script(type="text/ng-template", id="hotkeysModalTemplate") .modal-header button.close( type="button" data-dismiss="modal" ng-click="cancel()" ) × h3 #{translate("hotkeys")} .modal-body.modal-hotkeys h3 #{translate("common")} .row .col-xs-4 .hotkey span.combination {{ctrl}} + F span.description Find (and replace) .hotkey span.combination {{ctrl}} + Enter span.description Compile .col-xs-4 .hotkey span.combination {{ctrl}} + Z span.description Undo .col-xs-4 .hotkey span.combination {{ctrl}} + Y span.description Redo h3 #{translate("navigation")} .row .col-xs-4 .hotkey span.combination {{ctrl}} + Home span.description Beginning of document .col-xs-4 .hotkey span.combination {{ctrl}} + End span.description End of document .col-xs-4 .hotkey span.combination {{ctrl}} + L span.description Go To Line h3 #{translate("editing")} .row .col-xs-4 .hotkey span.combination {{ctrl}} + / span.description Toggle Comment .hotkey span.combination {{ctrl}} + D span.description Delete Current Line .hotkey span.combination {{ctrl}} + A span.description Select All .col-xs-4 .hotkey span.combination Ctrl + U span.description To Uppercase .hotkey span.combination Ctrl + Shift + U span.description To Lowercase .hotkey span.combination Tab span.description Indent Selection .col-xs-4 .hotkey span.combination {{ctrl}} + B span.description Bold text .hotkey span.combination {{ctrl}} + I span.description Italic Text h3 #{translate("autocomplete")} .row .col-xs-4 .hotkey span.combination Ctrl + Space span.description Autocomplete Menu .col-xs-4 .hotkey span.combination Tab / Up / Down span.description Select Candidate .col-xs-4 .hotkey span.combination Enter span.description Insert Candidate h3 !{translate("autocomplete_references")} .row .col-xs-4 .hotkey span.combination Ctrl + Space span.description Search References h3(ng-if="trackChangesVisible") #{translate("review")} .row(ng-if="trackChangesVisible") .col-xs-4 .hotkey span.combination {{ctrl}} + J span.description Toggle review panel .col-xs-4 .hotkey span.combination {{ctrl}} + Shift + A span.description Toggle track changes .col-xs-4 .hotkey span.combination {{ctrl}} + Shift + C span.description Add a comment .modal-footer button.btn.btn-default( ng-click="cancel()" ) #{translate("ok")}