let ProjectZipStreamManager const archiver = require('archiver') const async = require('async') const logger = require('@overleaf/logger') const ProjectEntityHandler = require('../Project/ProjectEntityHandler') const ProjectGetter = require('../Project/ProjectGetter') const FileStoreHandler = require('../FileStore/FileStoreHandler') module.exports = ProjectZipStreamManager = { createZipStreamForMultipleProjects(projectIds, callback) { // We'll build up a zip file that contains multiple zip files const archive = archiver('zip') archive.on('error', err => logger.err( { err, projectIds }, 'something went wrong building archive of project' ) ) callback(null, archive) const jobs = projectIds.map(projectId => cb => { ProjectGetter.getProject(projectId, { name: true }, (error, project) => { if (error) { return cb(error) } logger.log( { projectId, name: project.name }, 'appending project to zip stream' ) ProjectZipStreamManager.createZipStreamForProject( projectId, (error, stream) => { if (error) { return cb(error) } archive.append(stream, { name: `${project.name}.zip` }) stream.on('end', () => { logger.log({ projectId, name: project.name }, 'zip stream ended') cb() }) } ) }) }) async.series(jobs, () => { logger.log( { projectIds }, 'finished creating zip stream of multiple projects' ) archive.finalize() }) }, createZipStreamForProject(projectId, callback) { const archive = archiver('zip') // return stream immediately before we start adding things to it archive.on('error', err => logger.err( { err, projectId }, 'something went wrong building archive of project' ) ) callback(null, archive) this.addAllDocsToArchive(projectId, archive, error => { if (error) { logger.error( { err: error, projectId }, 'error adding docs to zip stream' ) } this.addAllFilesToArchive(projectId, archive, error => { if (error) { logger.error( { err: error, projectId }, 'error adding files to zip stream' ) } archive.finalize() }) }) }, addAllDocsToArchive(projectId, archive, callback) { ProjectEntityHandler.getAllDocs(projectId, (error, docs) => { if (error) { return callback(error) } const jobs = Object.entries(docs).map(([path, doc]) => cb => { if (path[0] === '/') { path = path.slice(1) } logger.log({ projectId }, 'Adding doc') archive.append(doc.lines.join('\n'), { name: path }) setImmediate(cb) }) async.series(jobs, callback) }) }, addAllFilesToArchive(projectId, archive, callback) { ProjectEntityHandler.getAllFiles(projectId, (error, files) => { if (error) { return callback(error) } const jobs = Object.entries(files).map(([path, file]) => cb => { FileStoreHandler.getFileStream( projectId, file._id, {}, (error, stream) => { if (error) { logger.warn( { err: error, projectId, file_id: file._id }, 'something went wrong adding file to zip archive' ) return cb(error) } if (path[0] === '/') { path = path.slice(1) } archive.append(stream, { name: path }) stream.on('end', () => cb()) } ) }) async.parallelLimit(jobs, 5, callback) }) }, }