sinon = require('sinon') should = require('chai').should() SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') modulePath = '../../../../app/js/Features/Project/V1ProjectGetter.js' describe 'V1ProjectGetter', -> beforeEach -> @fs = stat: sinon.stub() @path = resolve: sinon.stub().returns('path/to/integration/module') join: sinon.stub().returns('path/to/file/in/integration/module') @IntegrationProjectListGetter = findAllUsersProjects: sinon.stub() @V1ProjectGetter = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: 'fs': @fs 'path': @path 'logger-sharelatex': log: -> 'path/to/file/in/integration/module': @IntegrationProjectListGetter @userId = 123 @callback = sinon.stub() describe 'without overleaf-integration-web-module', -> beforeEach -> # Mock not finding integration module @fs.stat.yields({ code: 'mock-ENOENT-error' }) # Call method @V1ProjectGetter.findAllUsersProjects @userId, @callback it 'should call the callback with no arguments', -> @callback.calledWith().should.equal true describe 'with overleaf-integration-web-module', -> beforeEach -> # Mock finding integration module @fs.stat.yields(null, isDirectory: sinon.stub().returns(true)) # Mock integration module response @IntegrationProjectListGetter.findAllUsersProjects.yields(null, @response = { projects: [{ id: '123mockV1Id', title: 'mock title' }] tags: [{ name: 'mock tag', project_ids: ['123mockV1Id'] }] }) # Call method @V1ProjectGetter.findAllUsersProjects @userId, @callback it 'should call the callback with all the projects and tags', -> @callback.calledWith(null, @response).should.equal true