sinon = require('sinon') chai = require('chai') should = chai.should() expect = chai.expect modulePath = "../../../../app/js/MongoManager.js" SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') {ObjectId} = require("mongojs") describe "MongoManager", -> beforeEach -> @MongoManager = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "./mongojs" : { db: @db = {}, ObjectId: ObjectId } @callback = sinon.stub() @doc_id = ObjectId().toString() describe "getLastCompressedUpdate", -> beforeEach -> @update = "mock-update" @db.docHistory = {} @db.docHistory.find = sinon.stub().returns @db.docHistory @db.docHistory.sort = sinon.stub().returns @db.docHistory @db.docHistory.limit = sinon.stub().returns @db.docHistory @db.docHistory.toArray = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(0, null, [@update]) @MongoManager.getLastCompressedUpdate @doc_id, @callback it "should find the updates for the doc", -> @db.docHistory.find .calledWith(doc_id: ObjectId(@doc_id)) .should.equal true it "should limit to one result", -> @db.docHistory.limit .calledWith(1) .should.equal true it "should sort in descending timestamp order", -> @db.docHistory.sort .calledWith("meta.end_ts": -1) .should.equal true it "should call the call back with the update", -> @callback.calledWith(null, @update).should.equal true describe "deleteCompressedUpdate", -> beforeEach -> @update_id = ObjectId().toString() @db.docHistory = remove: sinon.stub().callsArg(1) @MongoManager.deleteCompressedUpdate(@update_id, @callback) it "should remove the update", -> @db.docHistory.remove .calledWith(_id: ObjectId(@update_id)) .should.equal true it "should call the callback", -> @callback.called.should.equal true describe "popLastCompressedUpdate", -> describe "when there is no last update", -> beforeEach -> @MongoManager.getLastCompressedUpdate = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, null) @MongoManager.deleteCompressedUpdate = sinon.stub() @MongoManager.popLastCompressedUpdate @doc_id, @callback it "should get the last update", -> @MongoManager.getLastCompressedUpdate .calledWith(@doc_id) .should.equal true it "should not try to delete the last update", -> @MongoManager.deleteCompressedUpdate.called.should.equal false it "should call the callback with no update", -> @callback.calledWith(null, null).should.equal true describe "when there is an update", -> beforeEach -> @update = { _id: Object() } @MongoManager.getLastCompressedUpdate = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @update) @MongoManager.deleteCompressedUpdate = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null) @MongoManager.popLastCompressedUpdate @doc_id, @callback it "should get the last update", -> @MongoManager.getLastCompressedUpdate .calledWith(@doc_id) .should.equal true it "should delete the last update", -> @MongoManager.deleteCompressedUpdate .calledWith(@update._id) .should.equal true it "should call the callback with the update", -> @callback.calledWith(null, @update).should.equal true describe "insertCompressedUpdate", -> beforeEach -> @update = { op: "op", meta: "meta", v: "v"} @db.docHistory = insert: sinon.stub().callsArg(1) @MongoManager.insertCompressedUpdate @doc_id, @update, @callback it "should insert the update", -> @db.docHistory.insert .calledWith({ doc_id: ObjectId(@doc_id), op: @update.op, meta: @update.meta, v: @update.v }) .should.equal true it "should call the callback", -> @callback.called.should.equal true describe "insertCompressedUpdates", -> beforeEach (done) -> @updates = [ "mock-update-1", "mock-update-2" ] @MongoManager.insertCompressedUpdate = sinon.stub().callsArg(2) @MongoManager.insertCompressedUpdates @doc_id, @updates, (args...) => @callback(args...) done() it "should insert each update", -> for update in @updates @MongoManager.insertCompressedUpdate .calledWith(@doc_id, update) .should.equal true it "should call the callback", -> @callback.called.should.equal true describe "getUpdatesBetweenDates", -> beforeEach -> @updates = ["mock-update"] @db.docHistory = {} @db.docHistory.find = sinon.stub().returns @db.docHistory @db.docHistory.sort = sinon.stub().returns @db.docHistory @db.docHistory.toArray = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(0, null, @updates) @from = new Date( @to = new Date( + 100000) @MongoManager.getUpdatesBetweenDates @doc_id, @from, @to, @callback it "should find the updates for the doc", -> @db.docHistory.find .calledWith({ doc_id: ObjectId(@doc_id) "meta.start_ts": { $gte: @from } "meta.end_ts": { $lte: @to } }) .should.equal true it "should sort in descending timestamp order", -> @db.docHistory.sort .calledWith("meta.end_ts": -1) .should.equal true it "should call the call back with the updates", -> @callback.calledWith(null, @updates).should.equal true