import React from 'react' import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock' import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid' import { ContextRoot } from '../js/shared/context/root-context' import ChatPane from '../js/features/chat/components/chat-pane' import { stubUIConfig, stubMathJax } from '../../test/frontend/features/chat/components/stubs' import { setupContext } from './fixtures/context' const ONE_MINUTE = 60 * 1000 const user = { id: 'fake_user', first_name: 'mortimer', email: '' } const user2 = { id: 'another_fake_user', first_name: 'leopold', email: '' } function generateMessages(count) { const messages = [] let timestamp = new Date().getTime() // newest message goes first for (let i = 0; i <= count; i++) { const author = Math.random() > 0.5 ? user : user2 // modify the timestamp so the previous message has 70% chances to be within 5 minutes from // the current one, for grouping purposes timestamp -= (4.3 + Math.random()) * ONE_MINUTE messages.push({ id: uuid(), content: `message #${i}`, user: author, timestamp }) } return messages } stubUIConfig() stubMathJax() setupContext() export const Conversation = args => Conversation.parameters = { setupMocks: () => { fetchMock.restore() fetchMock.get(/messages/, generateMessages(35)), {}) } } export const NoMessages = args => NoMessages.parameters = { setupMocks: () => { fetchMock.restore() fetchMock.get(/messages/, []) } } export const Loading = args => Loading.parameters = { setupMocks: () => { fetchMock.restore() fetchMock.get(/messages/, generateMessages(6), { delay: 1000 * 10 }) } } export default { title: 'Chat', component: ChatPane, argTypes: { resetUnreadMessages: { action: 'resetUnreadMessages' } }, args: { resetUnreadMessages: () => {} }, decorators: [ (Story, { parameters: { setupMocks } }) => { if (setupMocks) setupMocks() return }, Story => ( <> {}} openDoc={() => {}} onlineUsersArray={[]} > ) ] }