/* eslint-disable camelcase, handle-callback-err, no-return-assign, no-unused-vars, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS206: Consider reworking classes to avoid initClass * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ const sinon = require('sinon'); const chai = require('chai'); const should = chai.should(); const modulePath = "../../../../app/js/LockManager.js"; const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module'); describe('LockManager - getting the lock', function() { beforeEach(function() { let Profiler; this.LockManager = SandboxedModule.require(modulePath, { requires: { "logger-sharelatex": { log() {} }, "redis-sharelatex": { createClient : () => { return {auth() {}}; } }, "./Metrics": {inc() {}}, "./Profiler": (Profiler = (function() { Profiler = class Profiler { static initClass() { this.prototype.log = sinon.stub().returns({ end: sinon.stub() }); this.prototype.end = sinon.stub(); } }; Profiler.initClass(); return Profiler; })()) } } ); this.callback = sinon.stub(); return this.doc_id = "doc-id-123"; }); describe("when the lock is not set", function() { beforeEach(function(done) { this.lockValue = "mock-lock-value"; this.LockManager.tryLock = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, true, this.lockValue); return this.LockManager.getLock(this.doc_id, (...args) => { this.callback(...Array.from(args || [])); return done(); }); }); it("should try to get the lock", function() { return this.LockManager.tryLock .calledWith(this.doc_id) .should.equal(true); }); it("should only need to try once", function() { return this.LockManager.tryLock.callCount.should.equal(1); }); return it("should return the callback with the lock value", function() { return this.callback.calledWith(null, this.lockValue).should.equal(true); }); }); describe("when the lock is initially set", function() { beforeEach(function(done) { this.lockValue = "mock-lock-value"; const startTime = Date.now(); let tries = 0; this.LockManager.LOCK_TEST_INTERVAL = 5; this.LockManager.tryLock = (doc_id, callback) => { if (callback == null) { callback = function(error, isFree) {}; } if (((Date.now() - startTime) < 20) || (tries < 2)) { tries = tries + 1; return callback(null, false); } else { return callback(null, true, this.lockValue); } }; sinon.spy(this.LockManager, "tryLock"); return this.LockManager.getLock(this.doc_id, (...args) => { this.callback(...Array.from(args || [])); return done(); }); }); it("should call tryLock multiple times until free", function() { return (this.LockManager.tryLock.callCount > 1).should.equal(true); }); return it("should return the callback with the lock value", function() { return this.callback.calledWith(null, this.lockValue).should.equal(true); }); }); return describe("when the lock times out", function() { beforeEach(function(done) { const time = Date.now(); this.LockManager.MAX_LOCK_WAIT_TIME = 5; this.LockManager.tryLock = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, false); return this.LockManager.getLock(this.doc_id, (...args) => { this.callback(...Array.from(args || [])); return done(); }); }); return it("should return the callback with an error", function() { const e = new Error("Timeout"); e.doc_id = this.doc_id; return this.callback.calledWith(e).should.equal(true); }); }); });