baseDir}/runit /etc/service # Configure nginx # --------------- ADD ${baseDir}/nginx/nginx.conf.template /etc/nginx/templates/nginx.conf.template ADD ${baseDir}/nginx/sharelatex.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/sharelatex.conf # Configure log rotation # ---------------------- ADD ${baseDir}/logrotate/sharelatex /etc/logrotate.d/sharelatex RUN chmod 644 /etc/logrotate.d/sharelatex # Copy Phusion Image startup scripts to its location # -------------------------------------------------- COPY ${baseDir}/init_scripts/ /etc/my_init.d/ # Copy app settings files # ----------------------- COPY ${baseDir}/settings.js /etc/sharelatex/settings.js # Copy grunt thin wrapper # ----------------------- ADD ${baseDir}/bin/grunt /usr/local/bin/grunt RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/grunt # Set Environment Variables # -------------------------------- ENV SHARELATEX_CONFIG /etc/sharelatex/settings.js ENV WEB_API_USER "sharelatex" ENV SHARELATEX_APP_NAME "Overleaf Community Edition" ENV OPTIMISE_PDF "true" EXPOSE 80 WORKDIR / ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/my_init"]