const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') const sinon = require('sinon') const { expect } = require('chai') const modulePath = '../../../../app/src/Features/Subscription/TeamInvitesHandler' const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb') const Errors = require('../../../../app/src/Features/Errors/Errors') describe('TeamInvitesHandler', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.manager = { _id: '666666', first_name: 'Daenerys', last_name: 'Targaryen', email: '', emails: [{ email: '' }] } this.token = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' this.teamInvite = { email: '', token: this.token } this.subscription = { id: '55153a8014829a865bbf700d', _id: new ObjectId('55153a8014829a865bbf700d'), admin_id: this.manager._id, groupPlan: true, member_ids: [], teamInvites: [this.teamInvite], save: sinon.stub().yields(null) } this.SubscriptionLocator = { getUsersSubscription: sinon.stub(), getSubscription: sinon.stub().yields(null, this.subscription) } this.UserGetter = { getUser: sinon.stub().yields(), getUserByAnyEmail: sinon.stub().yields() } this.SubscriptionUpdater = { addUserToGroup: sinon.stub().yields() } this.LimitationsManager = { teamHasReachedMemberLimit: sinon.stub().returns(false) } this.Subscription = { findOne: sinon.stub().yields(), updateOne: sinon.stub().yields() } this.EmailHandler = { sendEmail: sinon.stub().yields(null) } this.newToken = 'bbbbbbbbb' this.crypto = { randomBytes: () => { return { toString: sinon.stub().returns(this.newToken) } } } this.UserGetter.getUser .withArgs(this.manager._id) .yields(null, this.manager) this.UserGetter.getUserByAnyEmail .withArgs( .yields(null, this.manager) this.SubscriptionLocator.getUsersSubscription.yields( null, this.subscription ) this.Subscription.findOne.yields(null, this.subscription) this.TeamInvitesHandler = SandboxedModule.require(modulePath, { requires: { mongodb: { ObjectId }, crypto: this.crypto, 'settings-sharelatex': { siteUrl: '' }, '../../models/TeamInvite': { TeamInvite: (this.TeamInvite = {}) }, '../../models/Subscription': { Subscription: this.Subscription }, '../User/UserGetter': this.UserGetter, './SubscriptionLocator': this.SubscriptionLocator, './SubscriptionUpdater': this.SubscriptionUpdater, './LimitationsManager': this.LimitationsManager, '../Email/EmailHandler': this.EmailHandler } }) }) describe('getInvite', function () { it("returns the invite if there's one", function (done) { this.TeamInvitesHandler.getInvite( this.token, (err, invite, subscription) => { expect(err).to.eq(null) expect(invite).to.deep.eq(this.teamInvite) expect(subscription).to.deep.eq(this.subscription) done() } ) }) it("returns teamNotFound if there's none", function (done) { this.Subscription.findOne = sinon.stub().yields(null, null) this.TeamInvitesHandler.getInvite( this.token, (err, invite, subscription) => { expect(err) done() } ) }) }) describe('createInvite', function () { it('adds the team invite to the subscription', function (done) { this.TeamInvitesHandler.createInvite( this.manager._id, this.subscription, '', (err, invite) => { expect(err).to.eq(null) expect(invite.token).to.eq(this.newToken) expect('') expect(invite.inviterName).to.eq( 'Daenerys Targaryen (' ) expect(invite.invite) expect(this.subscription.teamInvites).to.deep.include(invite) done() } ) }) it('sends an email', function (done) { this.TeamInvitesHandler.createInvite( this.manager._id, this.subscription, '', (err, invite) => { this.EmailHandler.sendEmail .calledWith( 'verifyEmailToJoinTeam', sinon.match({ to: '', inviter: this.manager, acceptInviteUrl: `${this.newToken}/` }) ) .should.equal(true) done(err) } ) }) it('refreshes the existing invite if the email has already been invited', function (done) { const originalInvite = Object.assign({}, this.teamInvite) this.TeamInvitesHandler.createInvite( this.manager._id, this.subscription,, (err, invite) => { expect(err).to.eq(null) expect(invite).to.exist expect(this.subscription.teamInvites.length).to.eq(1) expect(this.subscription.teamInvites).to.deep.include(invite) expect( done() } ) }) it('removes any legacy invite from the subscription', function (done) { this.TeamInvitesHandler.createInvite( this.manager._id, this.subscription, '', (err, invite) => { this.Subscription.updateOne .calledWith( { _id: new ObjectId('55153a8014829a865bbf700d') }, { $pull: { invited_emails: '' } } ) .should.eq(true) done(err) } ) }) it('add user to subscription if inviting self', function (done) { this.TeamInvitesHandler.createInvite( this.manager._id, this.subscription,, (err, invite) => { sinon.assert.calledWith( this.SubscriptionUpdater.addUserToGroup, this.subscription._id, this.manager._id ) sinon.assert.notCalled( expect(invite.token).to.not.exist expect( expect(invite.first_name).to.eq(this.manager.first_name) expect(invite.last_name).to.eq(this.manager.last_name) expect(invite.invite) done(err) } ) }) }) describe('importInvite', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.sentAt = new Date() }) it('can imports an invite from v1', function () { this.TeamInvitesHandler.importInvite( this.subscription, 'A-Team', '', 'secret', this.sentAt, error => { expect(error) const invite = this.subscription.teamInvites.find( i => === '' ) expect(invite.token).to.eq('secret') expect(invite.sentAt).to.eq(this.sentAt) } ) }) }) describe('acceptInvite', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.user = { id: '123456789', first_name: 'Tyrion', last_name: 'Lannister', email: '' } this.UserGetter.getUserByAnyEmail .withArgs( .yields(null, this.user) this.subscription.teamInvites.push({ email: '', token: 'dddddddd', inviterName: 'Daenerys Targaryen (' }) }) it('adds the user to the team', function (done) { this.TeamInvitesHandler.acceptInvite('dddddddd',, () => { this.SubscriptionUpdater.addUserToGroup .calledWith(this.subscription._id, .should.eq(true) done() }) }) it('removes the invite from the subscription', function (done) { this.TeamInvitesHandler.acceptInvite('dddddddd',, () => { this.Subscription.updateOne .calledWith( { _id: new ObjectId('55153a8014829a865bbf700d') }, { $pull: { teamInvites: { email: '' } } } ) .should.eq(true) done() }) }) }) describe('revokeInvite', function () { it('removes the team invite from the subscription', function (done) { this.TeamInvitesHandler.revokeInvite( this.manager._id, this.subscription, '', () => { this.Subscription.updateOne .calledWith( { _id: new ObjectId('55153a8014829a865bbf700d') }, { $pull: { teamInvites: { email: '' } } } ) .should.eq(true) this.Subscription.updateOne .calledWith( { _id: new ObjectId('55153a8014829a865bbf700d') }, { $pull: { invited_emails: '' } } ) .should.eq(true) done() } ) }) }) describe('createTeamInvitesForLegacyInvitedEmail', function (done) { beforeEach(function () { this.subscription.invited_emails = [ '', '' ] this.TeamInvitesHandler.createInvite = sinon.stub().yields(null) this.SubscriptionLocator.getGroupsWithEmailInvite = sinon .stub() .yields(null, [this.subscription]) }) it('sends an invitation email to addresses in the legacy invited_emails field', function (done) { this.TeamInvitesHandler.createTeamInvitesForLegacyInvitedEmail( '', (err, invite) => { expect(err) this.TeamInvitesHandler.createInvite .calledWith( this.subscription.admin_id, this.subscription, '' ) .should.eq(true) this.TeamInvitesHandler.createInvite.callCount.should.eq(1) done() } ) }) }) describe('validation', function () { it("doesn't create an invite if the team limit has been reached", function (done) { this.LimitationsManager.teamHasReachedMemberLimit = sinon .stub() .returns(true) this.TeamInvitesHandler.createInvite( this.manager._id, this.subscription, '', (err, invite) => { expect(err).to.deep.equal({ limitReached: true }) done() } ) }) it("doesn't create an invite if the subscription is not in a group plan", function (done) { this.subscription.groupPlan = false this.TeamInvitesHandler.createInvite( this.manager._id, this.subscription, '', (err, invite) => { expect(err).to.deep.equal({ wrongPlan: true }) done() } ) }) it("doesn't create an invite if the user is already part of the team", function (done) { const member = { id: '1a2b', _id: '1a2b', email: '' } this.subscription.member_ids = [] this.UserGetter.getUserByAnyEmail .withArgs( .yields(null, member) this.TeamInvitesHandler.createInvite( this.manager._id, this.subscription, '', (err, invite) => { expect(err).to.deep.equal({ alreadyInTeam: true }) expect(invite) done() } ) }) }) })