import { isMainFile } from './editor-files' import getMeta from '../../../utils/meta' import { sendMBSampled } from '../../../infrastructure/event-tracking' import { deleteJSON, postJSON } from '../../../infrastructure/fetch-json' import { debounce } from 'lodash' import { trackPdfDownload } from '../../../ide/pdf/controllers/PdfJsMetrics' const AUTO_COMPILE_MAX_WAIT = 5000 // We add a 1 second debounce to sending user changes to server if they aren't // collaborating with anyone. This needs to be higher than that, and allow for // client to server latency, otherwise we compile before the op reaches the server // and then again on ack. const AUTO_COMPILE_DEBOUNCE = 2000 const searchParams = new URLSearchParams( export default class DocumentCompiler { constructor({ project, setChangedAt, setCompiling, setData, setFirstRenderDone, setError, cleanupCompileResult, signal, }) { this.project = project this.setChangedAt = setChangedAt this.setCompiling = setCompiling this.setData = setData this.setFirstRenderDone = setFirstRenderDone this.setError = setError this.cleanupCompileResult = cleanupCompileResult this.signal = signal this.clsiServerId = null this.currentDoc = null this.error = undefined this.timer = 0 this.debouncedAutoCompile = debounce( () => { this.compile({ isAutoCompileOnChange: true }) }, AUTO_COMPILE_DEBOUNCE, { maxWait: AUTO_COMPILE_MAX_WAIT, } ) } // The main "compile" function. // Call this directly to run a compile now, otherwise call debouncedAutoCompile. async compile(options = {}) { // only compile if the feature flag is enabled if (!window.showNewPdfPreview) { return } // set "compiling" to true (in the React component's state), and return if it was already true let wasCompiling this.setCompiling(oldValue => { wasCompiling = oldValue return true }) if (wasCompiling) { return } try { // log a sample of the compile requests sendMBSampled('editor-recompile-sampled', options) // reset values this.setChangedAt(0) this.validationIssues = undefined window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('flush-changes')) // TODO: wait for this? const params = this.buildCompileParams(options) const t0 = const data = await postJSON( `/project/${this.project._id}/compile?${params}`, { body: { rootDoc_id: this.getRootDocOverrideId(), draft: this.draft, check: 'silent', // NOTE: 'error' and 'validate' are possible, but unused // use incremental compile for all users but revert to a full compile // if there was previously a server error incrementalCompilesEnabled: !this.error, }, signal: this.signal, } ) const compileTimeClientE2E = - t0 const { firstRenderDone } = trackPdfDownload(data, compileTimeClientE2E) this.setFirstRenderDone(() => firstRenderDone) data.options = options if (data.clsiServerId) { this.clsiServerId = data.clsiServerId } this.setData(data) } catch (error) { console.error(error) this.cleanupCompileResult() this.setError( === 429 ? 'rate-limited' : 'error') } finally { this.setCompiling(false) } } // parse the text of the current doc in the editor // if it contains "\documentclass" then use this as the root doc getRootDocOverrideId() { // only override when not in the root doc itself if (this.currentDoc.doc_id !== this.project.rootDoc_id) { const snapshot = this.currentDoc.getSnapshot() if (snapshot && isMainFile(snapshot)) { return this.currentDoc.doc_id } } return null } // build the query parameters added to post-compile requests buildPostCompileParams() { const params = new URLSearchParams() // the id of the CLSI server that processed the previous compile request if (this.clsiServerId) { params.set('clsiserverid', this.clsiServerId) } return params } // build the query parameters for the compile request buildCompileParams(options) { const params = new URLSearchParams() // note: no clsiserverid query param is set on "compile" requests, // as this is added in the backend by the web api // tell the server whether this is an automatic or manual compile request if (options.isAutoCompileOnLoad || options.isAutoCompileOnChange) { params.set('auto_compile', 'true') } // use the feature flag to enable PDF caching in a ServiceWorker if (getMeta('ol-enablePdfCaching')) { params.set('enable_pdf_caching', 'true') } // use the feature flag to enable "file line errors" if (searchParams.get('file_line_errors') === 'true') { params.file_line_errors = 'true' } return params } // send a request to stop the current compile stopCompile() { // NOTE: no stoppingCompile state, as this should happen fairly quickly // and doesn't matter if it runs twice. const params = this.buildPostCompileParams() return postJSON(`/project/${this.project._id}/compile/stop?${params}`, { signal: this.signal, }) .catch(error => { console.error(error) this.setError('error') }) .finally(() => { this.setCompiling(false) }) } // send a request to clear the cache clearCache() { const params = this.buildPostCompileParams() return deleteJSON(`/project/${this.project._id}/output?${params}`, { signal: this.signal, }).catch(error => { console.error(error) this.setError('clear-cache') }) } }