_ = require('underscore') settings = require("settings-sharelatex") PersonalEmailLayout = require("./Layouts/PersonalEmailLayout") NotificationEmailLayout = require("./Layouts/NotificationEmailLayout") BaseWithHeaderEmailLayout = require("./Layouts/" + settings.brandPrefix + "BaseWithHeaderEmailLayout") SingleCTAEmailBody = require("./Bodies/" + settings.brandPrefix + "SingleCTAEmailBody") templates = {} templates.registered = subject: _.template "Activate your #{settings.appName} Account" layout: PersonalEmailLayout type: "notification" plainTextTemplate: _.template """ Congratulations, you've just had an account created for you on #{settings.appName} with the email address "<%= to %>". Click here to set your password and log in: <%= setNewPasswordUrl %> If you have any questions or problems, please contact #{settings.adminEmail} """ compiledTemplate: _.template """

Congratulations, you've just had an account created for you on #{settings.appName} with the email address "<%= to %>".

Click here to set your password and log in.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact #{settings.adminEmail}.

""" templates.canceledSubscription = subject: _.template "ShareLaTeX thoughts" layout: PersonalEmailLayout type:"lifecycle" plainTextTemplate: _.template """ Hi <%= first_name %>, I'm sorry to see you cancelled your ShareLaTeX premium account. Would you mind giving me some advice on what the site is lacking at the moment via this survey?: https://sharelatex.typeform.com/to/f5lBiZ Thank you in advance. Henry ShareLaTeX Co-founder """ compiledTemplate: _.template '''

Hi <%= first_name %>,

I'm sorry to see you cancelled your ShareLaTeX premium account. Would you mind giving me some advice on what the site is lacking at the moment via this survey?

Thank you in advance.

ShareLaTeX Co-founder

''' templates.passwordResetRequested = subject: _.template "Password Reset - #{settings.appName}" layout: BaseWithHeaderEmailLayout type:"notification" plainTextTemplate: _.template """ Password Reset We got a request to reset your #{settings.appName} password. Click this link to reset your password: <%= setNewPasswordUrl %> If you ignore this message, your password won't be changed. If you didn't request a password reset, let us know. Thank you #{settings.appName} - <%= siteUrl %> """ compiledTemplate: (opts) -> SingleCTAEmailBody({ title: "Password Reset" greeting: "Hi," message: "We got a request to reset your #{settings.appName} password." secondaryMessage: "If you ignore this message, your password won't be changed.
If you didn't request a password reset, let us know." ctaText: "Reset password" ctaURL: opts.setNewPasswordUrl gmailGoToAction: null }) templates.projectInvite = subject: _.template "<%= project.name %> - shared by <%= owner.email %>" layout: BaseWithHeaderEmailLayout type:"notification" plainTextTemplate: _.template """ Hi, <%= owner.email %> wants to share '<%= project.name %>' with you. Follow this link to view the project: <%= inviteUrl %> Thank you #{settings.appName} - <%= siteUrl %> """ compiledTemplate: (opts) -> SingleCTAEmailBody({ title: "#{ opts.project.name } – shared by #{ opts.owner.email }" greeting: "Hi," message: "#{ opts.owner.email } wants to share “#{ opts.project.name }” with you." secondaryMessage: null ctaText: "View project" ctaURL: opts.inviteUrl gmailGoToAction: target: opts.inviteUrl name: "View project" description: "Join #{ opts.project.name } at ShareLaTeX" }) templates.verifyEmailToJoinTeam = subject: _.template "<%= inviterName %> has invited you to join a team on #{settings.appName}" layout: BaseWithHeaderEmailLayout type:"notification" plainTextTemplate: _.template """ Please click the button below to join the team and enjoy the benefits of an upgraded <%= appName %> account. <%= acceptInviteUrl %> Thank You #{settings.appName} - <%= siteUrl %> """ compiledTemplate: (opts) -> SingleCTAEmailBody({ title: "#{opts.inviterName} has invited you to join a team on #{settings.appName}" greeting: "Hi," message: "Join the Team" secondaryMessage: null ctaText: "Verify now" ctaURL: opts.acceptInviteUrl gmailGoToAction: null }) templates.testEmail = subject: _.template "A Test Email from ShareLaTeX" layout: BaseWithHeaderEmailLayout type:"notification" plainTextTemplate: _.template """ Hi, This is a test email sent from ShareLaTeX. #{settings.appName} - <%= siteUrl %> """ compiledTemplate: (opts) -> SingleCTAEmailBody({ title: "A Test Email from ShareLaTeX" greeting: "Hi," message: "This is a test email sent from ShareLaTeX" secondaryMessage: null ctaText: "Open ShareLaTeX" ctaURL: "/" gmailGoToAction: null }) module.exports = templates: templates buildEmail: (templateName, opts)-> template = templates[templateName] opts.siteUrl = settings.siteUrl opts.body = template.compiledTemplate(opts) if settings.email?.templates?.customFooter? opts.body += settings.email?.templates?.customFooter return { subject : template.subject(opts) html: template.layout(opts) text: template?.plainTextTemplate?(opts) type:template.type }